Kindergartens (Novosibirsk): types of preschool education, work features

Kindergarten is the first step in the education of every child. It is at this stage that children learn to live in a team, obey teachers, gain first knowledge and master various skills. In Novosibirsk, in a kindergarten, every child receives a full range of services, consisting of classes in psychological and physical development, corrective education (if necessary), and many other types. In addition to budgetary institutions, the city has private nurseries and kindergartens. Novosibirsk is one of the few cities where much attention is paid to the development of the DOE network.

Modern educational standards

Kindergartens Novosibirsk

Today, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation places high demands on places of education and upbringing of children. The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) was developed and implemented. Thanks to him, all DOWs have clear instructions on what and how to educate children. A child in the kindergarten of Novosibirsk receives all the necessary development assistance: educational, wellness, corrective. The Ministry of Education of the city is actively developing a network of educational institutions. For example, in April 2015, a d / s was opened for children with special needs. The building is located at ul. Okhotskaya, 86. Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with poor somatic health and malfunctions of the central nervous system are taken here.

Some statistics

In Novosibirsk in kindergarten

Correctional assistance is provided by many kindergartens. Novosibirsk boasts a large number of kindergartens of a combined type or compensating orientation. There are 172 of them today. Thirty-three groups are functioning for children with mental retardation (mental retardation), more than 500 groups for children with speech impairments. Separately, kindergartens for the contingent with visual, hearing and musculoskeletal impairments work. According to statistics, today 30% of gardens have a correctional focus.

Accidents (Novosibirsk)

The girl (kindergarten No. 45, which she attended, is still under close supervision), who was playing in the yard on a morning walk, somehow stuck her head under the stairs and snagged her hood. As a result, the child died of suffocation. According to the conclusions of the investigation, the teacher is to blame for the incident. The leadership of the DOW dismissed the culprit. Unfortunately, despite all the norms for the construction of kindergartens, similar incidents happen.

Are kindergartens safe? Novosibirsk was shocked by another high-profile story. The inmate of kindergarten No. 88 died in hospital from an unknown disease. The girl became ill after kindergarten, and at home her parents called an ambulance. Doctors have previously diagnosed an intestinal infection. A day later, the child died. Later it turned out that in addition to the infection, the girl had ARVI. Such an unfavorable combination of circumstances led to the death of the child. Perhaps this happened from the inattention of staff d / s to the pupils.

What are the kindergartens (Novosibirsk)

Novosibirsk girl kindergarten

Despite the fact that maternity leave is given for three years, many mothers try to return to work faster. Therefore, in some kindergartens nursery groups are open, where children from one and a half years old are taken. It should be remembered that until three years old children do not undergo special training, except for self-service skills. In groups, they are provided with toys, supervision, five meals a day and walks.

In the mass, children are sent to kindergarten from the age of three. It is from this age that training sessions with educators begin. As a rule, this is drawing, studying the world, physical education. If necessary, a speech therapist is examined.

We should also say about correctional kindergartens. Novosibirsk seeks to provide an accessible environment for all categories of children with disabilities. Therefore, there are special institutions and separate groups aimed at adapting the child with developmental disabilities.

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