Interesting physical exercises for preschoolers with movements

Perseverance is not a characteristic feature that is characteristic of children. Especially young. Most babies need movement. Given this need, educators and teachers in institutions provide physical education for preschool children and young children in the process of long-term educational activities. Warm up takes off the load, gives you the opportunity to relax, switch attention, which then is easier for them to concentrate on compulsory thematic classes.

Minute to rest

Getting an education requires a lot of nervous tension. All the senses of the child are pressed not only by the information required for memorization, but also by the need for a long period of time to be in a static position - sitting upright, hands folded on their knees or school desk. In children three to four years old, patience to stay in a similar position ends after ten minutes, and in some even less. Seven-year periods can sit still a little more - 15 minutes. Further, they need not just to change their position, but to warm up properly. But too long and energetic pauses can knock them out of the educational track for a long time, therefore, they allocate a little time for fun physical minutes for preschool children and junior high school students. But after the educational process, as a bonus, and sometimes in order to consolidate the passed material in the form of a game - about 15-20 minutes.

To understand that a child is tired of the wisdom of science is not difficult. The first signal is a loss of interest in what is happening. In children, it manifests itself in different ways. Some begin to spin, others yawn, and others talk to each other. The second signal for the teacher or educator is that it is time to take a break in class - either the silence in the room and the lethargy of the children, which is unusual for the topic, or the excessive noise from their loud conversations with each other. The reaction to fatigue from an excess of information that they are no longer able to absorb depends largely on the age range of the audience. The best solution in this situation is a physical minute for preschoolers with movements. In them it is more intense and longer than in primary school children. The technique doesn’t work here: "We read, we wrote, our fingers are tired." Need a more interesting program. Therefore, in today's kindergartens so much effort and time is devoted to creating physical education.

Thematic physics

Emotional and mental stress in children during classes must be removed not only quickly and effectively, but also correctly so that the resumption of the learning process yields excellent results. It is important to switch their interest, but not take away from the topic. So, mathematical physical minutes for preschoolers will help them learn material on addition and subtraction. A small introduction at the beginning of the break can distract from what has ceased to interest them, and arouse attention to the new process. Before fixing mathematical problems on the example of shifting apples from one basket to another, which are located in different corners of the room, children can guess riddles for several minutes or recall favorite fairy tales. Then, running between the baskets, train the score and stretch the muscles. Both fun and useful.

Cause - time, fun - hour

As a rule, an educational lesson in kindergarten lasts 20-25 minutes, taking into account a short break for a warm-up. Pauses can fill simple movements in the form of dances of little ducklings or other birds and animals. Children will be asked to come up with and repeat the gestures of those of our smaller brothers, whom they know well. Such musical physical exercises for preschoolers are the most common way to relax muscles and attention in the classroom. In time, they take several minutes and are held in the form of a game. These breaks are arranged approximately in the middle of classes. That is, ten minutes after the start. Sometimes earlier, if the kids are very small. Often not one, but two physical minutes of a different kind are carried out. Then the effect of classes increases. It is important not to get carried away and not to forget that the main thing is not a game, but a learning process.

The complexity of the exercises and the topic of the breaks depend on the age of the children and the material that they need to learn. In many ways, the current season plays a role. So, a physical minute in winter for preschoolers using cottonballs in the form of snowballs will be more appropriate than in summer. And multi-colored leaves: yellow, orange, red, brown, which must be collected and arranged in piles depending on the color, will help to better remember the palette in the fall than in the spring. In this exercise, a lot has an educational or educational effect. For example, the shape of leaf plates will teach you to recognize geometric shapes, color - color. Their unequal number - remember the numbers. Leaning or crouching behind a sheet - stretch your muscles.

