Baby puree "Agu-Agu": reviews, description, composition, manufacturer and types

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy body. When to start bait and which company to choose is a question that worries many parents. One of the leading companies in this field is Agu-Agu. Product reviews can be found in the article. The manufacturer of this food is the Teledisk-Holding plant. It is located in the Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district. The company stands in the village of Aladino.

Time for lunch

The main sign that the child can no longer get enough of only one's mother’s milk is the first clove. This signal was also distinguished by our grandmothers. Also, the reason for switching to another type of feeding may be the interest of the baby. If the baby enthusiastically observes how you eat, and stretches the handles to the products, then it's time to switch to new products. In general, doctors recommend starting to feed the baby from 4-6 months. However, each child should have an individual approach.

agu agu reviews

Today, many new products are designed to simplify the lives of young and busy mothers. The mashed potatoes “Agu-Agu” were no exception.

You can take a jar of mass with you on the road, on a trip, and simply feed it to your baby at home. Thanks to this product, parents do not need to stand in the kitchen and come up with new diet recipes for ordinary dishes. Baby food is designed to give the baby all the necessary elements and vitamins.

Assortment of goods

The company that produces Agu-Agu products has significant experience in the market. For over 15 years, workers have been improving nutrition for children. All products are checked by teams of specialists, which include technologists and tasters. The management constantly consults with the leading medical institutions of the country to achieve the ideal prescription. The plant is equipped with the latest machines that comply with the international standard.

Parents leave good reviews about Agu Agu. Baby puree is made from environmentally friendly products, which are purchased from trusted owners. The manufacturer claims that all products are non-GMO, dyes and preservatives.

Now on the market you can buy a wide variety of juices, fruit, vegetable, meat purees. In addition, there are "set meals." In their composition you can find a mixture of the above products plus milk, cereals, berries. For example, chicken is mixed with potatoes and cream, and an apple with cottage cheese and oatmeal. In general, today more than 30 types of baby food are produced .

baby puree agu agu

Company secrets

The lunch includes artesian water, which is specially prepared. Corn starch is also added. In some jars in the composition it is indicated that citric acid is present (in particular, in pumpkin purees). In addition, the manufacturer indicates nutritional and energy value.

The capacity of one jar is 100 grams. This is another reason why there are often positive reviews about baby food "Agu-Agu." Indeed, other manufacturers sell significantly less mashed potatoes at a higher price.

Another reason to buy products of this particular manufacturer is a rather short shelf life, as caring parents note. Mashed potatoes are recommended to be stored no more than one year. If the jar is open, then the gruel should be taken within the next day. Moms and dads are sure that good nutrition cannot be useful if it stays fresh for two or more years.

reviews about agu agu mashed potatoes baby

Caution - fakes!

Parents like that the packaging indicates the age at which you can give the child this or that food. Adults also like the price. Compared to other companies, the cost of this baby food is much lower.

Consumers also come across fakes. Many dubious firms give out their goods under the brand name "Agu-Agu." Reviews about this puree are extremely negative. Parents note that this mixture has a specific smell of animal feed. When stirred, it does not become homogeneous, poorly diluted with water. But the greatest harm such food brings to babies. In children, the tummies immediately begin to hurt, and an allergic reaction appears on the body. Moms and dads who became victims of fakes recommend that you closely monitor your purchases.

Jar mix

Many customers do not like the consistency of this fruit product. Some mashed potatoes are very rare, so it’s extremely uncomfortable to feed a child with such a dish - dissatisfied customers complain. The food spreads and even more covers up the baby. Other types of dressing are too thick. In order for the consistency to be denser, the manufacturer adds corn starch to the product.

Many technologists note that this substance positively affects the growth and development of children and is absolutely harmless. However, other parents state that mashed potatoes should be liquid. Indeed, feeding a child a sparse product is harder. But there is less starch in such food, which is harmful to a small organism.

Many parents buy Agu-Agu products. Reviews of fruit puree are varied. But most mothers claim that this top dressing has a pronounced sour smell and an unpleasant dark color. The guys eat it without much enthusiasm. Therefore, adults say that the mixture is completely unappetizing.

baby food reviews agu agu

Children's delicacies

However, choosing food for your child, you should understand: the tastes of parents and infants are very different. Doctors say salt and sugar are bad for babies. These substances are already contained in all products without exception and in the correct proportions. Therefore, if the mass from the jar seems to mom or dad too fresh, then for the child this is the norm.

If the consistency seems too fluid to some parents, then others are delighted with Agu-Agu. Reviews of children's meat delicacies are especially good. Many mothers note that it is easier to mix homemade cereals in such a puree, which means to make a kind of assorted baby. Adults also note that it is much worse when meat bait is more like a paste, because it is difficult for a child to swallow it.

agu agu customer reviews

Positive sides

Before feeding the baby, parents usually try mashed potatoes themselves. And even if the gruel is suitable for adults, pediatricians advise to give children one spoonful first. If you adhere to this rule, there will be no allergies.

Agu-Agu takes care of its customers. Customer reviews are varied, but all mothers are satisfied that the product contains no salt and sugar, which are very harmful to the child's body. For fruit purees, technologists specifically choose products that already have enough malt in them. It is thanks to this that the gruel is not acidic, but tastes good.

Many do not like the dark and brown color. But other buyers claim that a product without dyes and preservatives should look that way.

Consumer recommendations

Another of the shortcomings that parents noticed is that only in some stores can you find this product. Sometimes you have to go around for a long time before you come across a jar of the right company, customers say.

Adults also like the fact that this brand launches many new products on the market. For example, apricot puree is not easy to find, not to mention delicacies such as banana with apple and prune. Many more people praise the “Cream”, “Peach” and “Pear” fruit gruel. Some people like mashed potatoes with a milk component - “Banana, apple and cottage cheese”. Positive comments are left about the jar with the Pumpkin. Parents buy kids and a rabbit, chicken, turkey. The guys eat a mixture of "Beef plus vegetable stew." Children eat such desserts with great pleasure. Almost all babies like Agu-Agu fruit puree. Reviews from satisfied parents are the best recommendation.

mashed agu agu reviews

In addition, many doctors offer mothers to start feeding babies with canned mixtures that do not cause an allergic reaction. Before use, the product is slightly warmed in the microwave and mixed well. Babies begin to feed this dish from 3-5 months. Many parents recommend this company.

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