Error 1406 when installing applications

Quite often, users complain about the appearance of the message "MS Office 1406 Error". At the same time, they get a lot of tips that absolutely do not help to cope with the problem. Naturally, this is very disappointing, since the Microsoft office application is an important modern service that the user absolutely needs. Despite the growing number of similar programs, MS Office is still the most popular of them.

error 1406

Before considering ways to deal with this problem, it should be noted what should not be done if an error 1406 occurred during the installation of Office 2010. The most common tips, following which will lead only to an empty loss of time, include the following:

1. . . . . , , , .

, . , . - , . , .

error 1406 when installing office 2010

2. . , , . , MS Office Β« 1406Β».

3. . , , Β« Β».

, , , 1406.

. , . – Β« Β», - , .

ms office 1406 error

, «» « 1406» Office 2010, , , . . .

. «» Dr.Web, McAfee . , , .

Dr.Web users can be advised to go to the settings, where it is necessary to select "Advanced". There, they will probably be able to see a checkmark showing the operation of a function that prohibits the modification of important system objects. If you deactivate it, then error 1406 will disappear and will no longer bother with its appearance. Thus, knowing the reason, it will be easy to overcome the unpleasant consequences.

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