The best soft food for cats: rating, formulations, selection tips, manufacturer reviews

The nutrition of pets is, first of all, their mood, well-being and life expectancy. The diet of a pet is worth considering even before it appears in the house. This is especially true for cats.

One of the options for proper nutrition is ready-made soft cat food. On sale today you can find many types of such products. How not to get confused by such a variety, because there is not always time to study each package?

What happens and what is the best cat food - soft or dry? Consider this later in the article.

soft food for sterilized cats

Feed types

All factory-made animal feeds can be divided into four types, which differ in their composition:

  • Premium
  • economy;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Let's consider each of them separately.

best soft cat food

Economy class

Thanks to advertising and low cost, the demand for these products is huge. The composition of dry or soft food for cats of this class mainly includes cereals, cellulose and offal. The meat is present in a minimal amount - not more than 5%. Preservatives in such feeds are significantly overpriced. There are also dyes, thickeners and preservatives that are forbidden to use in food. Cat food, unfortunately, is not such a product. There is no strict control of manufacturers by supervisory authorities. It exists only in some countries, but different products fall on the domestic market.

The most popular feeds of economy class: Felix, Darling, Cat Chow, Kitekat, Whiskas, All Cats, Vaska, Nasha Marka and others.

soft dry cat food

Premium class

What is the difference between these products? It often happens that the line between soft premium cat food and economy quality is very thin. The meat content in them is slightly increased - up to 10%, but its maximum amount, as a rule, does not exceed 20%.

Due to the fact that the percentage of meat is increased, less offal is present in the composition. The result is a more or less tolerable product. When choosing it, you must carefully read the label - the composition should be indicated on it in detail.

The list of premium soft foods for cats: Happy Cat, Pronature, ProPac, Animonda, Pro Plan and others.

The composition of such products also contains colorants, flavors and preservatives.

Super Premium

No harmful substances must be present in the feed of this class. The composition includes offal, cereals and a small amount of meat.

The most famous feeds of super-premium class: Blitz, Leonardo, Iams, Arden Grange, 1st Choice, Bozita, Eagle Pack and others.


This is a soft food for cats of the new generation. They are designed specifically for small pets. They include only high-quality products that can be eaten even by people. They lack vegetable proteins, GMO products, dyes and other harmful additives. Such food is completely natural, but its price is quite high.

Popular common holivics: NOW Natural Holistic, 1st Choice Holistic, GO Natural Holistic, Grandorf Farmina N&D.

Properly selected and well-balanced food is an excellent food for pets throughout their life.

If necessary, today you can purchase:

  • Easily digestible and digestible compositions for pets with allergies or food intolerances:
  • dietary, which are recommended after past illnesses;
  • soft food for cats with CRF (chronic renal failure) or gastrointestinal tract;
  • a special dietary product for diseases of the urinary system.

Important nuances when feeding cats

In order for the cat to have energy, he needs animal protein, which is found in poultry, animals and fish. This is the most important component, so it should be present on the label with a note which meat was used in its preparation. Minerals and vitamins are no less important for pets: vitamins of groups A, C, D, E, folic, nicotinic and phosphoric acid, ferrous sulfate, taurine and others.

As for the frequency of feeding the animal, many owners simply try to ensure that their pets’s bowl is not empty. In some cases, this is not recommended, for example, if the cat is neutered, this will certainly lead to obesity. It is important to control the diet, it is indicated on the package of any feed.

Regarding the components, it is worth noting that animal fats and grains are not the most necessary components for these animals. The manufacturer adds them to increase the composition of complex carbohydrates. Cereals (corn, rice) can be included even in good formulations.

When choosing soft cat food, you need to remember that the quality of the product does not depend on its value. There is absolutely no correlation between the popularity of a product and its quality or beautiful vibrant packaging and good composition.

If you decide to change the feed to a better one, you should not do it right away, because it will cause at least an unpleasant sensation in the pet. This should be done gradually, starting with small doses, even if the composition is similar.

You can not feed animals in the morning with an economy-class product, and in the evening a super-premium class. If you give the cat one food, then you need to give it constantly. Some owners mistakenly believe that their pet is tired of eating the same thing. It's a delusion.

If the cat has stopped eating soft food, there may be several reasons. For example, a product has deteriorated due to improper storage or has lost its taste. It may be bad and tasteless. It is important to buy quality products. A decrease in appetite in an animal can be caused by stress. Also, the cause may be unwell or illness.

