Age-related psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old. Psychological features of the game activity of children 5-6 years old

Throughout life, people tend to change. Naturally, such obvious stages as birth, growing up and aging go through absolutely all living things, and it doesn’t matter if it is an animal, a plant or a person. But it is Homo sapiens who overcomes a colossal path in the development of his intellect and psychology, perception of himself and the world around him. The most significant and visual manifestations are the age-related psychological characteristics of children. 5-6 years after the birth of a child make up the foundation of a future adult individual, the experience of the first years of life determines the attitude to oneself, personal life, family, career and hobbies.

The crisis of the first year of a child’s life

Throughout a person’s life, crises are haunted. The very first manifests itself at such an early age that it is very difficult to adequately assess how successfully the baby transferred it. This is the so-called lactational crisis, it occurs at three months old. For mom and her child, this is the first overcoming of difficulties. If successful, the child feels confidence in his parent, he realizes how much he can rely on her.

psychological characteristics of children 5 6 years old

Such an inextricable connection lasts up to one year, until the baby learns basic things, does not feel its independence. And even if it’s absolutely ephemeral, everyone understands (except for the peanut) that without family and support he will disappear, but it’s extremely important for the child to realize that he can do certain actions himself. Hyperopec during this period is fraught with consequences in a more mature age and will fully express the psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old. Such children do not want to help their parents, can not go for a walk on their own, do not seek knowledge.

The kid is three years old. How to deal with it?

The next difficult period that both the child and his mother and father will have to go through is a three-year crisis. A small person can take care of himself. It is not difficult for him to eat, dress, or relieve himself, he can play with friends or himself, he already has his own preferences, favorite characters and toys. It is very important for parents not to overestimate the abilities of their baby. Despite all the ostentatious bravado, he is still too small, does not understand much, and lives with momentary troubles and joys. At the age of three, the time did not come when the child was able to draw complex logical conclusions and conclusions. You can agree on a case with him, but in half an hour everything will be safely forgotten. Not out of mischief or mischief, as many parents think. The brain at this age is not ready to create complex chains of interactions between people, processes and events in life.

psychological characteristics of a child 5 6 years old

The first steps of man in society

The psychology features of children 5-6 years old differ precisely in that this is a huge leap in the development of the child. A significantly grown baby is no longer the angel to whom everything is excusable. Dramatic changes in physiology and psychology begin. This is an intermediate stage before adolescence and preparation for school. For each such processes take place individually. To summarize, we can say that the psychological characteristics of a child 5-6 years old are in its formation in society. During this period, all children go out of their usual circle.

Many overcame this difficult path earlier, back in three or four years, when they only went to classes in a kindergarten or a developing group. In children who encountered the first difficulties in interacting with other people's adults, other children, this crisis is easier, it is easier for them to adapt and realize the norms of behavior. Therefore, mothers who prefer independent studies with the baby at home, without visiting preschools, should organize the child’s leisure so that he is not alone and has the opportunity to polish communication skills. In this period of life, the child begins to adopt the model of behavior of his parents, their way of life, habits and psychological characteristics.

Children 5-6 years old are difficult to fool. They feel falsehood and insincerity. And if the closest ones are cunning and create ambiguous situations, the child may be confused and not recreate the ideal that we would like to strive for.

Active growth of body and soul

At six years old, the distinctive features of physiology begin to appear. This affects both the appearance of the child and his emotional mood. The active phase of growth begins, children's puffiness disappears, the skeleton stretches, the body grows and develops, preparing for the subsequent transformation. In a few years, puberty will begin, and the preparation of all systems takes place ahead of time. Very often, such processes affect the appetite, children begin to eat with great pleasure. It is also associated with better coordination in space, the ability to feel yourself in it, to make complex combinations of movements, increased activity.

Are intense sports activities at an early age permissible?

Parents, in order to calm the boiling energy, try to give their child to the sports section, to the gymnastics or choreographic studio. But pediatricians strongly discourage occupation of children at this age with professional sports. Training should be, and quite intense, they help to develop all systems and contribute to a healthy lifestyle, however, active organ growth and unformed immunity do not allow hyperloading. Although the psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old fully contribute to solving complex problems, a child can show will and character to achieve a result, do not exploit it excessively.

