What to do if the kitten does not poop

Together with a small kitten, big problems come to the house. After all, a cat is a living creature, and a change of residence for her is a huge stress. Yes, and nutrition is changing, the composition of water. All this together often causes persistent constipation in feline babies.

Why doesn't the kitten poop? In addition to the reasons already mentioned (stressful situations and changes in nutrition), there may be others.

For example, a cat was recently discovered with a rare abnormal deviation. He had no anus! For the most part, a kitten named Elvis relieved the need through the urethra. But with age, the stool became harder, and this way of bowel movement became impossible. The place under the tail, where the hole should be in normal cats, swelled, a solid "tumor" formed. It was then that the owners became worried and turned to the veterinarian: “Something is wrong with our cat! The kitten does not poop already a few days! ”

The doctor offered a paid operation, but the owners simply refused a pet in a difficult situation. It was then that the social movement "Animal Rights" from Novosibirsk entered the arena. They paid for the operation for the baby, and the kind girl Larisa sheltered him. Now the Siamese kitten feels quite tolerably, the work of the intestines and sphincter in Elvis is normalized.

But this case is exceptional. More often than not, the owners of the pet simply cannot keep track of where the animal equips itself with a toilet, because at first the feces have almost no unpleasant peculiar smell. But until this place has been discovered, the owners of the animal are very worried, consult their friends, turn to the veterinarian with questions about why the kitten does not poop, and what should be done with prolonged constipation. Then heaps are found in the most unexpected place, and the problem disappears by itself.

If the kitten doesn’t really poop, you should introduce Agusha baby food with zucchini or pumpkin into his diet. Usually this puree softens the excrement and makes the intestines work more actively.

Sometimes you should add a drop of castor oil to your diet . Only castor oil is not a very harmless remedy. It can cause severe pain in the baby’s tummy, even cause diarrhea. So you need to be careful with him.

Although it happens that the kitten does not poop for the simple reason that its guts are used to stimulation. After all, mother - a cat during childhood, constantly carefully licks her child, thereby doing him a tummy massage. Yes, and mothers from the human clan are familiar with this way of improving the condition of the baby. Remember how in the first days of your life you stroked your little one’s tummy clockwise? And he immediately began to push, trying to meet his mother's hopes.

If this method also does not bring the desired results, then you can make a small enema by filling the can with a third. Just as adults do with their children in infancy, you can insert a small piece of baby soap in the anus.

With especially prolonged constipation, when the kitten does not poop for 3-4 days, veterinarians advise to help the baby sphincter mechanically. For this you need to take a conventional medical pipette, not only with the tip extended forward, but with a rounded one. Then you should remove the rubber tip from it and grease the glass rounded tip with liquid paraffin or baby cream.

While holding the kitten with a thick blanket or towel so that it does not scratch the person performing the procedure, carefully insert the pipette into the butt hole for 1-2 centimeters. Usually at this moment, gases will go out of the tube and the feces begin to move. Then the tube can be removed, the work is considered completed. If the result cannot be achieved immediately, it is worth slightly moving with a pipette, slowly pulling it out, depicting the fact that the stool has exited the anus, then reinsert it. Thus, the sphincter, which is not yet accustomed to its “duties,” is developed.

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