What to look at the packaging

Taking the cat food (soft, dry) from the shelf in the store, you need to look not only at the front of the package, but also at the back, since it is on it that the exact composition of the product is indicated in grams or percent:

  1. The first component that is worth paying attention to is offal. Many understand that this is something natural, but what exactly? Offal is called meat waste. Moreover, they can be very different: bones, hooves, skin, beak and more. This is known only to the producer, therefore, a feed having a high content of animal protein, of unknown quality, simply cannot be good and useful.
  2. The second important component is meat. It is desirable that it constitute the largest part of the feed.
  3. Another interesting component in the composition of the feed is the flour from the meat product. In principle, these are in fact the same offal, only ground into flour.
  4. Minerals and vitamins. Many manufacturers besides these words have not written anything else. All these elements must be specified.
  5. One component is taurine. This amino acid is familiar to all cat breeders.
  6. Some foods contain lactobacilli, a good digestive aid. The name is often indicated in Latin.
  7. Caramel and sugar are another component of feed. It occurs mainly in economy class products. Sugar is needed to induce appetite, but for cats it is quite harmful.
soft food for cats with chronic kidney disease

Dry cat food rating

It is very important to choose a quality product. But how not to get lost in the abundance of goods? To help the reader, we suggest studying the rating of cat food.

1. Royal Canin

In first place in our ranking of Royal Canin. According to customer reviews, this is perhaps the most popular and widely available product that cats really like. Food belongs to the premium class. The range includes many different food options for all ages and breeds. For example, there is a Royal Canin dry cat food:

  • for adult animals;
  • kittens;
  • sterilized and neutered pets;
  • pregnant
  • British, Maine Coons and other fastidious breeds;
  • animals with sensitive digestion.

There is a product even for removing wool from the stomach, and many others.

The composition of this feed is perfectly balanced. The product includes natural meat, mineral and vitamin complexes, and other useful substances necessary for health and vital functions.

soft cat food premium class list

2. Purina Pro Plan

The second place was taken by the dry food for cats, "Proplan Purina". It also belongs to the premium class. Many cats love him. The line of this product is not as large as the previous feed, but quite diverse. You can choose the food based on the age of the pet and the general state of its health. The manufacturer offers dry cat food with the following specifics:

  • for sterilized and neutered animals;
  • pregnant cats;
  • wool removal, normalization of digestion, dental health;
  • pets with sensitive skin;
  • cats that do not leave home or, conversely, lead a very active lifestyle, and other options.
Hill's cat food

3. Hill's

Also premium food, but its cost is already slightly higher. Hills has long been popular all over the world. The manufacturer focuses primarily on the individual needs of pets. So, for example, the line includes power for:

  • weight control;
  • treatment and prevention of ICD;
  • care for the liver, kidneys, digestive system;
  • for animals with hypersensitivity to food and allergies.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer offers not only everyday, but also dietary products to solve various health problems.

the cat stopped eating soft food

4. Mera Cat

In fourth place is German-made Mera Cat feed. In our country, he appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to gain popularity and love of pets. The food belongs to the super-premium class, since the composition includes exclusively natural ingredients without preservatives and dyes. This product is divided into different types, depending on:

  • the age of the animal;
  • general state of his health.

5. Acana

Dry food of this brand belongs to the super-premium class and is produced in Canada. It contains almost 50% of natural meat, natural vegetables, fruits and berries, which allows you to achieve a full balance of all vitamins and minerals needed for pets. "Akana" includes several lines of feed:

  • for animals of all breeds;
  • by age of the pet;
  • food, which contains an increased amount of meat and protein;
  • food for cats with allergies.

6. Whiskas

Economy class food. It is popular for its low prices. However, one should not forget about the “price-quality” ratio. Viskas veterinarians do not recommend it because it contains a minimum of natural meat, vitamins and proteins. In addition, the manufacturer does not take into account the individual needs of animals, dividing the product line only with an emphasis on age:

  • kittens;
  • age from 1 to 7 years;
  • more than 7 years.

Consider the rating of soft food for cats. It included the best and most popular products.

1. Purina Pro Plan

In this rating, soft food for cats "Purina" occupies the first position. As was noted above in the article, these are inexpensive products related to the premium class. Some buyers appreciate it for the price, others for the good composition and benefits for pets. Soft food for cats "Proplan" is divided into different types and types, so it is possible to choose the nutrition for each animal individually.

2. Royal Canin

Soft food for cats "Royal Canin" took second place. It is considered one of the most popular products for furry pets at home. Wet food of this brand, like dry, the manufacturer offers in a large assortment, providing customers with a huge line of products.

