It’s more common to see an ordinary squirrel in a zoo than at someone else’s house. The same applies to flying squirrels. Chilean squirrel has a different attitude. She successfully lives next to people. It looks more like a rat with a fluffy tail, but is called a squirrel.
The article is devoted to the content of protein at home, both Chilean and two others.
Common squirrel
A small, nimble animal with a fluffy tail. He gallops through the trees, loves nuts and delights the look with his appearance. It is not surprising that another person, looking at a touching creature, wants to have it at home.
What is necessary for the maintenance of protein at home, we are happy to tell.
- Aviary with a minimum size of 60 * 80 * 150 centimeters. As you might guess, the last digit is the height. The squirrel is very mobile, it jumps high. She needs a spacious dwelling.
- The bottom of the enclosure should be extendable. It’s easier to clean it. Buy an aviary with a plastic or galvanized bottom, it is more convenient to clean.
- Various sticks, branches, toys and ladders are placed in the dwelling for squirrels. This will be needed to move the animal. It’s a pleasure to watch the squirrel deftly jump in the aviary.
- A separate stick or driftwood is also needed in the aviary. It is attached in such a way that the rodent can grind its claws and teeth. Deprived of this opportunity, the pet will begin to hurt and become irritable.
- Be sure to fill the bottom of the enclosure with filler. Suitable wood or corn.
- We place feeders and a drinking bowl so that it was convenient for the animal to have a meal. You can attach them over the shelf where the squirrel often sits.
- The hammock will not interfere in the aviary. In it, the pet will sleep.
- Put also a house. Squirrel will be able to rest in it.
In fact, the protein content at home is much more expensive than the animal itself. And the most expensive - a pet enclosure.
Care and Feeding
Are you ready to get up at 5 a.m. every day to clean your aviary and feed your pet before you run away to work? If so, you can start such a little animal at home. So, the aviary is cleaned daily. The filler is removed, a new one is filled up. Do not pour too much, anyway in a day you will have to change.
As for the diet, balanced protein feeds are sold at pet stores. As a supplement, the pet is fed with nuts, chicken, cottage cheese, lettuce, sprigs of oak and aspen.
You should never give your pet sweets, sausages, sausages and fish. The pet is not adapted to digest such a treat. In the wild, these rodents do not eat fish. But please enjoy the meat with pleasure.
The protein content at home is a rather troublesome and expensive pleasure.
Flying Content
Absolutely amazing animal. The appearance of flying squirrels will not leave anyone indifferent. What eyes alone are worth: huge, dark and sad. Add here the contact of the animal, its focus on humans, and it will become clear why people tend to keep flying squirrel at home.
What is required for her comfortable existence next to a person?
- A cage with a minimum size of 60 * 60 * 90. The cage is installed away from drafts and sunlight. We remind you that flying squirrel is a jumping creature. In wildlife, she will easily overcome the distance of 50 meters in one jump. That's why the pet needs room.
- The cage is equipped with a wheel, a hammock, toys and all kinds of branches. Fix them in such a way that the animal can move along them.
- Feeders and drinking bowls are attached in a convenient way for the squirrel.
Essential Care and Diet
Proper content of protein at home (flying squirrels) will extend its life. The animal is timid, from fear it can bite a person. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to his hands from a very young age. Given the pet’s focus on the owner, this will not be difficult. Owners of flying squirrels tell how they carry babies in their arms, in their pockets or on their shoulders. Flying squirrel respects such a move, because you can enjoy communication with your beloved master.
The cell is cleaned twice a week, changing the filler completely. The pet is fed with catkins of birch, alder, willow branches, cones. The animal will be happy if he is offered leaves of lettuce or maple. Additional top dressing are seeds of pumpkin, pine, cedar, spruce and sunflower. He likes dry mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.
Daegu in the house
What is necessary for keeping Chilean squirrels (degu) at home?
- Firstly, a spacious cage. The number of floors plays a special role, because our animal is very nimble and mobile. At least three floors are necessary for its comfortable existence.
- The second point is the house. Wooden and spacious, where the pet can completely hide.
Do not stint, get a hammock for degu. These animals simply adore sleeping in it. The feeders should be heavy, preferably ceramic. An unrestrained protein degu will easily send a light plastic feeder through the entire cage.
The protein content of degu at home is not so complicated. It is enough to clean the cage twice a month, completely replacing the filler. Time to change the water in the drinker, do not forget to feed the pet. And, of course, letting go for a walk. What else should be in the cage? The metal wheel, the more it will be, the better for the squirrel.
How to feed and care
Degu - contact comrades. They are easily tamed, rarely show aggression and love walking around the room. Accompanied by the owner, of course. Communicating with him is important for degu. If you do not pay attention to your pet, allocating time only for feeding, he will quickly become ill. Therefore, those who have strained over time can be recommended to purchase two pets. Same-sex and same age. Together, they will be more fun.
Please remember: degu protein content at home requires walking for them. Let your pets walk for at least two hours. After removing all the wires that might get caught in the path of a pet.
And degu shy. If the pet is napping, do not grab it in your arms. Not understanding what was happening, the Chilean squirrel will put its teeth to use. And never take your pet by the tail. He is very gentle, to such an extent that he easily comes off.
What food is needed to keep Chilean protein at home? Crafted specifically to their needs. This is sold in any pet store. On the package it is marked: “for degu”. Additional food for these animals are vegetables, fruits, greens. They will not refuse from twigs of oak or birch.
Any animal needs proper maintenance, all the more exotic. If you are not confident in your abilities, time and financial capabilities, it is better to abandon the protein content at home. This pet requires a certain investment and a sufficient amount of time.
And the last: to purchase protein, both ordinary and degus, together with flying squirrels, is necessary only from breeders.