How to wash windows without streaks: folk remedies, effective methods and recommendations

The cleanliness of the windows is the face of the hostess. It is only natural that women want to achieve crystalline sparkling of glass. But sometimes it’s hard to wash the windows without streaks. Folk remedies, household chemicals and small secrets will help to achieve perfect cleanliness.

wash windows without streaks folk remedies

Key factors for glass contamination

In fulfilling the task “how to wash windows without stains”, folk remedies and household chemicals can show different efficiencies, depending on the degree and type of pollution. The cleanliness of windows can be affected by such factors:

  • Weather conditions (rain and snow) are the main cause of dirt and stains on the windows. To keep the glass clean longer, use detergents with silicone. He will create a protective film on which water will simply drain.
  • You can influence the dust from the street with an antistatic agent (included in detergents). To make the windows less dirty on the inside, more often do wet cleaning in the house.
  • Stains appear on kitchen windows due to condensation. Salvation will be only a powerful hood.
  • Smoking is one of the most common causes of stains on glasses. Nicotine settles on the windows of smoke-lovers on the balcony or in the kitchen.


How to wash plastic windows? Without divorce, they will look better. First you need to prepare all the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted during the cleaning process. You will need the following:

  • Capacity for water. It can be a bucket or a basin. The second option is more convenient.
  • Sponges. If the windows are heavily soiled, use double-sided with a hard coating.
  • Detergents. You can use store chemistry or try out numerous folk recipes.
  • Rags. There should be a lot of them and they should not leave a pile on the glass. Microfiber is best suited.
  • Scraper. The rubberized tip will allow you to remove water and soap from the windows without leaving streaks.
  • Old newspapers. It is simply an indispensable polishing agent.

wash plastic windows without streaks folk remedies

Cleaning algorithm

If you are determined to wash windows without streaks, folk remedies and household chemicals will certainly come in handy. But the most important thing is a clear organization and planning of the process. Cleaning is also an art, and therefore it is important to concentrate. Schedule yourself this algorithm:

  • Remove flower pots, photo frames, or other items that you usually store from windowsills. Moving aside is not an option, because during the washing process water will drip onto them. And your maneuverability will be significantly reduced.
  • Pour warm water into a basin, bucket or any other convenient container (your hands should be comfortable). Add any detergent (even grated laundry soap will do).
  • Moisten a microfiber or linen cloth in liquid and wipe frames, window sills, slopes, and handles well.
  • Remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places using regular ear sticks.
  • Empty the container and fill it with a new portion of warm, clean water.
  • Wipe the window sills, frames and handles again to remove any detergent residue.
  • The next portion of clean water will be spent on wiping the glass on both sides, washing off the dust and dirt that has accumulated them.
  • Now the glass must be thoroughly wiped and polished using a special tool.
  • Using a clean, damp cloth, walk around the frames and window sills again to remove any detergent that might have got into them when washing the windows.

how to clean plastic windows without streaks

Digression ... or a little about frames

Any housewife is interested in how to quickly wash windows without streaks at home. But behind the sparkling glass do not forget about the frames. If you don’t put in enough effort, they will remain dirty, and if you overdo it, they can simply be ruined, which will also not add appeal to your windows. So, my window frames, follow these recommendations:

  • Discard powder products. Both for wood and plastic profiles, they are fatal.
  • Carefully study the composition of detergents. They should not contain gasoline, acids, solvents or other components that could discolor or impair the integrity of the structure. The best option is an alcohol base.
  • If you are not completely sure about the choice of detergent (especially when it comes to plastic windows), stop with liquid or laundry soap.
  • When the main work is done, be sure to treat the metal fittings with machine oil, because under the influence of water and other atmospheric factors, signs of corrosion may appear on it.

how to quickly wash windows without streaks at home

How to make a window cleaner yourself

Each experienced housewife has her own secrets on how to wash windows without stains. Folk remedies are quite numerous, but there is one composition that has gained the most popularity. It is prepared on the basis of three liters of water. The following components are added to it:

  • six tablespoons of apple or ordinary table vinegar;
  • the same amount of tooth powder or simply ground chalk;
  • 150 grams of lime;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt (preferably “extra” so that it dissolves better);
  • the same amount of grated laundry soap;
  • 4 tablespoons dishwashing detergent.

