The middle group of kindergarten. Classes in the middle group

The middle group of kindergarten is attended by children of four years of age. Such pupils understand the relationships that exist between objects. In activity, they try to portray the actions of adults. If difficult situations arise, children try to cope with them on their own. Communication with peers and adults significantly enriches their speech.

Features of the middle group

The middle group of kindergarten

In the activities of children of four years of age, an important place is occupied by training in proper behavior at home and in public places. At the same time, organization and responsibility are formed in them. Carers explain to children what to do in certain situations and how to not. During classes and in free activities, the teacher conducts work on the development of creative abilities of pupils of the middle group of kindergarten.

The middle group of kindergarten: the image of the pupil

At this age, the child is fully formed. Each is distinguished by its character, certain preferences and tastes. Four-year-old children are very active, they want to make many friends. Often their activity confuses not only educators, but also parents. Children of four years of age almost conquer one height after another. Today was the back of the sofa, tomorrow - the windowsill, then a heated towel rail in the bathroom, a computer table. Children want to explore everything. Often such actions are destructive. It is precisely at such moments that many parents begin to send their children to kindergarten groups, where the activities of the kids are filled with communication with peers and a variety of activities in which they can release their energy.

Math classes

Middle group. Lessons

With all the pupils of the kindergarten, different classes are organized. If we talk about mathematics, it can be noted that in the younger group, educators give children basic knowledge in this area, while the complexity of the tasks of forming elementary mathematical representations involves the middle group. Classes in mathematics include training in distinguishing the constituent parts of a certain group of objects and the formation of concepts of similarity and differences between them. The educator forms knowledge that a group of objects is more than a single thing that is part of it. Already at this age, children are taught to count to ten.

Physical education with children of four years of age

In the middle group of children learn to run easily and rhythmically. Attention is paid to the formation of proper posture. The program for kindergarten involves teaching children to jump from a small height to a soft surface. Also, kids are taught to move on a Swedish hill and jump rope. The head of physical education gives the first idea of ​​throwing, teaches you to build in a line in growth and to perform turns in the ranks.

Speech development

Kindergarten groups

The middle group of the kindergarten involves planning the activities of the teacher in such a way as to give children basic knowledge about sounds and syllables, as well as about sentences. In stories from personal experience, children are encouraged to use not only direct but also indirect speech. Attention is paid to ensure that children actively use different types of complex sentences when communicating . The middle group of the kindergarten involves the formation of skills for retelling simple literary works in the plot.

The emotional well-being of the pupils

The middle group plans its activities in such a way as to form friendly relations in the team not only between the teacher and children, but also between peers. The teacher makes sure that every child is active throughout the entire stay in kindergarten in all activities. It provides a stable emotional and positive state of health of each pupil.

Middle group. Games

Educational, developmental and educational tasks

The functions of a preschool teacher are diverse. Among the main, I would like to note the provision of physical development of children. The teacher must timely teach children to perform basic movements. Particular attention is paid to the formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills. The middle group of kindergarten suggests such a regime of the day, which harmoniously fits the tasks of developing cognitive activity of pupils. The teacher’s work involves expanding the knowledge of children about people, phenomena and objects. He also teaches the selection of features of objects through sensory examination, elementary analysis and comparison.

What does a four-year-old teacher teach

The program for kindergarten

The pupils of the middle group form independence skills. Classes are held to teach them different ways of working. Gradually, children develop self-care skills. Particular attention is paid to training in game actions. All tasks can be found in the program, having found there the section "Middle Group". Games are presented in blocks. It is indicated which of them need to be planned for physical education classes, which ones - for a walk and during free activity. Manual labor in the middle group of kindergarten also occupies an important place. During its organization, the teacher solves many educational, developmental and educational tasks. Such classes contribute to the formation of a welcoming atmosphere in the team. Manual labor in the middle group is attractive for children in that it makes it possible to show individuality and creativity. Classes on the development of speech are organized according to the program corresponding to this age group. Teachers also form ideas about a healthy lifestyle in children. The program for kindergarten involves planning the activities of the teacher in such a way that it contributes to the full development of each pupil. This is possible due to the observance of the regime, which is drawn up for the middle group, taking into account the characteristics of its pupils.

Manual labor in the middle group

Atmosphere in the middle group of kindergarten

Among the tasks that the teacher solves, a special place is occupied by the development of relationships between children of four years of age. He teaches them to coordinate actions, accept a common goal and strictly follow it. The teacher takes care that each child knows how to experience the joy of the results of joint activities and to be friendly to everything around. He teaches kids to emotionally respond to the conditions of other people and to show good feelings for plants and animals. In the course of joint activities, the teacher develops creative manifestations of children, fosters interest in participating in various games. He also encourages students to engage in artistic activities, teaches them to experience success and the joy of the fact that they managed to realize their plans.

How is the development environment organized?

For the full development of four-year-old children, a social, social, spiritual and material environment is equipped. The right equipment is necessary in order to encourage children to play games and develop their imagination. The subject environment can be compared with mental activity, therefore it is so important for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. The subject environment represents the external conditions of the pedagogical process, makes it possible to correctly organize the independent activities of pupils and contributes to their self-development under the supervision of a teacher.

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