On the approach 26th week of pregnancy, and there, and before the birth of the baby, a stone's throw. The whole process of gestation is a real test for the strength of the body for any woman. During this period there is a particularly difficult time, but then the pain, unpleasant and negative moments recede, giving way to new sensations and forebodings.
It is unlikely that the expectant mother will not want to know what is happening in her body during this period of pregnancy. What she will feel, how the fetus develops and a number of other issues. We will analyze these and some other related points within the framework of this article.
Obstetric period
Some women may have difficulty calculating the duration of their pregnancy. This is especially true of those expectant mothers who have this for the first time. Often, women may have a question of the following nature: 26th week of pregnancy - how many months is this? What is characteristic is that usually in all medical maternity hospitals the period of bearing a child is counted precisely in weeks, while mothers themselves prefer to keep an account for months.
To understand this, it is necessary to disclose the concept of obstetric term. This is the period of pregnancy, when the countdown goes from the day when there was the last menstruation. Moreover, every month is 4 weeks and this facilitates the counting process. Thus, the entire cycle of bearing a child takes 40 full weeks.
In other words, to determine the period in months, for convenience or for another need, the number of weeks should be divided by 4. That is, 26 weeks is 6 months of pregnancy.
It should also be noted that all nine months are still divided into trimesters. Each of them has three months. That is, 26 weeks can also be called 6 months or the end of the II trimester.
Changes in a woman’s body
The uterus continues to grow, steadily increasing in size. Directly, the stomach itself at 26 weeks of gestation now resembles a little watermelon in its dimensions. Because of this, other internal organs experience a certain pressure. All this can cause some discomfort. In particular, shortness of breath cannot be avoided, since the uterus also compresses the lungs. This manifests itself in the form of a constant feeling of tightness in the chest.
Of course, an increase in the reproductive organ is due to the development of the fetus. However, as the abdomen grows, other changes are observed. The center of gravity shifts, and as a result, the future mother’s gait changes. Some women begin to experience complexes about this. It should be reconciled, because the phenomenon is temporary and after the birth of a child everything will return to normal. In addition, for the sake of a dear little man, you can tolerate.
Women should not be afraid of weight gain at 26 weeks of gestation. As a rule, it is from 7 to 9 kg, and is considered the norm. And in case of waiting for twins, 8-11 kg are already added. The increase in "excess" weight leads to the appearance of heaviness in the legs, but in addition, a pregnant woman may experience pain in the lumbar region. It is necessary to try to relax most of the time, to avoid long walks and long lines.
Sometimes a woman may have the so-called training contractions. This manifests itself in the form of tension and relaxation of the lower abdominal muscles. Do not worry about this, because in this way the body prepares for the upcoming birth of a child.
They are also called false contractions. However, if at the time of 26 weeks of pregnancy, when they appear, the woman experiences sharp and severe pain, this is a serious reason for immediately contacting a specialist. In particular, this must be done with copious secretion of mucus. Complete disregard for the situation that has arisen threatens with premature birth. In the normal course of pregnancy, the discharge is moderate and also has no smell or color.
Child progress
Any loving mother will always be interested in the question, how is her baby doing there? By the period of 26 weeks, her child is already acquiring human features and he has individual characteristics:
- Formed iris.
- Eyebrows are clearly visible.
- The beginning of the development of eyelashes.
- There is a bookmark of molars and primary teeth.
The weight of the baby is already 750-800 grams, which is the norm for weight at 26 weeks of gestation, and its length does not exceed 350 mm. We can say that this period is the time when the baby, while still in the womb, learns to know the world around him, and the senses help him in this. The middle ear is also formed, and therefore the child is able to well catch some sounds. Moreover, occasionally he can open his eyes. But too bright a light scares him, so the future mother should take this into account, being careful.
For the woman herself, this is also a favorable period when she can talk with her baby. You can be absolutely sure that the child will hear everything, and the voice of his mother will be especially pleasant to him.
At the period of 26 weeks of pregnancy, the soothing sounds of nature and a calm and melodic musical rhythm will also favorably influence the development of the fetus. While sharp and loud sounds or pops can pretty much scare the baby.
The child’s body is developing rapidly: internal organs and vital systems, including the respiratory system, are actively forming. In his lungs, a substance is synthesized called a surfactant, which is necessary for the maturation of the alveoli. It is due to it that the development of atelectasis is prevented. Fully respiratory system will be formed only by the 36th week.
