Birthday day in grade 5: how to organize a holiday

At school, children spend quite a lot of time. And not only learning, but also communicating closely with each other. And why not diversify this pastime ? This article will talk about how you can spend a birthday party in grade 5.

birthday day in grade 5

What it is?

First of all, I want to figure out what kind of day it is. It's no secret that every child loves the holidays, especially his birthday. You can celebrate it not only at home, but also at school. It is for this that they arrange school days for the birthday boy. And since often they simply cannot be carried out, they do it most often four times a year, collecting children born in one season: in the summer, autumn, winter and spring. The holiday itself most often includes the official part - congratulations to the kids, game elements, streaming - the so-called "sweet table", and the entertaining component - poems, songs, dances, a small performance.

About seasons

So, what is the best way to celebrate a birthday in grade 5? Since these kids are still quite small, you can focus on the game part of the program. However, first of all, it is necessary to think over the themes of the holiday itself, because the birthday people must somehow stand out. So, you can offer to hold a holiday according to the time of year when the children were born: decorate the hall accordingly (with winter snowflakes, colorful autumn leaves, beautiful summer flowers), come up with suitable outfits for those who will congratulate (for example, wear crowns in the form of the same snowflakes for winter children or flowers for summer).

scenario birthday day grade 5

What you need to prepare

So, to spend the birthday day in grade 5, you will need some preparations. First of all, you need to think about decorating the hall. So, it is necessary to prepare greeting posters (it is better if classmates draw them themselves), hang colorful balloons. Be sure to think about the gifts that will be presented to the children. One thing is gifts bought by parents. Other - cooked by friends at school (home-made postcards, amulets, paintings in various techniques, etc.). Well, of course, you need to think about refreshments. It can be just sweets and juice, or you can make gatherings and more: why not buy cakes, cookies and other sweets that kids love to eat so much? Children will definitely remember such a holiday.

About the script

But the preparations do not end there. A very important element of this holiday is the script. Birthday Day (Grade 5) can be an entire fun holiday, if everything is correctly and correctly thought out. So, there must be a leader, that is, a person who will lead the course of the whole action. Most often this is a class teacher. But children should also participate in congratulations. For this, the kids can learn and tell congratulatory poems, you can prepare several songs and even a simple costume dance. Kids will love this. Well, if the scenario of the birthday day at school includes a small theatrical performance. It can be a staging of a fairy tale or a puppet theater.

birthday day script at school

Mandatory Items

What should be mandatory at the holiday, which is called the day of the birthday, in the 5th grade? So, first of all, it will be congratulations. The most different: in prose and poetry, in songs and even dances. Children need everything and more. Be sure to prepare at least a few contests, because the kids really like to compete and receive prizes. Team competitions are especially good, which help children to rally and act together (this is not only entertaining, but also a developing element). And, of course, there should be as much laughter and fun at the birthday party as possible. You can invite a clown, but this is not at all interesting. In this case, it is better to introduce parents and high school students to the case, who will gladly participate in this action and play any proposed role.

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