Early bleeding during pregnancy: causes

The waiting time for the baby becomes the most pleasant and natural for every woman. With the onset of pregnancy, enormous changes occur in the body of the fair sex. So, many expectant mothers are concerned about the issue of vaginal discharge. This article will tell you about what bleeding occurs during pregnancy in the early stages and in later periods of fetal development. You will find out what can cause this or that pathology. It is also worth mentioning how to stop bleeding in the early stages.

early pregnancy bleeding

What happens in the body after conception?

Immediately after the fusion of two gametes (male and female), a set of cells is formed that begins to continuously divide and move towards the genital organ. When the fetal egg enters the uterus, it attaches to the endometrial wall. It is from this moment that it can be said that the pregnancy has come.

In most cases, the bearing of a baby in women occurs without features. However, there are cases when bleeding occurs during early pregnancy. In this case, you should always consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to soberly assess the situation and prescribe the necessary treatment. With timely correction, it is possible to maintain pregnancy and safely endure the child.

Early Pregnancy: General Description

To begin with, it is worth saying that this is a period of time. Early pregnancy is considered to be up to 12 weeks. It is during this time period that most interruptions in embryo development occur.

Many doctors say that when you crossed this line, you can be calm. More pregnancy, as a rule, is in danger.

early bleeding

Spotting during pregnancy (early term)

While waiting for the baby, the internal hormonal background of the woman is completely rebuilt. Due to this process, vaginal discharge may increase. In normal condition, they have a white or transparent color, and are also characterized by the absence of any smell.

About a third of all expectant mothers are faced with phenomena such as bleeding during pregnancy. Should I panic in this case? Or can everything be left to chance? The answers to these questions directly depend on the cause of the pathology that has arisen. Only a doctor can determine what contributed to the occurrence of unusual discharge. Let's consider what are the most common causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

The first reason: endometrial damage to the fetal egg

early bleeding

This situation can be attributed to one of the most harmless. This condition does not threaten the future baby. Often at the very beginning of pregnancy, when women are not aware of their new position, they take the discharge for menstruation that began earlier.

Implantation occurs approximately one week after ovulation. Exactly the same time remains before the start of a new cycle. When the fetal egg descends into the genital organ, it immediately begins to penetrate the endometrial layer. Thus, the embryo "digs" a hole for itself for further stay and growth. During this process, minor damage to small vessels may occur. Bursting capillaries secrete drops of blood, which are subsequently mixed with copious vaginal discharge and leave the genitals. It is at this moment that a woman may notice that she has brownish or pinkish discharge.

Such bleeding during pregnancy (early on) does not pose any danger. Most often they pass on their own within a few days. It is worth noting that in this case, the amount of mucus secreted gradually decreases, and it brightens.

Second reason: cervical erosion

Bleeding during pregnancy (in the early and late stages) may occur due to damage to the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Most often, cervical erosion also manifests itself in the normal state (before conception). However, with the onset of fertilization, the mucous membrane becomes even more sensitive. The vessels and capillaries located inside the cervix are overflowing with blood. That is why with erosion during pregnancy, spotting often appears.

Such a pathology does not pose a threat. However, doctors recommend undergoing a certain examination procedure, called colposcopy. It is this diagnosis that allows you to assess the complexity of the disease. Erosion is recommended only after childbirth. Otherwise, problems with the opening of the cervix may occur.

pregnancy bleeding causes consequences

Third reason: polyps and endocervix cysts

Bleeding during pregnancy at an early stage or at a later time may occur due to neoplasms in the cervix. Most often, such a pathology is a polyp or a small cyst of endocervix. Since the cervix is ​​filled with many vessels, minor damage may occur. In this case, blood droplets mix with vaginal discharge and go outside.

Such bleeding during pregnancy in the early stages or later does not pose a particular danger to the life of the fetus. However, if an infection gets into the wound, infection can occur. A polyp requires compulsory treatment, but it should be carried out only after the birth of a baby.

