Each expectant mother has a special attitude to her health. So, in the very early stages, women worry about toxicosis and copious vaginal discharge. Later they monitor the activity of the baby and the growth of their tummy. This article will tell you what happens at 38 weeks of gestation. The child moves very actively during this period - what could be the reason for this? You will learn more about this later.
What should be the movement in the later stages?
If you have 38 weeks of gestation, the baby is actively moving and makes itself felt. What could be the reason for this? Before you find out the answer to this question, it is worth figuring out what the baby's movements should be.
At this time, the child may already be quite crowded in her mother’s tummy. The baby is about 46-50 centimeters tall and weighs about three kilograms. All movements of the child are more like stroking. The baby stretches the childbearing organ, and it may seem to the expectant mother that the fetus is about to be born. A woman no longer feels sudden shocks, as it was a few months ago. All this is an absolute norm.
In the morning, the baby must make up to ten movements. However, too active behavior should alert the expectant mother. In some cases, it is normal. Doctors recommend to play it safe and visit a gynecologist. So, you have 38 weeks of pregnancy, the child is actively moving at night - what could be the reason for this?
The beginning of normal labor
If the future mother already has 38 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is actively moving and pulling the lower abdomen, this may be a signal that it is worth going to the maternity hospital. Try to relax and not panic. While the contractions are not strong, you can take a shower and drink two tablets of the “No Shpa” preparation. In some cases, after such manipulation, all symptoms of labor disappear. This suggests that the fights were training.
The activity of the child during this period is explained by the fact that the contracting uterus exerts pressure on the baby. He becomes very crowded, and he is trying to free himself. Be sure to tell your doctor about this symptom.
If after a short rest and soul the condition has not changed, then it is necessary to collect the "alarm case" - and in the maternity ward. Most likely, you will return home already with the baby in her arms.
Oxygen starvation
If the 38th week of pregnancy is going on, the baby is actively moving at night, this may be due to the fact that he lacks oxygen and nutrients. Why, then, does the baby begin to remind of itself?
The thing is that the baby receives the main nutrition and oxygen from the placenta through the umbilical cord. When he does not like something, the fetus begins to actively massage and push the child's place. Thus, blood circulation is accelerated, and the embryo receives more oxygen.
When you feel too active movements of the baby - this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will be given a series of examinations. Most often, this includes blood and urine tests, cardiotocography and ultrasound diagnostics. The results will show the presence or absence of a problem. In some cases, the expectant mother may need an emergency caesarean section.
Placental abruption
If you have 38 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is actively moving at night or in the afternoon and there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, this may be a sign of premature discharge of the placenta. Most often, this pathology is accompanied by bleeding. However, this is not always the case.
When a child’s place is detached, acute oxygen starvation occurs , which doctors most often call hypoxia. In this case, a woman needs an emergency operation. Usually, doctors do a cesarean section urgently. Otherwise, not only the child can die, but the expectant mother herself.
Stuffy room
When the 38th week of pregnancy is going on, the baby is actively moving - what can this talk about? Perhaps the expectant mother is in a stuffy room. If this process occurs at night, open the windows and allow fresh air to enter the room.
In addition to active fetal movements, a sign of a lack of oxygen in a future mother may be unwell. In some cases, women even lose consciousness.
Wrong position or tight clothing in a woman
In late pregnancy, the active stir of the baby may indicate that he does not like something. If such sensations arise at night, you should pay attention to how you sleep. Often, expectant mothers lie on their backs and because of this, a large vein is squeezed. Blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities and a lack of oxygen occurs. Most women feel all these symptoms on their own. They begin to feel dizzy and their blood pressure decreases. However, in a dream, this symptom may simply not be noticed.
Tight clothing, which squeezes the pelvic area, also leads to constriction of the veins and stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. Try to choose loose-fitting things from natural "breathing" fabrics that will not cause you discomfort. This is especially true for night time. In some cases, even underwear can cause inconvenience to the expectant mother.
Summarizing or concluding an article
So, you have become aware of the main causes of the restless behavior of the baby in the womb. Remember that when 38 weeks of pregnancy come, the movements of the baby in the abdomen may decline. This is absolutely normal. The baby can no longer tumble as before. However, his movements must be regular. If you don’t feel a jolt during the day, then you should worry. Tell your doctor as soon as possible about your symptoms and suspicions. Have a good pregnancy and easy delivery. Be healthy!