Sarlos Wolf Dog: description, character, photos and reviews of dog breeders

This dog appeared in the Netherlands in 1925 after crossing a purebred German shepherd with a wolf. Lander Sarlos was engaged in breeding, and after his death, the matter was continued by his wife and daughter.

sarlos wolf dog

The wolf dog of Sarlos mainly lives in his homeland - in the Netherlands. In other countries, it is little known. Today it is successfully used as guides for people who are blind, to work in extreme search and rescue operations.

It is likely that wolf instincts of behavior interfere with the wide distribution of these animals. This dog lives in accordance with the laws of the pack. Her master is the leader. What is surprising is that the dog does not need to prove it somehow. She takes such a position as given.

The wolf dog of Sarlos, whose photo we posted in our article, as a rule, keeps his distance from strangers to her, avoids everything that seems suspicious to her.

wolf dog

Breed history

As already mentioned, L. Sarlos, a citizen of the Netherlands, took up the breeding of this breed. He devoted 39 years of his life to this work. He began conducting his first experiments in 1925, trying to get a shepherd dog that would be endowed with features close to natural, natural. He crossed Volkov with German shepherds, selected the most desirable, in his opinion, colors.

The breeder's task was to get the most hardy and strongest dogs, without obvious signs of degeneration. In breeding work on breeding Sarlos helped his close friend - Dr. A. Hagedorn. The first experiment (1925) did not give the desired result. Repeated wolf blood was used only in 1962.

After the death of Lender Sarlos, his wife and daughter continued to improve the breed. A few years later, she was officially recognized by the Dutch Kennel Club. In 1981, a wolf dog was registered with FCI.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Puppies

Breed description

Many experts consider the main advantage of this dog its somewhat rustic, often wild appearance. Luxurious “wolf head” with a slightly elongated muzzle, triangular, high-set ears, a little slanting, but very attentive eyes of amber color - you must admit, such a wolf dog can attract attention. This beauty with muscular and slightly dry limbs really very much resembles a wolf - perfectly developed, sleek, ready for long transitions, with a high speed of running.

A wolf dog moves as easily as its wild ancestor - wide and smooth. A strong animal easily moves from one pace to another.

The height at the withers of males reaches 75 cm, bitches are slightly lower (70 cm). Weight no more than 41 kg.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Photo

External data

The body is proportional, its length is slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers. Males are somewhat larger and more powerful than bitches.


In the forehead, the skull is flat and wide, slightly rounded between the ears, tapering in the form of a cone towards the nose. Cheekbones well developed, flat. The occipital protuberance is clearly not distinguished. Smooth and soft transition from forehead to well-filled muzzle. It should not be pointed. The nose is brown or black (preferably) in color, large and wide. Lips are tight. The teeth are sharp and powerful.


Elongated, almond-shaped, not too large, slightly slanted, amber-yellow in color, with an attentive expression.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Kennel

The ears

Triangular, dense, highly placed. The base is wider, the ends are pointed. They are covered with thick wool on both sides.


Wide and powerful chest, rounded ribs. Strong and straight back, muscular lower back, slightly sloping croup. The blades are set askew.


The front legs are tall, slender, the legs are deployed to the sides. On the hind limbs angles are well defined. Oval-shaped paws, in a lump, with slightly curved fingers, elastic, durable pads.

sarlos wolf dog reviews


Set low, at rest - has the shape of a saber, rises when moving, but it should not be mobile.

Hair coat

Sarlos’s wolf dog, a photo of which can be seen in some canine publications, has an original coat that can change depending on the season.

In winter, the animal has a thick undercoat. Together with the outer hair, a layer of wool forms on the body of the dog, and a thick collar forms on the neck.

wolf dog photo

In the spring-summer season, the core of the hair becomes the main one. In the autumn-winter period, air temperature can affect the presence of undercoat, but it is important that the tendency to its appearance is always.


