Monthly baby growth and weight corridors: physical development

To control children's physiological development from the moment of their birth, pediatricians are guided by the so-called corridors of growth and weight of the child. This concept includes certain standards that control the increase in body weight, volume of the head, chest, growth in length. Despite the fact that all children are individual in the process of growing up, there are established norms common to all. Although certain gender differences are still present. As a guide, pediatricians use the tables recommended by WHO, which include seven criteria: higher than normal, high, upper bound, normal, lower bound and directly low. In this article, we will consider the differences in weight, height of boys and girls, and control over life.

The first control after discharge

baby weight control

After discharge from the hospital a month later, at the appointment with the children's doctor, the first control measurements of the newborn take place, which are compared with indicators at birth.

To understand the parameters, the gender of the child, height, weight, head and chest volumes are taken into account. An accurate understanding of the parameters is available to persons with a medical education. At the household level, to control the situation, it is enough to focus on the criteria of weight and height. In any case, if the situation is on the verge of critical, the pediatrician will inform parents about this. It should be borne in mind that from the moment of birth, the child loses weight up to ten percent.

Parameters of a child who is one month old

Well, consider the corridors of height and weight of the child:

  1. Weight from 3.5 kg to 4.3 kg. A child should normally gain from 400 to 600 grams from birth.
  2. Growth from 53 to 55 centimeters. The growth is three centimeters.

The development of a child is determined not only by his physical parameters, but also by emotional manifestations, as well as by his new skills and abilities over time.

So, already in a month the child already shows his emotions, recognizes the parents or one of them, distinguishes black and white outlines, sounds.

The results of the first trimester of life of a newborn

parameters of the child at 6 months

From a month to two, an increase of three centimeters is also considered the norm. From two to three - 2.5 centimeters. Weight gain is an average of 800 grams per month. Thus, if a baby was born 3.5 kilograms, then after ninety days it will weigh from 5.5 to 5.7 kilograms.

By the age of three months, the kids are already holding their heads, grabbing items, more clearly show their demands, react to moving objects.

What factors influence the deviation from the norm:

  • heredity - if the parents do not have parameters even of medium height, the child, accordingly, will not demonstrate high rates;
  • birth features: early birth, other reasons;
  • breastfeeding or artificial feeding is also important.

Parameters for 4-6 months

At this time, the activity of the kids is growing every day, gradually new foods are being introduced into the diet. Children learn to roll over, then sit down, crawl, try to get up, holding on to a support. Girls and boys have different parameters.

Corridors of height and weight of a baby boy:

  1. A four-month-old boy should ideally weigh from 6 to 7 kilograms + 100 grams (a set of 5.5 to 7.8 kg will also be uncritical) with an increase of 61.2 - 65.5 centimeters (an increase of 59.5-70 is also allowed).
  2. Already in a six-month-old child, the situation changes in such a way that boys grow up to 65.5-69.8 centimeters, the scales should show from 7.5 to 8.5 kilograms. Minor deviations in any direction are not critical, since the averaged values ​​are given.

Corridors of height and weight of the baby girl

one year old baby

Below are the options for the girl:

  1. A four-month-old girl has an optimal weight of 5.5 to 6.6 kilograms (5,200-6,800 - permissible weight) with a height of 60-64 cm (permissible length - from 58.5 to 65.5).
  2. A six-month-old baby will grow up to 64 -68 centimeters and gain 6.7-7.8 kg.

Standards for babies at 7-8 months of life


At this time, most children begin an active period in life, as new products are introduced, teeth grow actively, which affects the increase in physical parameters.

Corridors of height and weight of the child:

  • weight gain + 200-500 grams;
  • growth + one and a half or two centimeters monthly.

What can be observed at 9-10 months of life

Some children already try to walk on their own, actively crawl, so they spend a lot of energy and do not add much, on average 100-300 g. Children grow up on average per centimeter per month.

Considering the corridors of growth and weight of a child up to a year, it is important to understand what affects the lag from the norm:

  • balanced nutrition, its quality and variety;
  • living conditions, care, hygiene, daily routine;
  • illnesses;
  • moving;
  • heredity;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • ethnic indicators;
  • psychological stress.

Year is an important date in development

child's height

Most children at the age of one begin to walk, try to repeat the actions of adults. In addition, they already have the following skills:

  • the baby recognizes relatives, including the photo;
  • consciously plays various games, for example, cubes, pyramids;
  • drinks from a mug, holds cutlery;
  • says the simplest words: mom, dad, na, give, baba;
  • makes goodies, waves "bye".

One year has such corridors of growth and weight of the child:

  • for boys, body weight should be in the range of 10 to 11.5 kilograms;
  • children grow up to 72.5-80 centimeters;
  • girls weigh from 8.5 to 11 kilograms;
  • growth of a one-year-old baby will be in the range of 71.5-78 centimeters.

It should be borne in mind that the results with which children come to a year will differ from each other in the same way as they were not the same at the start. For example, if a child was born 49 centimeters, and the other 53, then by the year they will have a different increase. Although there are many cases when a premature baby quickly catches up with a baby at the 40th week, or even surpasses it.

How a child develops 1 year +

options for girls

Immediately after intensive 12-month growth and weight gain, the pace slows down.

Corridors of growth and weight of the child after a year;

  • weight gain from 3 to 5 kg from a year to two;
  • growth increases from 8 to 10 centimeters from a year to two.

From the age of five, girls begin to overtake boys. Their active growth lasts from 10 to 14 years, then slows down, and at seventeen can even stop.

Corridors of the child’s weight and height after a year using the example of a boy from three to 17 years old (sample of significant periods):

  1. The norm for three years is an increase from 92 to 99.5 centimeters, while the child should weigh from 13.5 to 15.5 kilograms.
  2. Accordingly, in five years, these parameters should be 106-112 cm per 17-20 kg of body weight.
  3. Upon reaching the age of seven, the optimal growth is 117.5-126 centimeters, and the weight data is in the range of 21-26 kg.
  4. Ten years - 134-142 centimeters in length with a weight of 28-36 kg.
  5. 14-year-old adolescents have such indicators in growth: 154-167 cm, with a weight of 43-55.5 kg.
  6. 17-year-old boys on average grow to 162-180 cm, while they have a body weight in the range of 54-62 kg.

Boys are actively growing from 13 to 17, and sometimes up to 20 years. The indicators that make up the norm are height, weight, volume of the chest and head.

Considering the data of various tables, do not panic if any parameter is knocked out of the norm. In any case, the diagnosis will be formed by a combination of various signs, analyzes, examination of the child by specialized specialists, an objective account of individual indicators.

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