What are the types of pinschers: photo and description, features of maintenance and care

Pinschers are a group of several breeds of dogs bred to catch rats and protect human housing. Almost all of these animals have German roots and cropped ears. In today's article you will find a brief description of the existing types of pinschers.

Doberman: breed history

These animals were bred in Germany thanks to the dedicated work of a German civil servant named Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The duties of this person included tax collection. Therefore, he needed a reliable defender in the form of a formidable dog.

types of pinschers

To create a new type of pinscher, several dog breeds were used at once. It is known for certain that the blood of the Greyhounds, Rottweilers and Great Danes flow in the veins of the modern Doberman. It is possible that terriers, German pinschers and even mestizos with a suitable exterior took part in the formation of the new breed.

In 1899, the first club of Doberman fans was created. Around the same time, the official breed standard was developed. In 1960, these dogs were recognized by the World Cynological Federation.

Doberman: breed description

These are athletic, harmoniously built, high-legged dogs with a strong, moderately wide skeleton. Depending on the sex, the height of an adult animal is 63-72 cm, and the mass can reach 32-45 kilograms. On the wedge-shaped head with a wide forehead, smoothly turning into the nose, there are developed cheekbones and oval eyes, the color of which corresponds to the color of the coat. Cropped pincher ears have the shape of an isosceles triangle with a pointed apex.

The dog’s long muscular neck smoothly turns into a protruding zolka, a short and wide back, and a slightly raised rounded croup, ending with the base of a high-set trimmed tail.

The whole body of the animal is covered with a rigid tight-fitting outer hair, under which, in general, there is no undercoat. The color of representatives of this breed can be black or brown with a red-orange tan.


Doberman Pinscher - a dog completely unsuitable for life in an aviary. Since she completely lacks undercoat, she needs to be kept only in the house, because in winter she will just freeze. Caring for any representative of this breed comes down to a regular examination of teeth, claws, ears and eyes. Once a week, the animal must be cleaned with a special glove or a soft brush. It is advisable to bathe the dog with a special shampoo. Moreover, it is recommended to do this no more than twice a year.

pincher dog

Dobermans are not prone to allergies. Therefore, you can feed them both natural and industrial food. In the first case, a couple of times a year, you need to additionally give your pet a vitamin-mineral complex, which includes seaweed.

It is necessary to walk with such a dog regularly and for a long time so that it can splash out the accumulated energy. In winter, before going outside to the dog, it is recommended to wear a warm jumpsuit.

German pinscher: origin of the breed

The history of these animals began in the XVI-XVII century. They were bred in Germany from swamp dogs hunting small rodents. The first representatives of this type of pinscher were called ratters. They were kept on farms and used as guards and rat-catchers.

dwarf pincher price

After some time, these animals were introduced into the USA and Switzerland. It was from this moment that purposeful work began to improve the German pinscher. A little later, these dogs took part in the formation of Rottweilers, Dobermans and several other breeds.

German pinscher: description

These are proportional, compact animals with a light physique and a dry constitution. The height of the adult varies from 43-58, and the mass can reach 12-16 kilograms. On the elongated narrow-mouthed head with a faint stop, dark shiny eyes and highly placed hanging or cropped ears are located.

The short neck of the German pincher smoothly turns into a prominent withers, a strong flat back and a short, slightly lowered croup, ending with the base of a saber tail. Under a well-muscled body there are two pairs of straight thin-boned limbs.

The entire body of representatives of this type of pincher is covered with a straight, stiff, shiny, tight-fitting outer hair with an almost undeveloped undercoat. The color of these dogs can be marble, one or two-tone. In the latter case, symmetrical, clearly defined red or mahogany tan marks are located on the main black background. As for monochromatic individuals, their shade is often compared with the color of reddish deer or chamois.

Content Features

German Pinschers are dogs suitable for urban living. They are very clean and do not require specific hair care. In order for the dog to have an attractive appearance, it needs to be treated a couple of times a week with a soft brush. It is advisable to bathe such an animal as it gets dirty using the appropriate shampoo.

mini pinscher

In addition, you should not forget about the eyes and ears of your pet. They need to be regularly inspected and cleaned of accumulated dust and dirt. Pincher's claws require no less attention. They are systematically trimmed with a special device.

Since representatives of this breed are endowed with active temperament, they must be regularly walked. So that the dog does not freeze in the winter cold, they are dressed in insulated clothing before leaving the house.

Austrian Pinscher: breed history

This breed originates in the XVIII century. Images of such dogs are found in paintings dated 1700. The exact origin of these animals is still unknown. According to one version, they appeared as a result of crossing German pinschers with local dogs. It is possible that some varieties of terriers participated in the formation of the breed.