Fourth reason: lack of progesterone

early spotting during pregnancy

Bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy can be caused by insufficient production of the hormone. In the second phase of the cycle, progesterone is released normally in women. It is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. With some hormonal disorders, there may be insufficient release of this substance. In this case, premature contraction of the genital organ begins. All this leads to the fact that the fetal egg begins to exfoliate from its place and there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Treatment in this case is necessary. Before prescribing medication, your doctor may send you a blood test to determine the amount of this hormone. After receiving the results, an individual dosage and a correction method are selected. Most often, the following drugs are selected for the treatment of such a pathology: Duphaston tablets, Progesterone injections, or Utrozhestan suppositories. It is worth noting that in some cases it takes a very long time to take medicine. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the subsequent course of pregnancy.

Fifth reason: endometriosis

Bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy often has hormonal causes. So, the disease can be caused by a disease called "endometriosis." In this case, the shell of the genital organ grows in other places. It can appear on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, in the abdominal cavity or vagina. After pregnancy and the cessation of the menstrual cycle, rejection of the overgrown endometrium sometimes occurs. In this case, the woman observes a rather profuse spotting in the early stages of pregnancy.

Treatment in this situation should be carried out in accordance with the individual situation and the general well-being of the future mother.

what are the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy

Sixth reason: pregnancy developing outside the cavity of the genital organ

With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding from the genital organs of the expectant mother in the early stages can be observed. In this case, the woman begins to feel pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and nausea. Diagnosis of pathology is always carried out using a blood test and an ultrasound examination. It is worth noting that an ectopic pregnancy can affect the ovary, fallopian tube or even be in the abdominal cavity. With the development of a "tube" pregnancy, a woman feels stronger signs of this pathology. More lubricated symptoms occur when the embryo is in the ovary or peritoneum.

Treatment in this case is necessary. Almost always it is surgical.

Seventh reason: low placenta

The causes of bleeding during early pregnancy can be attributed to low placenta previa. If the ovum is attached too low or completely blocks the entrance to the uterus, then these symptoms may appear. In this case, the woman most often does not feel any additional discomfort. Allocations begin to appear after sexual intercourse, when lifting weights or strong physical exertion.

Treatment in this situation is most often carried out in a hospital. Expectant mother is assigned a bed rest. Some drugs that stop the blood may also be recommended: Tranexam tablets, Dicinon injections, and others.

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Eighth Reason: Sloppiness

Spotting in early pregnancy can be caused by commonplace sloppiness. If you are prescribed treatment in which you need to insert vaginal suppositories or tablets, then you need to do this as carefully as possible. Otherwise, the sensitive mucous membrane of the vagina may be damaged. Also, during sexual intercourse you need to be careful. Otherwise, the cervix may be slightly injured.

Treatment in this case is not required. However, the doctor will recommend that you continue to be careful and observe personal hygiene in order to avoid infection of the wound.

early bleeding causes

Ninth reason: monthly periods

Only a few pregnant women face a similar situation. In this category of expectant mothers, a monthly menstruation occurs, which comes strictly on time. In this case, spotting lasts several days and can be quite plentiful. Doctors are very wary of such bleeding. However, after conducting examinations and analyzes, experts come to the conclusion that nothing threatens the woman and her future baby. These discharges most often cease after the first three months of pregnancy.

Treatment is prescribed only if the woman has complaints.

Bleeding during pregnancy: causes, consequences

So, you know the most common causes of spotting in early pregnancy. The consequences of this ailment can be very diverse.

In some cases, when the cause is implantation bleeding, erosion or banal sloppiness, nothing threatens the health of the future baby. In this case, the consequences are likely to be no.

If the cause of bleeding is a lack of progesterone, placenta previa or ectopic pregnancy, then everything can be much more serious. The consequences of such ailments can be very deplorable. That is why, when they occur, it is worthwhile to contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of early pregnancy bleeding

Summary and conclusion

You have become acquainted with the causes that cause bleeding during early pregnancy. Always with such symptoms it is worth consulting with a specialist, and not self-medicating. Do not listen to the advice of friends. Each pregnancy is individual and unpredictable.

Timely treat bleeding during pregnancy. Only in this case you will be able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Have a good pregnancy and delivery on time!

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