Cheerful fizminutka

The movements that children will be offered during the period of a physical pause should be simple and understandable. Ideally, in addition to reflecting the subjects of classes, the warm-up should be directed to the development of the largest possible muscle group. It can be turns, jumps, somersaults. Uncomplicated, energetic, but not excessive. Fizminutki about animals are effective enough for preschoolers. Children of the younger groups can repeat the movements of a cat, dog, monkey. Seniors - tiger, deer, turtles. By this age, they should already know a lot about them. Properly selected exercises will help not only to stretch and rest, but also to strengthen the respiratory system, as well as the cardiovascular system. They have a positive effect on nerves and brain activity.

Scenery and props

Various objects prepared for this help to captivate children with an interesting and useful physical pause. In most cases, they are sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, hoops, hockey sticks, skis, tennis rackets and the like. Often in the form of a visual aid are vegetables and fruits. However, using any item, whether it’s a toy or light kitchen utensils, stationery or even elements of the space surrounding us, you can come up with and have a fun physical session for preschoolers. There would be a fantasy and a desire to approach the process from a creative side. The more unexpected the use of a familiar subject, the more interesting it is for children. And the effect of comparing and memorizing the material will be greater.

Today it is not difficult to find literature with examples of various fascinating physical notes. But invented by a teacher or educator on their own, with a focus on the individuality of their wards, will bring more benefits. In one kindergarten group, as a rule, children with different mental and physical development, character traits differing from each other are gathered. They can belong to the completely polar layers of society and social groups. The only thing that unites them is the age range. Therefore, when thinking about pauses during the learning process, one should take into account the characteristic features of their pupils and their physical health. Physics for pre-schoolers in poems will be useful to those who are distinguished by an enviable memory. And whoever has problems with this can get a deep mental trauma.

Mathematical physics

So using various items. Some are more skillfully able to use them in the warm-up process, others - and not at all know how to hold them in their hands. The use of the wrong props may not only contribute to consolidating the material covered, but also nullify a series of classes, and firmly lodge a rejection of the topic in the child’s mind. For example, if there are children in the group who have problems with memory and speech, for them you can choose simple rhyming text exercises, but carefully monitor that they are for the good, and not to the detriment.

A winter physical winter for preschoolers in the fresh air using real snowballs will be useful only if all the guys are distinguished by excellent health. Otherwise, it is better to conduct it indoors, having prepared crumpled sheets of white paper or tied into separate knots of fabric for this purpose. It is easy to throw such “snowballs”, and they will not be able to injure anyone. And the physical minute will turn out to be funny and energetic.

Sounds of a miracle

Of great importance is also the musical accompaniment of the workouts. Especially if they need to be directed to the development of coordination of children's movements. Most often, an unobtrusive or, conversely, familiar melody is used, but without words. A song with a text can go against what the teacher says, and further disperse the attention of children. And the main reason for holding warm-ups is just the opportunity to switch their interest and concentrate on something different from the educational topic. Musical physics minutes for preschoolers are carried out using either a finished track recorded on tape or a digital reproducer, or to the accompaniment of a piano, accordion or button accordion - the most common instruments in our kindergartens.

Depending on the warm-up task, the planned speed or energy of the proposed movements, the music is selected. As already noted, this can be a tune quite familiar to children. And what do our children watch most often and how can they know these or those songs? Of course, from the cartoons. "Masha and the Bear", "Smeshariki", "Luntik" - today the most popular domestic animated series. Introductory musical themes to them are quite recognizable and are perceived by children from the beginning as something fabulous and fun. Fizminutka for preschoolers to the music of the above cartoons is able in seconds to switch their attention from learning and set up the game.

Musical physics

But making a tune recognizable is easy. Any song, cartoon, if you give your child to listen to or watch them a certain number of times, can create in his imagination a certain image, a set of movements, awaken a cheerful or lyrical mood when listening.

The same physicals with music and movements for preschoolers over time can bother them. Therefore, it is important to replace them with new ones as often as possible. Having a fairly large stock of various exercises, they can be alternated. Periodically returning to something well-known is also quite useful - this contributes to the development of memory and the formation of associations. Properly selected and conducted physical minutes are no less educational impact than boring thematic classes. Any science can be comprehended during the game.