As a rule, by the 26th week the fetus is located head down, but in some cases it is still in the position - legs down. However, there is no reason for concern if the development of the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy proceeds normally. In addition, another trimester is expected, during which the child will be able to change his position several more times.
Unforgettable feelings
For the woman herself, the end of the II trimester is still the time when she feels her baby well. Mothers are always aware of what the child is doing: is he sleeping or is actively awake. During the normal course of pregnancy, the baby spends most of the time in a dream, which is from 18 to 20 hours. The rest of the time, he can spend time as he likes - pushing, kicking, or committing any other action. However, if a woman notices that the baby’s activity is very high and the baby sleeps very little, it is necessary to notify the gynecologist about it at the next scheduled examination.
Especially pleasant sounds are the beating of the mother’s heart and the movement of blood through the vascular system. In this connection, it is recommended to press those children who begin to be capricious during the first months of their life to their chest and vilify in this position for some time. The child recognizes the familiar sounds that he heard in the womb.
And what happens at 26 weeks of gestation? The child continues to grow actively and now it is no longer a crumb - his tremors are not only well felt by his mother, but also visible to others. According to the intrauterine lifestyle of the baby, doctors and women themselves can judge its well-being.
Pregnancy symptoms
In the last trimester, a pregnant woman may experience some unpleasant symptoms. For example, among the frequent complaints can be noted:
- Increased uterine tone.
- Gestosis.
- Anemia
- Pyelonephritis.
The false contractions mentioned above are associated with increased uterine tone and occur almost every day. Their duration is no more than a few seconds and does not cause serious discomfort. However, the appearance of sharp and severe pains in the lower abdomen at a gestational age of 26 weeks indicates uterine hypertonicity, which may ultimately result in premature birth.
Signs of gestosis are high blood pressure, headaches, swelling, nausea, and protein in the urine. Gestosis must be promptly detected and treated. This pregnancy complication poses a serious threat to the health of the mother and her baby. In this regard, the doctors constantly monitor the entire process.
Every second expectant mother is familiar with anemia syndrome. Her body spends a lot of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which are necessary for the full development of the child. Symptoms of this complication are: weakness, dizziness, pale skin tone, low pressure. These symptoms are especially pronounced at 26 weeks of gestation with twins.
Pyelonephritis can be caused by microorganisms, because of which an inflammatory process begins to develop in the kidneys. The reasons are different, among which: hypothermia, there are deposits or stones in the kidneys, tonsillitis. Even caries can provoke inflammation.
Side effects
Despite the fact that pregnancy as a whole for women is a long-awaited and joyful event, it has natural “side effects”. They cannot be completely avoided, and the appearance is due mainly to the growth of the uterus. At the end of the II trimester, the following phenomena can be observed:
- Shortness of breath mentioned above. But in addition to the effects of the uterus on the lungs and diaphragm, it can also be caused by a large amount of progesterone. Such sensations at 26 weeks of pregnancy are caused by an enlarging uterus, which leads to a change in the position of the diaphragm. In turn, because of this, the volume of the lungs is slightly reduced. After giving birth or on the eve of childbirth, you can breathe deeply, but for now it is advisable to wear loose clothing.
- Varicose veins. For the most part, its causes are differential pressure of the leg muscles (especially the calf), bloating of veins and capillaries. With varicose veins, heaviness in the legs occurs without fail. For the prevention of this disease, it is necessary to avoid long sitting in one place, at the same time it is highly recommended not to walk or stand for a long time. Also, in a sitting position, you can not cross your legs.
- Heartburn. As a rule, it is caused by the ingestion of stomach acid into the esophagus. At the 26th week of pregnancy, due to the effects of progesterone, the upper sphincter of the stomach weakens, as a result of which the esophagus does not completely close. For this reason, during sleep, when turning from side to side, as well as tilting the body forward, acid from the stomach gets there. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to exclude acidic, spicy foods from the diet, not to eat heavy food. In addition, it is advisable to sleep on a higher pillow.