Austrian pinscher - a dog used for all kinds of farm work. He successfully dealt with the protection of household property, the destruction of rats and cattle driving. After people ceased to need the help of these animals, they were endangered. It was possible to save the breed only thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts.

Austrian pinscher: description

These are stocky, not too large animals with a wide barrel-shaped chest and a powerful neck. Depending on the sex, the height of the adult is 42-50 cm, and the mass varies between 12-18 kg. On a pear-shaped head with a short muzzle and a well-defined foot are large dark eyes and triangular hanging or erect ears.

pinscher nursery

The powerful neck of the dog smoothly passes into the protruding withers, short back and smooth croup, ending with the base of a high-ranking tail twisted into a ring. The whole body of the animal is covered with straight, smooth hair of a red, brownish-yellow, fawn or black hue with white or reddish marks.

Content Features

Representatives of this breed perfectly adapt to any conditions. They are fairly clean and can live in urban apartments. Pincher puppies are very smart and quickly learn to cope with their natural needs on the street.

In general, caring for these dogs comes down to regular washing, combing, clipping, brushing your teeth and ears. In addition, you need to make sure that the dog receives a balanced diet and intense physical activity. The inability to splash out accumulated energy will cause a number of behavioral problems. An insufficiently walked dog turns into a nervous, aggressive and irritable creature, prone to destruction.

Miniature Pinscher: Breed History

Germany is considered the birthplace of these tiny dogs. Scientists still have not been able to establish the exact date of origin of this breed. It is only known for certain that the first mention of dogs outwardly resembling mini-pinchers dates back to the 15th century.

In those ancient times, they lived in stables and regularly killed rats. Later, these dogs were taken with them on hunting trips and on different trips, so that they scared away possible enemies with their sonorous barking. Now representatives of this breed are bred exclusively as pets.

Miniature Pinscher: Description

These tiny animals are a small copy of the Doberman. Unlike its big brother, an adult mini-pincher grows to 25-30 cm, and its weight does not exceed 6 kg. On a small proportional head with a noticeable transition from the forehead to the muzzle are oval dark eyes and cropped high-set ears.

Under a slender, well-muscled body with a strong skeleton and a thick neck, there are two pairs of long, even limbs. The tail of such a dog is usually stopped almost immediately after birth.

pincher ears

The entire miniature body of a dwarf pinscher, the price of which depends on several important factors, is covered with smooth shiny hair. As for the color, it can be brown-red or black and tan. In the latter case, the marks should be located in strictly regulated places.

Content Features

This miniature breed is ideal for urban living. Such a dog takes up very little space and practically does not fade. Another significant plus of tiny animals is their unpretentiousness and cleanliness.

A dwarf pincher, the price of which ranges from 10-30 thousand rubles, does not need frequent washing and regular combing. You need to bathe such a dog as rarely as possible, since there is a high risk of catching a cold. You should also systematically trim the claws of your pet, because they do not have time to grind naturally.

When walking such a baby, it is better not to let go of the leash, so that passers-by or other dogs would not accidentally injure him. In the winter, before leaving the house, the animal must be dressed in an insulated jumpsuit.

Affenpincher: history of origin, description and recommendations for care

This is one of the oldest European breeds, the first mention of which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. The official homeland of the affenpincher is the German port town of Lübeck, formerly part of the Hanseatic League. Initially, they were bred to kill rodents. According to experts, the Brussels griffins, some varieties of terriers and even Asian pugs took part in the formation of the breed. Be that as it may, today these interesting creations enjoy the well-deserved love of world breeders and ordinary owners. Many cities have pincher kennels with an original monkey face.

These are small compact animals, whose height is 20-28 cm, and weight ranges from 3.5-6 kg. On a domed head with a convex forehead and a pronounced stop, there are huge round eyes and high-set ears. Under a square muscular body with a straight top line and a developed, slightly flattened chest, there are two pairs of even strong limbs. The whole body of the affinpincher is covered with hard black hair. On the face of the animal must be whiskers, a beard and bushy eyebrows.

German pinscher description

Affenpincher is an unpretentious dog that easily adapts to any conditions of detention. The only inconvenience associated with caring for this animal may be the need for regular trimming. Also, the owners of such a dog should be prepared for the fact that they will have to systematically cut the hair around the eyes of their pet. Otherwise, the dog will begin to lose sight.

Despite its miniature size, the affinpincher is very energetic. Therefore, he should have the opportunity to splash out the accumulated energy on walks in city parks. At the same time, it is recommended to protect him from contacts with larger brothers, so that they do not accidentally injure him.

If, after reading the above material, you decide to purchase such a puppy, we recommend that you contact a specialized nursery or a professional breeder. Since only in this way you will be completely sure that you are giving a lot of money for a thoroughbred puppy with all the relevant documents, and you are not buying a pincher cross from which anything can grow.

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