The world around

Warm up is necessary not only during the educational process. Many children like to sculpt from clay, dough, clay, draw, put puzzles. And sometimes they are so carried away that they can sit, bending over the table, for a rather long period of time. Calm children - rest for the educator, but this is not the peace that pleases. A weak skeleton, being in a certain position, can be deformed and cause many diseases, the most common of which is scoliosis. Fizminutki for preschoolers in the process of long educational or developmental activities are aimed precisely at relieving stress of the whole body of the child, the proper development of his skeletal and muscular system, and not only. Even a small set of physical exercises helps to fill the brain cells with oxygen and enhances its mental activity.

You can come up with a fascinating workout with movements, music, rhymes from everything that surrounds the guys at the moment or exists in their imagination. Walking on the street, you can repeat the movements of trees fanned by the wind. Hands will depict the slopes of the branches, and fingers - the movement of foliage. Actively, visually, captivating and useful. Or, a military-oriented physics briefing for preschoolers is able to recreate soldiers' everyday life by crawling, marching, dashing from one conditional shelter to another. It is important to give children the opportunity to plunge into the appropriate atmosphere. Applying camouflage makeup to your face will help - not only boys, but girls will like it, and, of course, invigorating, motivating music. Children will never forget such activities.

Another favorite topic for physical students, especially young children, is fairy tales or cartoons. Few of them will refuse to spend some time in the image of their favorite character. The idea of ​​an active game based on well-known works is also a fairly simple process on the organizational side. Simple fake objects, such as a little red riding hood and a basket, will turn any girl into a familiar heroine of the famous work in a matter of seconds. Physics for fairy tales for preschoolers, like all warm-up pauses, should also be active. Going from tree to tree, repeating the character’s text in negotiations with the Wolf is not quite what you need. Physical warm-up is not a thematic matinee. A different approach is needed here.

Fairy chest

An excellent technique is the mixing of works or individual elements from them into one small physical minute. What and what to connect with will help determine the topic of an educational or developing activity that is planned for a particular time. For example, in the program content of the lesson, children are introduced to such concepts as “good” and “bad”. You can play the topic in different ways. Natural phenomena: the sun, wind, frost, rain, snow and the like are known to children even of the youngest preschool age. That the sun is good, and the rain is bad, for them an axiom by definition. And if this is not so? The burning sun dries plants, they can wither. Not only trees, grass and flowers need water in the form of rain, but also animals. And people can feel worse from the scorching sun: headache, thirst. After a short acquaintance with the phenomena and the consequences of them, it is important to consolidate the material in the physiognomy process for preschoolers with movements. A fairy tale comes to the rescue.

Fizminutka about animals

For the youngest, as close as possible to magical objects are important, which they will use in the warm-up process. For example, a chest extracted from a secluded niche and filled with various wonderful things. After a properly presented educational activity by them, even an ordinary toy watering can will be perceived as fabulous. Especially extracted from a magic chest. How plants warm, bask under the gentle sun, then wilt, wither and come to life again after the rain, even the smallest children can depict. Some of them are the first to depict plants, and the rest - rain with watering cans. Then the guys switch roles. Interesting physical minutes for preschoolers develop, learn, relax, and in the form of a game they help to absorb material much easier and faster.

They also strengthen the body of children. So, repeating the thrill of leaf movement, develop fine motor skills of hands, marching and crawling - have beneficial effects on muscle tone, musculoskeletal system. Exercise on the definition of "good / bad" helps not only understand the contradictions in natural phenomena, but also teach you how to take care of plants and animals. Mathematical physical minutes for preschoolers introduce children to numbers, and older children learn simple arithmetic and train memory. For any warm-up, you can extract a pre-prepared props from a magic chest, which will entice children by itself, since visualization of the process is very important for them.

