How to give money for a wedding in an original way?

When receiving an invitation to the wedding of close friends, people always face a choice: what to give? It is good if the bride and groom “order” a specific present. And what to do when there are no specific wishes? The option, as a rule, is one - to give money. Their newlyweds will be able to spend at their own discretion. Naturally, I want them to remember the present for a long time. But faceless envelopes with banknotes inside are unlikely to cause a storm of emotions. Fortunately, giving money in an original way is not a problem for a creative person. It is only necessary to connect imagination, then a similar, seemingly banal present will be remembered by the newlyweds for a long time.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way? A great option is to put them instead of an envelope in your wallet. Only it should be stylish, beautiful and quite expensive. Very often, banknotes are presented on a money tree. You can do it yourself. The tree must be twisted from thick wire, decorated with beads and beads. Banknotes are tied to improvised branches with beautiful ribbons, and you can alternate them with chocolate "gold" coins.

For those who don’t know how to give money for a wedding in an original way, one more option: invest it in balloons. From them you can even create an entire composition. Decorations from balloons with money filling in the form of a pair of swans or a bouquet of flowers will undoubtedly be appreciated by everyone present at the celebration.

For those who do not pursue gloss and sophistication, an ordinary three-liter jar with banknotes inside will become a pleasant and original gift. And it’s best to roll it up so that the bride and groom will not be tempted to spend all its contents at once.

How to give wedding money to smoking friends in an original way? Each of us probably has one. Just buy a beautiful cigarette case, better handmade, carefully fold the money into thin tubes and invest in it. On the cover you can make a gift, congratulatory engraving.

Another option for a do-it-yourself presentation is a creative photo frame. If you do not know how to give money for a wedding in an original way, then pay attention to this advice. Buy an ordinary photo frame and insert a bill into it instead. It can be decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, ribbons. Newlyweds will spend this money or hang a frame on the wall, preserving its contents on a rainy day.

Lovers of soft toys (usually brides) will appreciate the following option of presenting money as a gift. Buy a big teddy bear with a backpack on his back and put bills in it. In this case, it is better to give a little hint to the newlyweds on its contents, otherwise they may not know that the toy is a surprise.

How to give money for a wedding to people who are practical? You can open a bank account in the name of one of the newlyweds and put a certain amount on it.

Now a very common way of giving cash gifts in food. There is undoubtedly something in this. You can use any exotic fruits, watermelon, apple. A great option is to put the bills in a box with delicious, fresh eclairs. Most importantly, before you put the money in any food product, do not forget to wrap it with plastic wrap.

However, there are situations when giving money should not be given. Firstly, the newlyweds may simply not be happy with such a present, because they are opponents of such offerings. Secondly, if you are close friends, then, perhaps, in the know of the cherished dream of the bride and groom, realize it better. Thirdly, don’t give money if you are able to accumulate a very small amount. In this case, it is really better to come up with an original, but inexpensive present.

So, you are faced with a difficult choice, what to present a wedding gift. Money seems to be the best option. So have at least a desire and imagination so as not to hand over a banal envelope to close people. Come up with something interesting, vibrant and memorable.

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