How do boys react to their growing up

The age-related psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old are also manifested in purely male and female traits of the character of the child. This can result in a first love or in the desire to show himself a real man or mistress.

age psychological characteristics of children 5 6 years old

The child should be encouraged and supported in such endeavors. And if the son used to be more inclined to his mother, was not spilled with her water, now he is becoming more interested with his father. Dad is obligated to encourage this desire of his child. It is not necessary to spend all the time with him and relentlessly follow each other. It will be enough to set aside some time for daily conversation and create a certain ritual, an occupation accessible only to men. This will form the core and character, help the development of masculinity and responsibility of the future head of the family, father.

However, this does not mean that the mother became not important in the upbringing and life of her son. Features of psychological development of 5-6 years require maximum attention. It is important for the baby to understand that he has someone to talk with and discuss his problems. He should receive answers to all his questions, because this is precisely the fertile age when a child absorbs knowledge and skills like a sponge.

Features of the development of girls aged 5-6

In this period of life, girls have good habits, thriftiness, accuracy and tenderness. They need to be taught to take care of themselves, their clothes, and toys. Girls at this age are more assiduous and scrupulous than boys. They used to learn to read and write thanks to these features.

features of psychology of children 5 6 years old

Each daughter tries to be like a mother and help her in everything. She follows her into the kitchen, into the bathroom, for a walk, listens to conversations with her friends. It is very important not to remove her from communication, not to suspend and not to limit, because these are the features of mental development. Children 5-6 years old are very easy to close in themselves, scare. They are already aware that the time allotted for the games will end soon, the time for study is nearing. Not everyone is able to accept such a future with ease, because it is completely new, and you should carefully select the words and methods of education.

Is the child ready for school at age 6?

Many parents think about how old their child will go to school. And although they accept six-year-olds in educational institutions, not everyone is ready for such a responsible step. Experts advise to seek advice in order to assess the psychological characteristics of a child 5-6 years old. Someone is ready for the school desk, and it will not be difficult for him to diligently fill in the recipe and learn foreign languages, wake up every day at seven in the morning and do his homework, taking it for granted. But there are surely guys whose childhood cannot be interrupted yet, because the school will not teach them discipline if they are absolutely not ready for it. This will only break them, provoke problems in the future, including psychological ones. Features of children of preschool age (5-6 years) are that they can already learn, and do this with success not only out of pleasure. They can focus on objects, distinguish and compare silhouettes, shapes, shades, solve simple logical problems, engage in different types of creativity.

psychological characteristics of children 5 to 6 years of age

Speech development of older babies

A very important nuance that determines the characteristics of the psychological development of children 5-6 years old, evaluates the level of development, is the speech of the child. There should no longer be problems with the pronunciation of sounds. The conversation is based on complex sentences. The kid expresses thoughts very clearly, even fantasizes and gladly tells real or fictional stories. In addition, a temporary connection may already appear in the conversation. For the child, a period has passed when everything happened only here and now, he can remember the past, dream about the future and put all these thoughts in verbal form.

Friends and chat

This age suggests the possibility of independent play, during which the child models different life situations, makes up dialogs for toys that play the role assigned to them. With the help of such activities, you can see how the baby is aware of himself, his family in the world, whether he has fears and doubts. The game displays the age-related psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old.

Communication with peers has changed a bit. Children begin to understand that their “want” is not always comparable with life realities. The game helps to regulate relationships, because the children are still quite small, subconsciously need guardianship and control, and show these features in collective studies. In addition, preferences and selectivity appear in the company. The child is still not completely versed in people, but can make a choice based on his ideas about good and evil.

features of the psychological development of children 5 6 years old

The psychological characteristics of the game activities of children 5-6 years old are reflected in the adoption of norms of behavior, the implementation of the rules. Previously, parents dictated their conditions, adhered to them, and the child got used to them. Right now, he begins to project them onto the game in the playground, in the playroom.

Tips for parents of six years

psychological characteristics of the game activity of children 5 6 years old

In connection with the expansion of the child’s range of interests, he may be interested in various issues, sometimes quite global (regarding life, death, the difference between boys and girls). It is very important that parents help overcome possible fears and talk with the baby. Having missed the thread of communication now, it will be very difficult to find it at an older age.

In addition, the child begins to hone ways of influencing adults, he can already criticize the words and actions of relatives and friends, change the system of values ​​and authorities.

The baby begins the stage of observation and creation of plans for the future, and no matter how early this all happens, so as not to frighten away the child in his aspirations, you can not taunt or ulcerate, show sarcasm. The psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years old do not allow them to take this as a joke. Rather, it will become an occasion for complexes and self-doubt, in faith in parents and in their support in any situation.

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