How to prevent pregnancy

Modern medicine, fortunately, can offer you several options for preventing pregnancy, starting with birth control, which is the most reliable way: injections (or pills to prevent pregnancy), IUDs and implants, right up to sterilization. Of every one hundred women who regularly use one of these methods of preventing pregnancy during the year, only one to five become pregnant.

Using male latex condoms and diaphragms with spermicides is a less effective way. Out of a hundred women who use these methods for a whole year, twenty can become pregnant.

So is it possible to prevent pregnancy and how to do it

There are two ways to solve this issue: take drugs that are freely sold, or seek medical advice.

How to prevent an over-the-counter pregnancy

Some types of products related to the birth control series are quite commercially available. The use of this type of contraceptive, as a rule, has no side effects for most people. But there is a category of users in whom this type of pregnancy protection causes an allergic reaction.

Condoms for men

This is the most common way to prevent pregnancy. Condoms can be purchased at almost any outlet, regardless of the time of day.

This product is worn on the male genital organ in an erect state, before sexual intercourse begins, and is used only once. Most condoms are made of latex, but are made of polyurethane. Latex condoms not only prevent pregnancy, but also protect against AIDS and various sexually transmitted infections.

Female condoms

They are made of polyurethane and are also sold in city pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. How to prevent pregnancy with a female condom? This product is inserted into the vagina before intercourse, and it is used only once. If it is possible to use a male condom (from latex) instead of a female condom, use it, it is more effective for preventing pregnancy.


For this type of contraceptive, a prescription from doctors is also not required. Spermicide contains a chemical component that neutralizes sperm, preventing pregnancy. This drug is available in the form of a cream, foam or milk. The drug is applied to the vagina ten minutes before intercourse and lasts for an hour (one dose). You should not take a shower or bath for six to eight hours after applying the spermicide.

We go to the doctor

There are risks and benefits to taking birth control drugs, so in some cases you should still see a doctor and find out which form of contraception is most suitable for you.


The diaphragm with spermicides is placed inside the vagina before starting copulation. This must be done so that it covers the cervix. To prevent pregnancy, the diaphragm must be inside the vagina for at least 6 hours after sexual intercourse, but not more than a day.

How to prevent pregnancy with birth control pills

They have another name - oral contraceptives. There are combined contraceptives (oral) and mini-tablets.

The first contains hormones progestins and estrogen, which delay the work of the ovaries to release eggs. To prevent pregnancy, pills should be taken daily.

Mini-tablets contain only one hormone, progestin, which does not allow sperm to reach the egg. This type of pill is less effective than combined oral contraceptives.

Now you know how to prevent pregnancy, and you can safely plan your family.

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