Sarlos dog has the temperament of a wolf, smoothed by a German shepherd. This is an animal that quickly runs wild, it is unbalanced, prone to vagrancy. From the wolf she got hunting instincts - dexterity when hunting small game. The dog needs space and daily serious physical exertion. Thanks to a magnificent "fur coat" she can live on the street at any time of the year.

A wolf dog is an independent creature, but at the same time it is very attached to people. This combination of qualities often makes learning difficult.

wolf dog puppies

Cautious behavior towards strangers is not caused by timidity or fear. A wolf dog, a photo of which can be viewed on the sites of well-known kennels, is careful, keeps at a distance that allows it to retreat when a threat occurs. This is typical wolf behavior. However, she never shows unjustified aggression.

Features of education

The socialization and upbringing of this animal must begin from the moment puppies appear in the house. A wolf dog from an early age should get used to the environment, the new owners. If the puppy is afraid of something, the owner should not show sympathy for him - this will only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to remain calm - this will convince the baby of safety, help to gain confidence in their abilities.

If not one wolf dog of Sarlos lives in the house, but several individuals, then relations between them quite quickly are established according to the hierarchy, and they are quite friendly to each other.

sarlos wolf dog

Wolf dogs are especially active during the mating season. At this time, there are no barriers for them, therefore, when the owner is not in the house, they must be closed in safe rooms.

It must be said that breeding animals of this breed is not an easy task. In a bitch, usually the first estrus occurs at the age of two years, then it repeats no more than 1 time per year. Some males show “attention” to certain females, while stubbornly not noticing others.

Sarlos dog can dramatically change behavior in different situations - from complete indifference to unexpected revival.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Photo


Sarlos’s wolf dog can become a reliable friend to all family members. True, it should be noted that this is more difficult to achieve than with other dog breeds. Their education can take much longer than the owner suggests.

Do not forget about the wayward wolf dog of Sarlos. Puppies during training can, upon the owner’s command, bring the required item twice, and for the third time they may simply refuse to fulfill the command.

Despite the fact that a good contact is usually established between this dog and a person, it seems that she never forgets about her nature. Therefore, those who wish to have a wolf dog need patience.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Kennel

Maintenance and care

Keeping such a dog is easy. Some kind of complex care for her coat is usually not required. Animals feel quite comfortable in a spacious aviary. Group content is preferred. Do not forget that the wolf dog of Sarlos (the reviews of the owners confirm this) quickly runs wild, has a tendency to vagrancy. Not receiving proper upbringing and attention on the part of man, they turn into an ordinary wolf pack. And this, as you know, can lead to many troubles.

Puppy selection

As already mentioned, this breed is not very common in Russia - the wolf dog of Sarlos. Nursery breeding this breed is not in every city. Nevertheless, if you firmly decided to get such a dog, we strongly recommend that you buy it only in a kennel (St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Petrozavodsk, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow). This is a dog (Sarlos wolf dog), whose puppies (especially at an early age) should in no case be bought in the market. You can acquire an unhealthy animal and, moreover, not having any relation to this breed.

Puppies, of course, need early socialization and education, but it is equally important to teach them how to behave alone. Otherwise, in the absence of the owner, they will greatly yearn and rush to him, destroying everything in its path.

sarlos wolf dog reviews


Only stubborn and patient people will achieve good results in this difficult matter. Classes should be interesting to your pet. A long repetition of the same commands will quickly tire the animal.

Try to keep your workouts regular and more often in the form of a game (this is especially important in the early stages of training).

Sarlos Wolf Dog: Owner Reviews

Today in our country there are still not too many owners of these animals. Nevertheless, reviews about this breed are already appearing on the sites of nurseries and clubs.

Sarlos Wolf Dog Puppies

According to most owners of these dogs, this breed is not suitable for every person. It should not be started for beginners in dog breeding, people with too soft character. But with proper upbringing, you can grow up a beautiful and faithful friend from a pretty little wolf cub.

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