Frisky animals

Portraying animals is another favorite activity for children. A fiminut with elements of the movements of a panther, a hare, a turtle carries a lot of useful functions that affect both the physical development of the child and the mental. It creates a positive emotional attitude, promotes mental activity. In addition, the frequency of warm-ups over time arouses in children the need for intensive exercises and a love of sports in general. Physics for older preschoolers with imitation of animal movements is significantly different from that applied to younger children. Kids four to five years old may not understand how a tiger or leopard stretches, a panther or a jerboa jumps. But as a wolf searches for a trail of a hare or a fox winds through a forest, they can imagine quite accurately and repeat the movements. Masks extracted from the magic chest with the faces of cheerful and good-natured animals will only enhance the effect. The guys will try harder to become like one or another animal.

Warm up is not the only virtue of the exercise with animals. The transformation into our smaller brothers introduces new creatures, their habits, habits. Promotes the formation of compassion and care in children's souls. What the teacher puts into their mind and consciousness, they will carry it through life. For example, on the example of a cowardly and weak hare, show his dependence and defenselessness before a strong wolf and fox. That some are predators, while others are harmless and safe for humans - also a useful science. The subject of study can be not only animals, but also birds. Physics for preschoolers listing familiar feathered creatures, studying distinctive features, repeating their habits is a rather fascinating activity.

In one educational lesson, children can get to know them all through paper pictures, plastic figures, or television videos. In breaks arranged for physical minutes, you can show how they represent the gait, running, jumping of an animal, insect or bird. The teacher can demonstrate the finished figure to children or describe the distinctive features of the beast, and they need to guess and show it. How a bug picks its paws, how a dragonfly spreads its wings and a dragonfly flies, how a raven sits, having fallen on a branch. You can come up with dozens of different tasks.

Cheerful fizminutka

Depending on the time of year, children can be taught the peculiarities of the weather at one time or another by the example of the behavior of forest animals. For example, children need to first tell, then show, and then teach how in the fall a bear climbs into a den to leave it only in spring. How he sucks his finger, how to warm up after hibernation, stretch himself, get out. Fizminutka about winter for preschoolers has its own characteristics, it requires a "warm" surroundings: hat, mittens, skis. For the summer, a landing net, fishing rod, and feeding trough will be appropriate. It all depends on the tasks that the teacher will give the children, and what will strive to teach them.

The way home - by the rules

Important knowledge from childhood is the rules of the road. Every day, kids are faced with the need to cross the street, but not one. And if they live in a big city, there are a lot of cars, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, intersections, sidewalks around them. They must not only know why there is, for example, an underpass or barrier, but also understand who uses these devices and certain sections of roads and why. And, most importantly - is it possible for children to be in one place or another. Fizminutki for preschoolers on road topics teach them the rules of movement on the street.

To begin with, the teacher offers to remember which city objects they go through daily from home to kindergarten. During this lesson, children will also be able to learn how to navigate in space. It is useful to have a visual layout of the district of the city where the preschool institution is located. The guys remember the objects, show them on the layout and visually "go" all the way from home to kindergarten. Along the way, the teacher draws their attention to the features of the road along the route of their movement and tells how to behave in a certain section of the street.

The learning process can be diluted with musical physical notes for preschoolers with movements, having recreated during the lesson all their way from home. With the help of boxes, volumetric cubes, “building” a certain section of the street is not difficult. Draw a crayon “zebra”, draw a space under the sidewalk and the roadway. Cooked balloons in green, red and yellow will be able to replace the traffic light.

Fizminutka for a walk

Holding hands or walking one by one, in practice, children learn to cross the road correctly much faster than listening to a theory in words. Peppy, funny music, denoting safety, will reinforce their confidence, and alarming with siren elements, but quiet so as not to scare the kids, will make you wary and teach you not to make sudden movements. It is especially important to focus the attention of children that in summer some dangers may lie in wait for them, and slightly different when a lot of snow falls and winter comes. Physical education for preschoolers according to the rules of the road should take into account similar nuances.

