Many people, having in their household a holey inflatable product, do not even suspect that it is to be repaired, and, therefore, do not know how to glue an air mattress. Complaints that over time he began to bleed air are not uncommon. As a result, people, having discovered a hole, simply throw away the mattress. Today, there are several options and repair methods. Let us dwell on one of them in more detail.
To begin with, we will figure out how to glue an air mattress. In shops selling auto / bike spare parts, there are special repair kits. These include patches, glue and sandpaper for stripping.
Before sticking the air mattress, you need to find the place where it is damaged. To do this, place it slightly inflated in a bath of water. While slowly pressing on the mattress, carefully monitor the appearance of bubbles. This procedure will help you easily determine the location of the damage. In order not to lose the hole found, it is better to mark it with a chalk or marker.
After a hole is found, dry the mattress well by wiping it with a dry towel and degrease the surface near the damage. To do this, use alcohol or vodka, and preferably a solvent. Cut a patch of the required size that matches the damage. As a patch, use the tape that comes with the repair kit.
Many are also tormented by the question of how to glue an air mattress, and, as a result, the first thing that comes across a kind of hand is superglue. It is strictly forbidden to use it for such purposes, since it contains cyanoacrylate, which cannot withstand pressure and soon a new hole will appear in the old place.
In such cases, it is better to use glue on a rubber basis. It is he who has elastic properties that will not allow the seam to disperse. As a rule, its cost is more, but it is a justifiable purchase. On the surface of the tube it is indicated whether it is possible to glue the air mattress with this glue and what materials it generally glues.
Adhesive should only be applied to one part, preferably directly on the area of damage. After that, it must be spread over the surface with a brush. Then you should wait until the glue dries, and apply another layer.
Now it remains only to press the patch on the mattress so that there are no air bubbles between them. To do this, you need to lay two parts on top of each other and put some kind of weight on top. Upholstered furniture can also be used as cargo by placing a mattress under the leg of a sofa or bed. In this case, it must be put on a piece of cellophane, which will prevent the glue from getting on the carpet or floor.
The procedure itself is carried out quite quickly, since the glue dries instantly. A mattress so repaired is able to withstand the same loads as a new one.
With the help of simple manipulations that take a little time, you can now repair any inflatable product yourself. The question of how and how to seal an air mattress will no longer arise.