When working with this solution, be sure to wear gloves. Moisten a sponge in it and wipe the glass well. To remove the composition from the window you need a special rubber scraper. That there were no stains, movements should be directed from top to bottom.

wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks

Folk remedies for heavy pollution

If for some reason there is severe pollution on the glass or they have not been cleaned for a long time, it is not so easy to wash the windows without streaks. Folk remedies will always come to the rescue. Here are the most effective ones:

  • For 4 liters of water you need to take a bottle of ammonia, the same amount of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of starch and a pinch of blue. Mix all components well and pour liquid into a spray bottle. Spread the product over the glass and wipe it with a dry cloth or newspaper.
  • Pre-rinse the glass with water and rub well with raw potato. After that, wipe the window with cold water and polish with a dry rag.
  • Grind the chalk into dust and dilute it with vodka to make a mass that looks like liquid sour cream. Using a sponge, rub the resulting mixture over the glass, paying close attention to the most polluted places. Wash the window with clean water and wipe dry - there will be no streaks.
  • If black dots appeared on the glass left by annoying flies, you can get rid of them with a bulb cut in half. Simply rub away the contaminated areas and wash the glass with water.

how to wash windows without streaks folk remedies

What to look for when buying household chemicals?

If you want to wash plastic windows without streaks, folk remedies will take you a lot of time to prepare. If every minute counts, go to the household chemistry store. A quality glass cleaner should contain the following components:

  • water as a basis;
  • alcohol or acids;
  • Surfactants, which will make it easier to separate impurities from the glass surface;
  • ammonia, which serves to give the surface of the windows transparency and shine;
  • silicone or other antistatic agent, which prevents dust, dirt and scattering from rain on the glass.

How to prevent the appearance of divorces

Wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks is not as easy as it seems. When it seems that the work is already finished, white stripes become visible on the glass, which you just want to erase. To prevent this from happening, use these tips:

  • Do not wash the window in sunny or windy weather, because it contributes to the quick drying of detergents. As a result, white streaks remain on the glass. And if you do the cleaning when the air is sufficiently humid (for example, after rain or in the evening), it will be easier for you to wash household chemicals from the window.
  • Wipe the windows in a circular motion. At the same time, it is recommended to move from top to bottom in order to “drive” the remaining liquid to the base of the window.
  • The final step should always be polishing. You can do this with a newspaper, suede or any other soft cloth, microfiber cloth. Old nylon tights are also suitable.

If the divorce still appeared

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to wash the glass perfectly. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove stains on plastic windows, if they still appeared. You can do this with the help of such folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. For a liter of water you will need two to three tablespoons of a 9 percent substance. Having processed the windows with this tool, you will not only get rid of stains, but also scare away insects from your window.
  • Starch. In a liter of water, dilute an incomplete tablespoon of the product. Such a mixture will have a polishing effect on the glass.
  • Manganese. Add some water to the water so that it turns a light pink color. Make sure that no undissolved crystals remain, otherwise they may stain the frame of the plastic window.
  • Ammonia. This tool is just perfect for streaks caused by a nicotine film on glass. The proportions are as follows: 10 liters of water account for a glass of ammonia. If you use this product, do not close the windows until the pungent odor completely disappears.
  • Salt. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of the product in a glass of water and soak a microfiber cloth in it, wipe the washed windows.
  • Glycerol. It acts in the same way as silicone, creating a film on the glass that repels dust and water. You just need to mix glycerin and water in a ratio of 2: 1, drop a little ammonia and process the glass.

folk means for washing windows without streaks


A good housewife is simply obliged to know folk remedies for washing windows. Without divorce, they look much better! Transparent sparkling glass is not just beautiful. They give a good mood to all households and let a lot of light into the home. And the main advantage of folk remedies is that they cost a mere penny, compared with household chemicals.

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