Among the variety of children's toys, parents want to find the best and best. In addition, it is desirable that they be budget enough. Especially when it comes to electric and cycle cars. In this article, the Polesie children's motorcycle is subject to review.
If your child is a little older and constantly strives to get into some kind of trouble, you need to think how to occupy it. An excellent option would be a Polesie motorcycle wheelchair. These toys are quite safe and easy to operate. It will give your child incredible pleasure to drive around the yard on such an aggregate, collecting the enthusiastic looks of peers.
However, do not consider them as the main means of transportation. Remember that this is just a toy.
Main characteristics
A review of the motorcycle "Polesie" is a description of its basic characteristics. So, let's start with the fact that this toy is Belarusian. The body type of the motorcycle is a wheelchair. It is intended for children aged two to six years.
The material from which the body and wheels are made is plastic. The wheels can be two or three. But there are only one places for skiing.
It is important to remember that since the toy is made of plastic, that is, there are some restrictions on weight. As much as she can withstand no more than 25 kg.
Product Features
Polesie motorcycles look very stylish. Their design contains vibrant colors and beautiful sticker pictures on the case.
Most models have three wheels: one in the front and a pair of rear doubles. This allows the toy to look like a mini motobike. It helps the child develop motor activity. And this, in turn, helps to improve mental abilities.
For children of this age, plastic is the most wear-resistant material, especially for toys of this format. The seat has a comfortable shape, and the handles of the Polesie motorcycle create comfortable driving conditions for a children's vehicle. The width and position of the wheels ensure safety.
This unit can be used both outdoors and indoors. However, keep in mind that your rider will need a lot of space to "dissect" on a motorbike around the apartment.
POLESIE: MX Wheelchair
This model is one of the most sought after on the market. Wheelchair-bike "MX" ("Polesie") is a catchy and bright vehicle for the child. Due to its bright colors and stylish design, your child will be envied by everything in the area, and the child himself will be able to feel like a real racer.
The Polesie MX motorcycle has only two wheels, however they are wide enough to ensure safe riding. Handles are located on both sides of the motorcycle. All this allows you to develop coordination, train mindfulness and muscles.
This motorcycle can be used by children from a year. The most important thing is that they are already confidently standing on their feet, since this vehicle works on the principle of a scooter - you need to push off with your feet.
Price category
Motorcycle "Polesie" refers to mid-budget purchases. It costs around 1600 - 1800 rubles. Such an aggregate can afford even a poor family. This is the main advantage of the toy.
Among the positive qualities of the motorcycle "Polesie" users note the following:
- colorful design;
- convenient management;
- the presence of a handle for carrying;
- lightness of the whole structure;
- reliability and durability;
- seat comfort;
- wheel protection;
- low cost.
However, disadvantages are also found. For example, pebbles between a wheel and a fork get stuck during operation with this model. In addition, the child is somewhat uncomfortable with the fact that the motorcycle has a limited rudder travel.
Parents should pay attention to the fact that such motorcycles, cars or other wheelchairs can lead to deformation of the child’s foot. To avoid this, you need to choose the right toy. It is important that the height and age of the baby is suitable for riding on such a machine.
The deformation occurs due to the fact that the child incorrectly sets the leg, and during repulsion also strains the muscles. If the pastime on the motorcycle is reduced, then deformation will probably be avoided.
When buying a tolokar, manufacturers recommend observing some rules:
- Before using the product, it is necessary to check the integrity and reliability of all elements of the toy.
- The child needs to be taught to ride a motorcycle.
- Do not use the toy on the roadway near cars.
- You should not accelerate strongly on it or ask adults to push the unit, since it is not equipped with a braking system.
- When riding, you must be in shoes.
Users also noted that a protective helmet for a child may be included in the package. However, then the set will cost 500 rubles more.
It’s better to take care of the toy using a damp cloth. Do not expose it to direct exposure to large quantities of water. On the body of the toy there are colorful stickers that can peel off when exposed to water.
Also among the advantages of tolokar, consumers note its lightness. It weighs about 3 kg, and with the presence of a handle for carrying, its transportation does not cause any trouble at all. For the child himself, this is also important, because he has to push his legs and his weight and the weight of the toy. The lightness of the unit makes riding on it very comfortable.
Parents note that due to the fact that the steering wheel is 50 cm high and the seat height is 35 cm, the child keeps his back level while moving. This avoids all kinds of posture deformations.
Users are somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that the steering knobs are not rubberized. However, here everything is not so bad. They are quite strong and when they fall, the first blow falls on them.
Due to the fact that the tolokar has a steering wheel of a simple design, the child quickly understands how to drive a vehicle. The seat is narrow enough (only 6 cm in the narrowest place and 11 cm in the widest) so that the child does not have to spread his legs strongly and unnaturally. In this case, an incorrectly selected motorcycle can lead to deformation of the hip joints and distortion of the gait, and, consequently, posture.
It is important to choose toys for children so that they not only give them pleasure, but also do no harm to their health.