A properly organized thematic lesson and its practical part in the form of an active warm-up will give children a real idea of ​​the street, its constituent parts, will introduce you to certain sections of the highway and roadsides. In addition, as already mentioned, will teach you to navigate in space.

Fascinating geometry

Triangle, square, circle - objects extracted from a magic chest reminiscent of geometric shapes that can be used in the warm-up process are able to arouse in children an interest in the exact sciences. Physics for mathematics for preschoolers will teach addition, subtraction, and also with what symbols you can determine the number, will fix the knowledge of numbers in memory.

But no less exciting can be warm-ups aimed at getting to know geometry. Studying the shape of the subject visually and then mentally, with the practice of applying them in ordinary life, is an excellent training for thinking. They also help to develop children's coordination of movements, and the repetition of their designation - to stimulate the development of speech skills. The geometric shapes of various objects activate memory and attention, and their combination into other figures - creative thinking.

Fizminutka kindergarten

The simplest thing that children meet most often: a ball and a balloon. Having beaten their similarity and distinctive features, you can quickly introduce children to the shape of a circle and oval. The angle and the triangle are easier to learn in practice, looking from the windows of the roofs of neighboring houses and other architectural objects. A square and a rectangle are exemplified by furniture in the room, windows, and doors. But it’s one thing to remember their names and shape, and it’s quite another to show famous geometric figures in movements. For most children who do not have developed motor skills of hands, even creating an angle is quite difficult. Therefore, a physical minute will help here for preschoolers in poetry. A simple example:

Try guys

Draw by hand movement.

Draw two squares

And below is a huge circle,

Above is a small circle,

Triangular cap.

It turned out even very,

Cheerful freak.

By "drawing" figures in the air, children learn a lot: geometry, drawing, practice imagination, train memory. After several such classes, the help of the teacher will no longer be needed. They themselves will be able to repeat simple rhymes and accurately pronounce the definition of figures. Isn't it fun?

Such a fun winter

In the warm season, it is not difficult to entertain a child with something fascinating, as they spend most of the time in the fresh air, where there are sandboxes and sports grounds. Plus temperature initially sets up a playful mood. It is much more difficult to arouse children's interest in the educational process on cold days. And there are much more of them in most regions of Russia than warm ones. The winter physical minute for preschoolers is aimed at activating movements, awakening in them an interest in the learning process. In addition, warm-ups can introduce children to the peculiarities of a particular time of the year. At the same time, it is not necessary to directly reflect the winter itself during the game. In contrast to heat and cold, it is easier for children to remember how it differs from summer, if, say, invite them to imagine how they run into the river to swim in the snow. Situations can be thought of different, it is important to make kids remember the sensations of a certain time of the year.

Winter physical education

Music and poetry in most cases are integral elements of physical education. For various matinees, children often learn different songs and melodies. For winter activities, they can be introduced to the compositions typical for this time of year: “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “If there was no winter”, “It's good that it snowed” and many others. Under them, it’s good to conduct a physical education for preschool children “Snowman”.

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which the teacher directs their movements with poetic lines and a demonstration. At the words: "The sun warms the earth weakly," the kids raise their hands up, then slowly, with horizontally oriented palms, they are lowered down.

Hearing: “Frost is cracking at night,” they put their hands on their belts and measuredly tilt their torso alternately to the sides. Saying: "In the courtyard of a snow woman," they begin to turn around their axis, arms outstretched bent at the elbows, depicting the shape of a snowman. And in the words “Carrot nose turned white” - they cover their noses with both hands, supposedly protecting them from the cold.

This is just one example, as in any lesson, regardless of the time of year and weather conditions, it is possible to captivate children with an interesting and cognitive game that develops both physical and emotional state, and also brings a lot of additional benefit. There are no ideas for such workouts. And each carries a positive message. The main thing is not to be lazy.

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