Chamomile for infants (tea, infusion, decoction): indications for use, dosage, contraindications

Moms who prefer natural remedies must pay attention to grass such as chamomile. It is a unique plant because it removes inflammation, soothes and fights bacteria. Chamomile has many more useful properties. It is used to treat various diseases, not only adults, but also children. Many parents ask if chamomile is suitable for infants. The article will discuss the features of preparing tea, infusion and decoction, their positive properties and contraindications.

What you need to know about chamomile

Tea, decoction and infusion are prepared from this healing plant for infants, so you need to know the features of their use and the correct dosage. Initially, parents should make sure that the baby is not allergic to chamomile.

Therefore, the finished broth is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. Need to wait for 30 minutes. If there are no negative reactions in the form of itching, redness, then the chamomile for the baby is suitable - it can be used for medicinal purposes. Initially, a weak infusion is prepared, gradually increasing its concentration. Thus, you can only prepare the product if it will be used for swimming.

is it possible for babies to camomile

Before taking chamomile tea, a small amount is given to the child. For some time, parents have been checking his reaction. If no negative symptoms have arisen, then tea is allowed to be given to the baby and further. Initially, the drink is used in small doses. Gradually, the amount of tea increases.

Parents should also make sure that there are no other herbs in the daisy. After all, they can be dangerous to the health of the baby. Therefore, it is best to purchase chamomile in a pharmacy.

Healing properties

Chamomile pharmacy and has contraindications, and brings benefits to the body. The plant has a high biological activity. This is due to its essential oils and flavonoids.

All parts of chamomile are endowed with useful properties. These are inflorescences, rhizomes and stems. Most often, in pharmacies they sell plant flowers. They are dried and crushed.

chamomile for babies from colic

How useful is chamomile for the baby? Grass is capable of:

  • have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • relieve irritation and itching;
  • relax the muscles;
  • eliminate spasms and relieve pain;
  • help with colds;
  • reduce bloating and flatulence;
  • eliminate digestive tract diseases.

Due to the beneficial properties of chamomile, it is often used as an infusion, decoction and tea for newborns.

How to use chamomile

To achieve a positive result, the grass must be used correctly.

Is it possible for babies to camomile? For children, grass is used as follows:

  1. Chamomile for bathing babies. Her decoction is able to relieve itching and irritation on the skin. Also, the grass helps reduce diaper rash and relieve inflammation.
  2. Chamomile for babies from colic. It can reduce cramping, improve the digestion process, reduce gas formation and remove pain. Improves appetite. The infusion has a laxative effect.
  3. Chamomile infusion after a meal. It can be used as a cough suppressant for sore throats. Sometimes the infusion is used to strengthen the immune system.
  4. Chamomile tea before bedtime. It has a mild sedative effect.

Grass must be applied correctly. From birth to 4 months, chamomile can be used as an effective tool in the fight against colic. To do this, you need to brew tea and give a few spoons in the afternoon. During this period, colic intensifies most.

For children with allergies, chamomile should be given with caution. Before use, it is best to get specialist advice.

How to bathe a baby in a camomile

After the umbilical wound in the newborn heals, you can proceed to swimming in the decoction of the plant. At first it is made of weak concentration. Gradually, the broth can be made more saturated, while always paying attention to the condition of the baby. If a rash or redness appears, then the use of chamomile baths must be discontinued. And urgently seek the advice of a specialist.

how to make chamomile for babies

Many mothers ask if chamomile is possible for infants. Pediatricians do not mind that parents used baths from a decoction of a medicinal plant for newborns. Water procedures help relieve stress, positively affect the infant's sleep and disinfect his skin.

To prepare the bath, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and pour it into the bathing water. Be sure to monitor the temperature. It should be about 36 degrees. The duration of the chamomile bath should be no more than 10 minutes.

Constantly bathing the baby in such a decoction is not recommended. This is best done no more than once every 7-10 days. It is necessary to bathe carefully so that the child does not swallow water.

Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Most often, mothers prepare such a drink for the baby when he has colic. Thanks to chamomile in infants, fermentation in the intestines and accumulated gas are reduced. This is what hurts the baby. Therefore, most often medicinal teas come to the rescue.

How to make a camomile for babies? To get rid of colic, it is prepared as follows. 1 teaspoon of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water. The resulting product is insisted for 15-20 minutes. The resulting infusion is given to the baby for 1 teaspoon before each feeding. Sometimes sugar is added to it. However, parents must decide for themselves whether the child needs sweets at this time. After all, sugar is also able to cause fermentation in the intestines.

chamomile pharmacy medicinal properties and contraindications

How much can a baby daisy give? Some parents give tea after meals for 1 teaspoon. Children who are given such an infusion are less likely to get sick and have strong immunity.

Sometimes parents mix 1/4 of the tea with 1/4 of the water. Such a drink is poured into a bottle. His baby drinks instead of water. You should not give such tea to the baby daily, because it includes medicinal herbs. This is permitted to be done periodically.

Rhinitis treatment

For the treatment of colds in infants, it is allowed to use only a few types of drugs that can be used without harm to his health. This is one of the main problems that parents most often face.

For this, mothers turn to herbs for help. It is best to prepare a chamomile infusion for children from a cold as follows:

  • place a spoon of grass in a mug of water;
  • boil;
  • leave the mixture for 30 minutes;
  • after insisting, strain.

The resulting broth must be washed in the nose of the baby. Some pediatricians warn that such a tool dries the mucous membrane. However, a similar reaction can occur if chamomile decoction is used in unlimited quantities. It is important to consider its dosage and use 2-3 times a day.

chamomile infusion for children

No less useful for infants are chamomile inhalations. The vapors of this drug have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. Brewing grass for inhalation is not at all difficult. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile must be filled with a glass of boiling water. Insist it for 30-40 minutes. Then it is necessary to add a liter of water to the broth. Cool and hold the child over him for 10-15 minutes.


Chamomile pharmacy has incredible healing properties and benefits. However, despite this, in the treatment of infants, parents should be careful and attentive.

The main contraindications for chamomile include:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lupus.

Chamomile, like any other herb, can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when bathing the baby for the first time, parents need to be extremely careful. If, after water procedures, the child has a rash, itching or redness on the skin, then it is not recommended to use chamomile decoction.

eat healthy chamomile for the baby

If the grass in the form of tea is given to the child inside, then the minimum dose should be no more than 1 teaspoon. As a result of this, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, or increased gas formation may occur. Most often, such symptoms appear due to an overdose of a decoction taken internally.

Many pediatricians advise buying ready-made baby teas. Thus, the child can be protected from dry particles of grass.

How to prepare a camomile

To obtain a therapeutic effect, the grass must be collected during the period of maximum flowering. Daisy is dried in a shady place - in the attic or under a canopy. This is done during the week to prevent flowers from shedding.

how much can you give a daisy baby

You can store finished raw materials in paper bags for a year. If desired, chamomile can be bought at any pharmacy. It is sold both in dry form and in capsules, tinctures, as an ointment and oil. For babies, it is best to purchase a pharmacy version of chamomile, which will help to avoid getting into dry tea broth, tea or infusion.


Chamomile is one of the most useful medicinal herbs. She assists in the treatment of various diseases. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile can be used to treat diseases of babies.

From the grass you can make not only tea, but also decoctions, infusions. It is important to observe the correct dosage so as not to cause allergies and other negative symptoms in the newborn.

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