How to make antistress for the hands?

Due to the high pace of life and constant stress, every person faces stress every day. From him, as well as from negative emotions, it is necessary to get rid of it in time.

antistress for hands chewing gum how to make

That is why the antistress toy for hands is very popular in modern life. It can be purchased at the store or made independently. In addition, this craft will be a pleasant and useful gift.

Soft toy

Sewing it is easy, and it will take a little time. For crafts you will need: material for sewing, thread, needle, filler. You can choose a variety of fabrics. If you want the toy to be knitted, then you should choose this material as a pillowcase. And put the filler in a cover made of ordinary fabric.

Before you make an antistress toy with your own hands, you need to choose its shape and size.

how to make a DIY antistress toy

This is pretty simple. You just need to choose the option you like, print, attach to the fabric, circle with a pencil and cut. It will take two parts, so you can fold the material in two layers, and then apply the pattern. It is important to note that the details will need to be sewn together, so you should outline the pattern with a small margin.

In order for the hand anti-stress in the form of a soft toy to turn out neat, you need to sew parts of it from the wrong side of the fabric, leaving a hole about five centimeters for twisting and filling the product.

If the soft toy turned out to be small and made of one element, buckwheat or silicone balls (silica gel) should be poured inside it. When the craft is complex and has many parts, then the filler can be combined. For example, fill some details with padding polyester or cotton. The toy can be decorated using various accessories sold in stores.

If you want the handicraft to be hugged, pressed to yourself, then it should be large. Most often, such products are in the form of a cat, heart or hare.


How to make antistress for hands not in the form of a soft toy? To do this, you will need three balloons of the same shape and size. If they have insufficient elasticity, they will need to be inflated a little. The length should be about 10 cm. Then you need to pinch the neck so that no air comes out of it.

how to make antistress for hands

After that, a funnel is placed in the neck and the filler is neatly poured. It should fill the space to a height of about 7 cm.

After this, you need to release the maximum amount of air from the ball and tie it. In order for the antistress for the hands to turn out reliable and not tear too quickly, it is recommended to place it in two more balls. Thus, the filler will be securely hidden under three balloons.

There are several options for filler placed in such a product. The choice depends on how tight it should be. Here you should rely only on personal preferences.

For maximum softness, you should choose a filler that has a smaller size. For example, flour or corn starch is fine.

For the ball-antistress for the hands to be of the lowest density, you will need a filler with larger particles. Of the most affordable options that are always in the kitchen, rice, buckwheat, peas or small beans are suitable.

For lovers of the golden mean, you should mix ingredients of different sizes. For example, corn starch and rice.

Sock ball

How to make anti-stress for hands in the form of a ball, if you do not like to hold rubber products in your hand? The solution is quite simple - you need to make a nice fabric cover.

But first, the ball must be placed in polyurethane foam, which is easy to buy at any hardware store. When choosing a material, it is important to pay attention to its thickness. Since the pressure on the ball will be significant, then the cover should not be thin. The minimum recommended material thickness is 2.5 cm.

antistress for hands

Antistress must be wrapped in polyurethane foam and sewn up with a needle and thread. Then, for extra protection, the ball should be placed in the sock, sewn up, cut off the excess - and you can use it!

Gum for hands

Smart plasticine is an interesting invention for games and development of children. But in the adult world, for him, our completely different application is an antistress toy, which gives pleasure in the hands. It relieves nervous tension.

From it you can sculpt different things and observe the change in the physical properties of the material. Its feature is a change in the degree of viscosity depending on the ambient temperature and the speed of action. Smart plasticine can be purchased at the store, but it is also easy to make it yourself. If there are children in the family, then they must be involved in this process, as they like not only to observe, but also to participate in the creation of something new and unusual.

anti-stress for hands chewing gum

Handgam's disadvantage is its quick drying. You can use it no more than three weeks, then you need to create a new one. The advantage of self-manufacturing is the low cost of the ingredients and the ability to experiment with a color palette. Store in a tightly closed container.

The classic recipe for smart plasticine

Many people love antistress for hands (chewing gum). How to make it fast at home?

Of the ingredients you will need 200 g of white-toned PVA glue, 50 g of sodium tetraborate. In order for the “smart” plasticine not to be boring, you should add a dye or gouache of the desired shade. Mix the ingredients in a plastic container. First, the glue is thoroughly mixed with the dye using a wooden spatula. Then sodium tetraborate is added, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Stirring is necessary until the mass acquires the required viscosity.

How to make smart plasticine from vodka

What is the name of antistress for hands in the form of chewing gum? In Russian, the term handgam appeared, which from English translates as “chewing gum for hands”. Such a toy can be made from a variety of ingredients, depending on what is at hand. For example, if there is an unnecessary bottle of vodka, then for the manufacture of “smart” plasticine it is quite suitable. You will need to mix one part of silicate glue and one and a half parts of vodka. You get a mass from which you can sculpt absolutely everything. A big drawback of the “smart” plasticine made of these materials is its short life span - only a few hours.

what is called antistress for hands

Plasticine gum for hands

Antistress for the hands (chewing gum) can be made from ordinary plasticine. To do this, you need to dissolve the gelatin in water and let it stand for one hour. Then you need to boil a little liquid and melt the pre-ground plasticine in it. It is necessary to constantly interfere with this mass so that it is homogeneous. When the clay has completely melted, you need to carefully pour in the gelatin, mix everything and let the mixture cool. After that, it will be ready for use.

toy anti-stress wrinkle

Antistress chewing gum from flour

How to make an antistress toy with your own hands so that it can be used safely for games and the development of very young children? To do this, you need flour, water and some amount of free time.

It is necessary to sift 300 g of flour, pour in first cold, then hot water and mix gently. The result should be a homogeneous mixture without lumps. The workpiece must be removed for several hours in the refrigerator, then it can be used for its intended purpose. Such a natural composition can be used for games with children under the age of three.

When there is a nervous atmosphere around, you need to switch your attention to something. To do this, we considered how to make a toy antistress with our own hands. The very process of its creation will calm the shaky nerves.

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