What to do if a 2-year-old child does not walk on a potty?

When a baby appears in the family, his parents acquire new cares and responsibilities. So, at the very beginning, they worry about the nutrition and proper development of the baby. Over time, a process called parenting begins. This is where the parents must promptly explain to the crumb what they can do and how best not to act. Potty training is a painful topic for many parents. So, some couples claim that their babies are asked to relieve themselves in the right place almost from birth. Does this happen? This article will discuss what to do if a two-year-old child does not walk on the potty. You can get the opinion of experienced professionals and knowledgeable parents. Also find out if the pathology is the case when a two-year-old child does not go to the potty.

child 2 years does not go to the potty

At what age do you need to teach your baby to relieve need in a special place?

Most parents are convinced that children need to be taught to walk on the potty at the age of six months. Some unique people manage to do this even earlier. However, all this is nothing more than an attempt to save on diapers and show off to friends. Also, great pressure on moms and dads is exerted by grandmothers who are surprised how their grandson or great-grandson pisses in his pants a year.

Pediatricians and neurologists, however, say that the child has the right to up to three years of age to relieve the need wherever he wants. Of course, most babies after 12-18 months already prefer to ask for a toilet. However, the absence of such a habit at this age is not a pathology. What about parents? What to do if a 2-year-old child does not walk on a potty? Consider some methods of exposure to the baby at this age.

Suggest an alternative to the hated accessory

If a 2-year-old child does not go to the potty, Komarovsky proposes to provide the baby with an alternative. The baby is already quite large and understands everything perfectly. He sees how mom and dad are relieving themselves in another place and wants to do the same.

Try replacing the pot with a regular toilet. If you do not have the opportunity to put a special children's plumbing device, then purchase the usual pad. Remember that the product should be as convenient and comfortable as possible for the baby. Securely fasten the seat to the adult toilet and invite the baby to cope with the need there. Most likely, the crumb will be interested in such a change of scenery. Even for his own interest, the child will want to follow your example. Perhaps, from this day the baby will not go to the potty, but use an adult toilet.

what to do if a two year old child does not go to the potty

Replace the device with another

If a 2-year-old child does not go to the potty and completely refuses to perceive it, then most likely he just has unpleasant associations. Remember, did you not teach your baby to relieve the need for this particular device by force? Perhaps the child simply remembered the negative points and now does not want to use such a device.

There is a way out of this situation. Just buy a new pot. It is desirable that not only the color differ, but the shape of the product itself. Offer the baby to choose an accessory yourself. In this case, there is a high probability that the child will want to immediately use the pot and will always do this.

Give up diapers

Does a 2 year old child not go to the potty? Do you still use diapers and absorbent underpants? Then it’s not at all a kid. Most likely, the parents themselves are not yet able to admit that their child has already grown up and can independently cope with their needs. Dad and mom do not let the two-year-old understand that without diapers his pants will get wet, and this will be very unpleasant.

Discard absorbent devices. Stop wearing diapers at night and day. Within a few days, you will be able to notice that the child has begun to show interest in the pot. He will simply be uncomfortable in wet pants.

what to do if a child 2 years old does not go to the potty

Do not scold the baby

If a child of 2 years does not go to the potty, many parents resort to drastic measures. They begin to scold the baby or even beat. It is worth saying that these actions are absolutely wrong. With this method, you only reinforce the negative attitude towards the hated accessory.

Stop scolding and shaming the child. Try to remind him more often that it’s time to pee in a pot. Ask periodically if he wants to use the toilet. At this age, children are already quite able to control their desires and feel the fullness of the intestines.

a child of 2 years does not go on a Komarovsky pot

Create motivation

If a child of 2 years does not go to the potty, then most likely he is just lazy. He has no motivation that would contribute to the desire to empty himself in the right place.

Invite the child to choose and buy underwear for him together. It can be panties with your favorite cartoon character or your preferred color shorts. On the very first day of socks of the selected outfit, you will notice that the child began to use the potty. All due to the fact that the baby does not want to spoil his favorite thing, which he chose for himself.

Also, any delicacy can be the motivation. What does your child love the most? Candy or chocolate? Juice or cookies? Tell him that you will immediately encourage him as soon as he begins to write in a pot. Remember that your promise must be kept. Otherwise, the baby will simply be disappointed in you and continue his policy.

two-year-old child does not go to the pot what to do

Take away the pot

If a child of two years does not go to the potty, then simply take this item from him. It seems pretty stupid, right? However, it is worth saying that all children at this age are terrible owners. They do not want to share their toys and personal belongings even with their parents. What can we say about strangers and peers!

Take the baby's potty and just say that you will give it to another baby (birds, dog, and so on). No one else like you knows the baby. Choose an object that has such a present, based on the considerations of your child. Perhaps he does not like to share toys with a boy next door? So tell me that the pot is intended for him. It is likely that after such your sayings, the child will pick up his device and immediately use it. As a result, you will achieve what you wanted. If necessary, remind the baby periodically that the pot can still go to another owner if not used.

a child of two years does not go to the potty

Carrot and stick

If a two-year-old does not go to the potty, what should I do? It also happens that all of the above methods do not help. Some children are so stubborn that they do not want to give in to any conditions and compromise. In this case, you can try and punishment. However, you need to know for sure that the baby behaves in this way precisely because of obstinacy.

Many mothers say that after several punishments the children began to use the pot quite normally. As a whip, a ban on cartoons, a denial of a new toy, deprivation of sweets, and so on can be made. Most likely, after such influences, the baby will agree to use a hated device in order to return the joys of his life.

See a doctor and get treatment

If a child of 2 years does not go to the potty, what should parents do? In some cases, this symptom is a sign of pathology. Perhaps the baby needs medical attention. See your doctor like a urologist, nephrologist, pediatrician, and neurologist. They will conduct the necessary examinations and make the correct diagnosis.

two year old child does not go to the potty

If your baby has any neurological problems, then this option is likely. In this case, do not delay the correction. Timely treatment will quickly and without consequences restore control of the urethra, and the baby will go to the potty.

Expected Position

What if a child in two years refuses to go on a potty? Just wait. If you were at the doctor, and the doctor said that everything is fine with the child, then you can not worry about anything. The baby will not pee in his pants until he comes of age. Most likely, after a few months or weeks, the baby will show interest in his accessory and begin to relieve the need there.

Remember the opinion of experienced doctors. Experts say that the child has every right not to use the pot until three years old. Do not look at other children and, of course, you should not trust parents who claim that their baby is asking for a toilet from the diaper. At night, the baby can pee in his pants until he reaches the age of five. Be patient. You may not have to wait so long. Most children in three years already independently use the pot day and night. However, there are exceptions that only confirm the rule.

child 2 years old does not go to the pot what to do

Summing up, or a brief conclusion of the article

You now know what to do if the baby does not walk on the pot at the age of two. Remember that all tips are conditional. Some can act on the child immediately. Others will not force the baby to react to the situation.

Do not apply all the tips at the same time. Choose the one that seems most effective to you. If necessary, use a different method after a few days. Give your baby good examples, but at the same time do not blame him. Otherwise, the child may have a complex, and he completely closes in himself. If necessary, you can use the advice of a child psychologist. The specialist will surely find an approach to your baby and help solve a delicate problem. Educate your child correctly and set a good example for him through your actions. I wish you success!

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