- Swelling. Usually it happens due to fluid retention in the body, but with a long stay in a standing position, leg swelling cannot be avoided. To avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to take foot baths with salts of magnesium sulfate. It will also be useful from time to time to lie down with your legs up. Watermelons and cucumbers help against swelling of the hands. These products simulate the elimination of fluid from the body. And it is better to remove the engagement ring and other similar jewelry during pregnancy.
This gives an idea of what happens at 26 weeks of gestation.
However, these symptoms are temporary and in addition to causing some discomfort for the expectant mother, they do not have any negative effects. In addition, by conducting preventive measures from time to time, discomfort can be minimized.
What to look for
Pregnant women need to be attentive to their body throughout the term. If there is a constant severity in the lower abdomen, you must immediately visit a doctor. In most cases, this indicates isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervix gradually and prematurely opens.
Incomplete closure of the cervical canal provides an opportunity for the unhindered entry of various infections. Often this leads to premature birth. What to do at the 26th week of pregnancy in this case? Treatment here mainly requires surgical intervention, and the well-being of the outcome depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help.
Symptoms of infection are purulent, mucous and curdled discharge. The presence of protein in them requires a good examination of the microflora of the vagina, smears and a blood test. Infection of a child negatively affects its development, up to its stop. In the worst case, one cannot avoid a more tragic outcome - the death of the fetus.
Particular care must be taken when spotting occurs. This may indicate placenta previa or its detachment. This poses a serious threat and therefore you need to take a lying position, immediately after calling a doctor.
With the onset of 26 weeks, the woman will have another scheduled visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will measure blood pressure, fix the level of weight gain, measure the circumference of the abdomen, determine at what height the bottom of the uterus is located, listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.
Before visiting a doctor, you should do another urinalysis, and then, based on the data obtained, perform a blood test for the amount of sugar. In the event that this is 26 weeks of pregnancy with twins, then at this time the mother will have to collect and prepare all the necessary documentation for the purpose of maternity leave.
If necessary, a woman may be prescribed additional studies. As for ultrasound, at this time it will be required in exceptional cases, which include the complex course of pregnancy. The examination will show the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta, etc.
If the stomach pulls
As it is now clear, a woman cannot avoid some troubles while carrying a child. One of these can be attributed to the stretching feeling of the lower abdomen. Similar pain at week 26 may be the result of some kind of inflammatory process. In addition, their appearance may be due to problems that a woman had before conception.
But in some cases, the reason why the lower abdomen is pulled by the 26th week of pregnancy is an increased uterine tone. And this is already a serious risk, since pregnancy can terminate prematurely. However, not all sensations are a threat; pains of a piercing and pulling character will serve as a cause for concern. In addition, the feeling of petrification of the abdomen should also alert, which also indicates an increased tone of the uterus.
As for the secretions, it is necessary to seek medical help if they are not of a characteristic color: brownish, greenish or resemble an anemone.
A stretching stomach can also be a natural cause - muscle strain. The child grows in the womb, which leads to an increase in the uterus, and the muscles that hold it begin to gradually stretch. For this reason, a woman feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen at 26 weeks of pregnancy.
The manifestation of pain should be carefully considered, since they are either harmless or pose a serious danger.
Useful Tips
What is preferable to do to a pregnant woman who is at a period of 26 weeks? The answer is simple - for the most part, do prevention. Do not focus on real ailments, since all the inconvenience experienced by a woman during the gestation period is temporary and disappears after the birth of the baby.
It is worth protecting yourself from heavy loads and stressful situations - they have nothing to do with it. It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet. Eating should be fractional - preferably in small portions and often. Food on the table should be only homemade. Any mother will be delighted, feeling noticeable movements in the 26th week of pregnancy in her stomach. This indicates the full development of the baby, where not the last place is taken by proper nutrition.
At the same time, you need to significantly limit salt intake. It is not recommended to abuse fried or smoked dishes, as well as flour products and sweets. The same is true for various seasonings, especially spicy ones. It is worth remembering that a child swallows about 20 ml of amniotic fluid every hour, which differ in the presence of a taste of the food consumed by his mother.
In conclusion
If a woman closely monitors her health and does not ignore the appearance of alarming symptoms, this will avoid many serious consequences. In addition, now no longer need to guess how many months it is at 26 weeks of gestation.
In conclusion, it remains to wish each expectant mother more positive emotions, to avoid all the bad things and to listen to her body. Then the entire period of pregnancy will pass unnoticed and smoothly.