3. Butcher`s

This best soft cat food ranks third in our ranking. The food belongs to the super-premium class, which is a guarantee that all the nutritional needs of the pet will be fully satisfied. The manufacturer offers a fairly extensive line, which is designed for pets of different ages and breeds. All cans contain natural meat, minerals and vitamins. Thanks to the gluten-free formula, this food can be safely given even to animals with sensitive digestion or allergies.

4. Gourmet Gold

Under the brand name Gourmet Gold are available both canned and spider. This manufacturer focuses not so much on the particular health of pets and their age, but on taste. Today on the shelves of shops you can find soft food for cats "Gourmet Gold", which has eleven different tastes of meat, fish and poultry. Products of this brand are produced in a variety of forms: paste, souffle, pieces in jelly, pieces in sauce. In addition to the meat components of the ingredients, for example, various vegetables or pasta are added to it, which justifies the name of this brand.

Soft food for sterilized cats

People with the studied pets have always had a special relationship. This animal has been a pet's favorite person for many years.

In the modern world, many owners in order to avoid problems with offspring and an unpleasant odor carry out a special procedure - sterilization. The needs and nutritional algorithm of animals that have gone through this operation have some nuances. The reason is that after the intervention, the body undergoes serious changes: the hormonal background changes, the metabolic processes slow down, and due to this, the appetite increases significantly. Such individuals are shown a special diet.

The first and most important thing to consider is that the energy requirements of the animals that have undergone the procedure are much less than those of ordinary cats. Because of what, it is necessary to reduce the number of calories that an animal consumes by about 25-30%. If this is not done, then the furry friend will begin to gain weight, which may ultimately lead to obesity.

Therefore, the nutrition in such cats should be specialized. For this, it is necessary to switch to specially developed feeds of good quality. In no case should pets be allowed to eat home-made food. Not only does it not provide the body with the necessary vitamins, it can also be a danger to the health of the animal. Very often, in addition to gaining excess weight, such a diet threatens diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems.

Diet of a sterilized cat. Features

Specialists recommend the use of special soft food for sterilized cats. Here are the reasons why you should do this:

  1. This food does not contain excess calories, which reduces the risk of obesity, even for cats who like to eat a lot. Still, such food is easily digested and contains a large amount of protein, which helps the pet eat more quickly.
  2. The composition of the feed contains a lot of water, and this is the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. The fact is that cats themselves drink little water, and for castrated individuals this increases the risk of kidney problems. In wet canned food, the moisture content is approximately 70% of the volume, which greatly increases the amount of fluid entering the animal’s body.
  3. Among all types of food, cats are more likely to eat soft food. Such a product has a more pronounced smell and taste, which attracts the animal when choosing food the most. The composition of soft food for cats is well balanced and diverse.

Now let's move on to the rules of animal nutrition.

It is best to divide the daily rate of food for the cat into 4 portions. It is also necessary to pour clean water into the bowl all the time. It is necessary to monitor the composition of the feed, it should include all the substances necessary for the pet's body. But there should not be excess macronutrients, otherwise the development of urolithiasis is possible. It is always worth observing the recommendations written on the packaging about the daily intake and adhere to them.

If the cat began to rapidly gain weight, then it is necessary to reduce not the number of feedings, but the portion. You can try to make your pet more mobile by purchasing new toys for her.

When choosing wet food for an animal, you should not engage in savings. Food should be marked "for sterilized cats" and be premium. It is important not to be confused with diet food, a healthy and active cat simply will not get enough of it.

Mixing the types of feeding is a significant mistake, if the cat switched to industrial food, then this is great, and so be it.

You should not jump all the time from one company to another. If a cat eats with pleasure a certain soft food, looks healthy and playful, and its coat is in order, then it is worth choosing this brand. The body of the pet gets used to a certain type of food, so experiments are superfluous here. Due to the imbalance of macronutrients, an upset stomach or dysbiosis can occur. So all types of food should be one firm. The best dietary option for sterilized animals is considered by veterinarians to be a mixture of dry and soft cat foods. It is recommended to do this like this: two to three days, one type of food, and the next couple of days another. This type of diet is considered the most balanced and most safe for health. You should never give animals feed sold in a regular store. This economy-class food has an incomprehensible composition and is of poor quality. To do this, there are pet stores with a line of dry and wet feeds with an optimal composition.

It is worth remembering that each cat is special, and the approach to choosing food should be individual for each individual. And if everything is done correctly, then sterilization will almost double the life of a pet. Indeed, in which case it is not food that is to blame, but the person who has taken responsibility for the animal!

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