How to find out the date of birth by the date of conception and monthly?

Parents are always looking forward to such a miracle as the birth of their child. And it’s normal that you want to know as accurately as possible the date of the appearance of a new person on planet Earth. They just need to prepare for this event not only morally, but also materially. After all, the baby has so much to buy. Although you can’t do this in advance - a bad sign. How to find out the date of delivery? Is it possible to do the calculation yourself without resorting to the help of a gynecologist? How reliable are these estimates, and can they be trusted?

Methods for determining the date of birth

How to find out the date of delivery? Many future mothers want to receive this information without resorting to the help of a gynecologist. It can be done:

  • by monthly;
  • by the date when the long-awaited conception occurred;
  • using the diagnostic method of ultrasound;
  • by the date when the mother felt the first movement of the fetus.
How to find out the date of birth

There are many ways. Choose any.

Determine the date of birth by monthly

Can I find out the date of birth by monthly? Can. The starting point for this calculation is the day when the last (before conception) menstrual cycle began.

For reference! The menstrual cycle is the number of days from the onset of menstruation to the appearance of the following bleeding. By the way, these physiological processes occurring in the body of every woman of childbearing age, got their name from the Latin word mensis, which simply means “month”.

Further, it all depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle (moreover, this figure is purely individual). Most often, the number 28 is taken into account. But, it should be noted that only 15-20% of women have such a number of menstrual cycle days. In other representatives of the better half of humanity, the duration of this physiological process can vary from 22 to 35 days.

Determine the date of birth by monthly

If, nevertheless, the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then you must add 280 days to the date that you clearly define as the first day of the last menstruation (this is how much time it takes for the fetus to ripen completely), and you will get the date of the expected birth. Everything is very simple and affordable.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is less, then childbirth is likely to come earlier; and if more, then parents will meet a new person later. And if the cycle does not differ at all with special regularity, then it will be very difficult to find out the date of birth by the last monthly.

This method of determining the expected date of birth of the long-awaited child is often used in institutions such as antenatal clinics. And they call it "obstetric", since 280 days is 40 obstetric weeks.

By date of conception

To find out the date of birth by the date of conception is also quite simple. Just this technique has its own nuances and features. The fact is that the moment of conception can occur exclusively during ovulation, the period of which just falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

For reference! During ovulation, the egg, which is fully ripe for fertilization, leaves the ovarian follicle. And then it's a matter of technology.

One of the women experiences certain sensations, which help determine the onset of ovulation. These symptoms include:

  • The formation of cervical mucus. It is absolutely natural for the female body during the menstrual cycle. This transparent and elastic (at the time of ovulation) fluid is produced in the cervix and creates a favorable environment for the penetration of fast sperm.
  • An increase in basal temperature (i.e., the lowest temperature). It is measured immediately after a prolonged sleep in a state of complete rest.
  • A significant increase in breast size.
  • The appearance of bloody discharge.
  • Swollen belly.
  • Constant pain in the abdomen (in its lower part).
  • A heightened sense of smell.

And someone does not feel anything like it. Therefore, the onset of ovulation, these women can determine either using medical tests done at home, or using ultrasound.

On a note! Keep in mind that not always the day of conception coincides with the moment of physical proximity of two people. These "cunning" spermatozoa, once in the female body, have the peculiarity of maintaining their vital activity for 3-4 days. That is, it is not difficult to find out the term of birth by the date of conception, but you must always remember the error of a few days. Do not forget about it.

Date of birth at conception

So, if the day of conception is determined, now it’s enough to add 280 days to this number, and the date of the birth of your baby is determined. Starting from this date, you can already purchase everything you need and “turn on standby”.

By the date when the mother felt the first stir

How to find out the date of birth, listening to the first movements of the baby? You can find out, but experts recommend not to flatter yourself on this subject, since this technique is very relative and often fails.

So, if a woman is preparing for the first birth, then, most likely, she will feel the baby moving at the twentieth week of her pregnancy. If a woman has already given birth and is now expecting the next child, then it is likely that she will feel the first stirring already at the eighteenth week. Therefore, to determine the time of birth, it is necessary to add 20 obstetric weeks (if the first pregnancy) or 18 weeks (if repeated) to the date of the first stirring.

baby's first stir

Using the diagnostic ultrasound method

Of course, the most accurate way to determine the date of birth is the method of ultrasound examination of the fetus (ultrasound), which allows you to most likely determine the time of the appearance of your baby.

Important! You can apply this method during the first three months of pregnancy (no later). When determining the date in the period from the 12th to the 26th week, the error can increase up to 7-8 days, and in the last dates it is practically impossible to do this.

According to the Negele formula

How to find out the exact date of delivery? This can be done using the Negele formula, which is often used by gynecologists in their calculations. Here's what you need to do: take away 90 days from the date of the onset of menstruation. Then add 7 days to the resulting number. For example, the last menstruation began on March 8: we subtract 90, get December 8 and add 7 - as a result we get December 15, which will become the estimated date of birth.

On a note! This technique is most likely to apply to women whose menstrual cycle duration is strictly defined and is 28 days. If the duration of the cycle is longer or less, then the moment of birth of the baby will come later or earlier, respectively.

pregnant woman

Factors Affecting Calculations

The mechanism of the onset of labor is a very "delicate thing" and it is impossible to calculate and assume everything here. There are certain factors that can influence this process:

  • First of all, heredity.
  • What a pregnancy count.
  • Diseases available to the mother.
  • Lifestyle before pregnancy and in the process.
  • The presence of stressful situations and circumstances that could help reduce the period of bearing a child.
  • The nature of the pregnancy (one fetus or several).
  • The presence in the past of surgical interventions, miscarriages and abortions.

Best way

How to find out the date of birth with the greatest accuracy? Firstly, it is necessary to have a maximum of initial information on this issue, and secondly, to use all the above methods, that is, their combination. And the best way is to not get hung up on this date. You just have to rejoice at your current state and awe await the miracle in the form of the birth of your baby.

Having a baby is a miracle

The psychological attitude also matters

The psychological state and attitude of a pregnant woman are extremely important. Statistics say that only about 18-20% of women give birth on time, the rest are late or 1-2 weeks earlier. And most often this is the result of a psychological attitude.

The psychological state and attitude

Therefore, all people surrounding a pregnant woman, especially during this period, should help create an atmosphere of joy and tranquility. And she must enjoy life and prepare for her most important day.

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