Hot Cat Ears: Causes and Their Elimination

As you know, animals cannot speak. Therefore, it is difficult to understand when they become ill. One of the symptoms that indicate a fever is the cat’s hot ears.


These are very affectionate, kind and gentle animals. They cheer up, distracting from the hustle and bustle of every day and helping to cure various diseases. The cat is responsible for the harmony in the house, creating with its presence a peaceful atmosphere. It is not surprising that, having found hot ears in the cat, the owners begin to sound the alarm.

why does the cat have hot ears

Quite often, this animal’s ears and nose are dry and unusually hot. It is very important to notice this important symptom on time, sometimes indicating the onset of a serious illness. In this situation, you should not wait for the development of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Why ears are getting warmer

More often than not, a cat or cat’s hot ears do not indicate significant health problems. After all, it is known that these animals are big lovers of wallowing in the sun or sitting on a hot battery.

If after such a pastime dryness and warming of the ears and nose are detected, do not think about diseases. However, you need to know in which situations it is worth running to a specialist.

So why does a cat have hot ears if he hasn’t come in contact with heating appliances? The temperature may be high as a result of the following:

- infection;

- inflammation;

- gastrointestinal diseases;

- injuries;

- stones in the bladder.

why does the cat have hot ears

Paying attention to the warming of the ears, you first need to examine the auricles - sometimes this symptom indicates infection with an ear mite. If there are lumps of dirt, crust, you need to prepare to treat the animal.

Stress and excitement are often the cause of a cat’s fever. Experiences contribute to the increase in heart rate, as a result of which the temperature rises, causing a symptom that scares the hosts.

What to do

Noticing the cat’s hot ears, he needs to measure his temperature. To get the most accurate result, you need to do it rectally. To understand if the temperature is elevated, it is important to know what a healthy animal is like.

For kittens, the temperature is considered to be 39.6 degrees, for adult animals - 38-39. In hairless breeds this figure is much higher - 41.5 degrees.

First of all, you need to notice where the cat slept. If this happened on the battery or under the lamp, warming the ears is natural. Before using a thermometer, you should wait at least 10 minutes.

Equally important is the observation of the behavior of furry. If he became lethargic, sleepy - this is a sign of a beginning illness. Increased nervousness also indicates a problem.

If the temperature of your ears and nose rises from stress, you don’t need to worry. But as soon as possible it is worth identifying the cause of the animal's anxiety. If the cat’s hot ears are observed after moving, changing the diet, the appearance of another animal in the house or a new family member, it is enough to eliminate the factor so that the situation normalizes. If the problem cannot be fixed, the cat needs help in adapting to the situation.

Regardless of the reason that led to an increase in temperature, you need to provide good care for the animal, give it proper nutrition and a comfortable rest. Like any person who falls ill, an animal needs compassion and love.

How to bring down the temperature

The main role in reducing the temperature in the animal is played by heavy drinking. Often sick animals lose their appetite, but the need for water increases markedly. For this reason, it is important to ensure constant access to warm water.

the cat has hot ears

In addition, it perfectly reduces the temperature of the animal Echinacea. She not only brings down the fever, but also fights the infection. Veterinarians recommend using a drop of tincture for every kilogram of cat weight.

Even Exupery wrote: "We are responsible for those we tamed." Therefore, you must carefully monitor the health of the pet, because the problem is easier to prevent than to worry about how to solve it.

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