At what age can you give your child eggs, how to introduce complementary foods?

The birth of a child is always a significant event in the family. Parents are insanely happy the appearance of the heir, grandparents are also happy. Friends, acquaintances - all congratulate.

But over time, after such euphoria comes an understanding of responsibility for the little man, the realization that you need to give him all the most useful. Up to a year it’s mother’s breast milk and, of course, the correct introduction of complementary foods. It is then that interest arises at what age you can give your child eggs.

The best nutrition for babies

It is very good if the baby is breastfed, because the mother’s milk is exactly what he needs. Scientists have proven that it contains a balanced complex of all vitamins, minerals and biological substances useful for the baby. Its composition is unique and inimitable; it will completely protect the newborn's immune system from many infectious diseases.

at what age can you give eggs to a child

Taurine and polyunsaturated fatty acids will help in the proper formation of the nervous system of a growing body, lactoferin - the best absorption of iron, which prevents the development of anemia. In addition, the composition reduces the risk of chronic diseases: diabetes, inflammation of the digestive system, multiple sclerosis.

It is the mother’s milk that should be the main nutrition of a child under six months of age. Because it is an impeccable product that is easily digested and digested, it always has a constant required temperature for consumption, and this makes it possible to feed the baby under any circumstances.

Drink introduction

I would like to dwell separately on the question of at what age you can give your baby water while breastfeeding. The answer is very simple - for infants (from the first day to a month) only in cases necessary for medical reasons.

Mother's milk is both food and a necessary drink for the newborn. Also, do not be afraid of dehydration, because its main diet is 87% water. Therefore, in hot summer weather or with an increase in body temperature, the baby should put it on his chest as often as possible, and abandon his thoughts about drinking.

At the age of two months to six months, you should not be puzzled by the problem of dosing, unless it is required due to insufficient amount of milk in the mother or health problems in the child. You need to wait until his digestive system is fully strengthened. At four months, you can offer the baby a small teaspoon, refuse - do not insist, she just does not need it. Drink - then gradually increase the serving volume to 60 ml daily. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to drink from a spoon so that the baby does not give up his chest.

At six months, you can safely begin to introduce additional water, from this age he already needs it for the full development and growth of the body.

at what age can eggs be given to a child and what

First lure

Growing up, the baby needs more nutrients and minerals, because he begins to spend more of his energy: crawl, walk, play more actively. The spent stocks need to be replenished, so you should think about introducing additional complementary foods.

Children's doctors insist that, starting from six months, new foods can be introduced into the baby’s diet.

At what age can I give my baby eggs? They are considered to be the product that is introduced one of the first to feed the baby. Of course, it is worth considering that the supply of useful and necessary elements in them is very large: folic acid, amino acids, iron, lecithin, potassium, multivitamin complex. But you should not forget that this product is a strong allergen, especially protein.

Eating them is of great benefit for strengthening bones, teeth, hair and nails. Therefore, do not completely exclude them from food.

at what age can you give your baby water while breastfeeding

Choosing the best

Many parents are interested in what age can give the child eggs and what. The safest age is considered to be 8-9 months, but this is only with the introduction of the yolk. Do not forget that if the child is prone to allergies, in this case you should not rush.

The best option for this would be quail eggs. Despite their small size, unlike chicken, the content of useful substances such as phosphorus, potassium, iron and other vitamins, they have twice as much. According to studies, they are less allergenic and not so prone to salmonella infection. This begs the question: "At what age can a quail egg be given to a child?" At six months, you can begin to introduce them into complementary foods.

We try protein

Having dealt with the age of the introduction of the yolk into the diet, it is worth saying at what age you can give your child an egg with protein. Pediatricians advise that if, after introducing the yolk into the baby’s menu, he did not cause an allergic reaction, then starting from the year try the taste and the whole product. Be sure not to forget about precautions and the fact that it gives a large load on the digestive system.

at what age can you give your child an egg with protein

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Having received the answer to the question of at what age it is possible to give eggs to a child, you can familiarize yourself with the correct order of selection, preparation and introduction of this complementary foods in the baby’s diet.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that eggs should be taken only fresh, without damage. Then they must be washed, put on fire in water and boiled for about 10 minutes. After that, they should be peeled and carefully separated from the yolk.

Necessarily new food should be introduced into food in the morning, so that there is time to observe the reaction. Now you need to take 1/8 of the quail and 1/16 chicken yolk. It will be very good if you grind it with breast milk or use any food familiar to the baby: fruit or vegetable puree, porridge.

from what age can a quail egg be given to a child

If during the day the child did not experience an allergic reaction, then it is worth including it in the diet once every two to three days. Over time, the dose of yolk should be increased to 1/4 part per day. By year, the baby should consume half of this product.

Now that you have received exhaustive information about how old you can give your child eggs, start learning new tastes!

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