The Continental Bulldog is a small athletic dog with a lively character. She is considered a great companion and friend for the whole family. The breed has incorporated the best features of the bulldog, while it has excellent health indicators and is very athletic. These dogs are playful, active and ready to accompany the owner everywhere. In this case, dogs do not need long walks. Continental bulldogs are suitable for training, sports, exhibitions and become favorites of the whole family.
This interesting breed appeared relatively recently, at the beginning of the 21st century in Switzerland.
Initially, it was assumed that the species would bypass the psychological characteristics of the English bulldog and become its improved version. For this, breeders crossed him with an Old English bulldog.
No matter how convincing the crossbreeding program was, the FCI did not recognize the result. Namely, she took an active part in breeding a new type of dog. After that, in 2004, admirers of the breed created their own club in Switzerland.
Currently, the dog is in an incomprehensible position: on the one hand, she is like an abandoned child, to whom no one cares, and on the other, the breed is beautiful, interesting and promising.
Continental Bulldog: Description
Like all bulldogs, the dog has a muscular, beautiful and athletic physique and has the following features:
- The limbs are strong, medium length, located close to each other.
- The breed is characterized by average growth, which does not exceed 46-48 centimeters.
- The weight of an adult male according to the standard is about 30 kilograms.
- The tail at the base is thicker than at the end, short.
- All parts of the body are proportional to the body.
- The head of the continental bulldog is smaller than that of the English, but it is large and oval, has a wide skull.
- The forehead does not have a deep indentation, pronounced.
- The dog has a massive, with small folds and a short neck, but it is very strong.
- The muzzle is shortened, square in shape, with the presence of small folds.
- The chin and jaw are wide. With the mouth closed, the tongue and teeth should not be visible.
- The eyes are dark in color and have a rounded shape.
- The eyelids fit tightly to the eyes, slightly covering them.
- Nose with pronounced large nostrils, usually black.
- Ears are located high, do not stop, are in a dangling state and have a small size.
- The coat is dense, thick and short.
- The undercoat is either absent or very small.
- The color of the dog breed Continental Bulldog may be different. Often it is white or black with a contrasting mask on the face or any color in combination with a black nose.
This variety embodied all the best features of the English Bulldog. The dog is neat and has a calm and attentive character. Dogs of this breed very rarely show aggression, try to listen to the owner and do not bark for no reason.
The breed of dogs Continental Bulldog is included in the category of watchdogs, thanks to this, dogs are confidently among strangers. They adhere to the tactics of "defense, not attack", do not show aggression and are not afraid. In this case, the pet is ready to make contact. But if an outsider tries to harm the dog itself or its owners, it will protect.
Photos of the continental bulldog are presented in the article.
The bulldog gets along well with the children, patient and ready to share their games and pranks. The pet is quite careful and calmly playing with them, while trying not to harm. The breed is considered to be family, so it is good for outdoor activities, picnics and walks with the whole family. It is worth noting that the animal does not need long runs. Another quality that has been passed down from the English Bulldog is devotion. If a dog trusted his owner and began to respect him, he would never betray. Any change of scenery, whether moving or a new family, is very difficult for this breed to take.
Continental Bulldog has a quick mind and a sharp mind. He easily teaches new teams. It is worth noting that the breed is not suitable for active performances. It is believed that the reaction of this pet is a little inhibited. In fact, this is not so, the bulldog has a tendency to meaningfully carry out instructions, commands and requests. Puzzles and riddles are one of his favorite pastimes.
Who is suitable for
A continental bulldog dog is perfect for people who are willing to devote a lot of time to communicating with a pet. Of course, the breed prefers private houses, but it is worth noting that she feels quite well in a city apartment. Bulldog is a wonderful dog for a quiet family life.
Dog care
The pet is unpretentious in the care and nutrition, so it is great for beginner "dog lovers" who do not yet know all the subtleties of communicating with animals.
- Bulldogs are prone to obesity, so they need to be balanced to feed. Only a meat diet is not suitable, you need to dilute the food with cereals, vegetables and bread. If the owner prefers finished production feed, then you should pay attention to premium options that are suitable for this particular breed. Mineral supplements and vitamins must be added to food.
- The dog needs timely vaccination and regular visits to the veterinary clinic.
- Wash and comb out the pet once a month. Bulldogs have short hair, so doing this often does not make much sense. Also for dogs of this breed massage is very useful, therefore, when combing, you can treat them to a pet.
- Many owners of continental bulldogs refuse to wash dogs in the cold season, so as not to harm the animal. You can replace swimming in water with games in clear snow.
- Since long marathons are not for this breed, it is best to arrange quiet walks in the fresh air at a measured pace.
- Another mandatory procedure is cleaning the ears and cutting the claws. This should be done even if the pet does not like such manipulations.
Training Features
Any dog must be trained from early childhood. Continental Bulldog is no exception. Puppies begin to learn the team from the age of two months. From this moment you can begin training, taking into account some nuances:
- Do not shout at the dog and beat her, this may be the result of trauma to the nervous system;
- in order for the puppy to better understand the owner, it is necessary to give a command at the same time with gestures and voice;
- the team should be clearly formulated;
- only the owner and no one else can be a coach;
- continental bulldogs can be stubborn and lazy, but with them it is necessary to be strict and unyielding from early childhood;
- in order for the puppy to better remember information and not get tired, you should dilute the training with games.
Although the breed is not as popular as the English Bulldog, the cost of puppies is in about the same price category. A dog can be bought at a price of 15 to 50 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the characteristics of the pet, documents and pedigree. By purchasing a puppy without documents, you can pay a much lower amount.
Many owners note that the Continental Bulldog is a calm and loyal dog, which is ideal for a quiet family life in the country. It is also said that they are very smart, restrained and understanding.
There are those who have a pet in a city apartment, without experiencing any particular inconvenience. After all, the breed has a completely flexible character. It is also noted that the dogs get along well with the children, carefully play with them, while not offending or scratching.
Also, many owners like the fact that continental bulldogs do not require special care. Wash your pet once a month is not difficult. In general, we can say that this is a loyal friend who will accompany and love his master in any situation.
When buying a dog, you should consider your capabilities. Indeed, in any case, it is necessary to care for the animal, properly feed it and periodically take it to the veterinarian. In addition, any dog loves affection and care. Therefore, you should approach the purchase of a dog consciously, realizing that this is a true friend for many years.