Birth labor - what is it? Attempts: how to push and breathe properly

The birth of a new life is the greatest miracle in the world. However, the process of the baby being born is quite complicated and requires special concentration and efforts not only from the obstetrician, but also from the expectant mother. In order for the delivery process to go without complications, it is recommended that each pregnant woman familiarize herself with the features of the birth process in advance . Particular attention should be paid to fights and attempts. Often, the life and health of the newborn depend on the correct actions of the woman in labor during the appearance of labor;

try it

Patrimonial attempts

Attempt is a process of involuntary muscle contraction of the female reproductive system at the onset of labor. Usually the effort is accompanied by contractions. However, it can occur on its own. Attempts stimulate the female body to prepare for childbirth, set it to the maximum concentration and concentration.

Many pregnant women are afraid to give birth for the first time . They believe that they will not be able to produce a baby on their own. This is actually not the case. Attempts during childbirth, as well as contractions, help the baby independently go through the birth canal and be born. Obstetricians in this case play the role of assistants guiding the child and helping him to make the necessary path.

When do attempts begin?

Every expectant mother needs to know at what time labor attempts begin. They arise suddenly. A woman in childbirth has no effect on their appearance. It is worth remembering that the attempt is an involuntary reflex movement of the muscle tissues of the female reproductive system.

They begin during the period of maximum opening of the cervix. With the help of attempts, the following types of muscle tissue are reduced:

  • abdominal;
  • diaphragm muscles ;
  • chest cavity.

Thanks to regular reflex contractions inside the abdominal cavity, working pressure is created that affects the birth process of the baby in the light.

The main role of attempts is pushing the embryo through the birth canal to the organs of the pelvis and expelling it from the mother’s womb. Usually attempts are accompanied by a process of contractions. This helps the baby to be born as much as possible. However, unlike labor pains, a woman can control attempts. This is the basic natural concept of natural childbirth: the maximum effort on the part of the baby and mother for the independent birth of the child.

what are attempts

The frequency of labor

Typically, women in labor are concerned about the weakness of the attempts or, conversely, their frequent manifestation. What should be their average frequency?

Attempts arise gradually. Initially, reflex muscle contraction occurs quite rarely. Gradually, the pace intensifies. By the time a child is born, the frequency of birth attempts is from 2 to 3 minutes. At the same time, the duration of one attempt is about 15 seconds.

Many women are concerned about the question of how long the attempts are made by primiparas. In total, their duration is about 2-3 hours. In women who have already given birth, the duration of the labor-intensive activity is reduced to 15 minutes. Do not be afraid that attempts last too long. It is worth remembering that their appearance means the final stage of the birth process.

How to recognize attempts?

One of the most common fears of expectant mothers is the untimely recognition of labor activity. How to determine their beginning? For this, it is worth remembering what attempts are. They are involuntary contractions of muscle tissue, i.e., a certain urge to action. In many cases, the occurrence of attempts can be compared with the urge to defecate.

During the period of the attempt, the woman in labor may experience the feeling of complete bowel movement. At the same time, the call for bowel movements makes her push harder and harder. What should a woman in labor do in this case? It is known that the attempt is the main assistant to women in childbirth. Therefore, the harder the woman in labor will try to push, the easier it will be for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

What to do to a woman when signs of labor are encountered:

  • Do not restrain the natural impulse. Many primiparous women fear that bowel movements will occur during relaxation. Do not restrain yourself. This negatively affects the delivery process.
  • If attempts began when the expectant mother is at home, it is necessary to call an ambulance team for hospitalization. By this time, the woman should already have collected the package with the things necessary in the hospital.
  • In the reception department, a woman in labor will be offered to put a cleansing enema. It will allow you to completely empty the intestines. After this, the expectant mother may not be afraid that an unpleasant situation occurred during the attempts.

childbirth attempts

Attempts and contractions

Inexperienced women confuse these 2 concepts. To understand them, you should study in more detail how they differ.

Attempts and contractions have one thing in common - they expel the fetus from the mother’s womb. They complement each other. Thus, the birth process is much easier.

Fights are held in 2 stages. In the first, they contribute to the opening of the cervix. A woman cannot control them. However, it is able to alleviate its condition and reduce their duration. For this, there is a special breathing gymnastics.

The second period of labor is characterized by the advancement of the fetus through the birth canal. Fights here also play the role of assistant. It was during this period that the first attempts appeared. Thanks to them, the fetus moves in the necessary direction. Since the attempt is a reflex contraction of muscle tissue, a woman in labor can independently control them. To make the birth process much easier, a woman should follow the basic rules of behavior when trying.

What is the difference between attempts and contractions? Contractions occur naturally. A woman in labor cannot control their. The use of special exercises will only slightly alleviate her condition. Attempts are, in most cases, amenable to control. With the right actions of the woman in labor during attempts, the birth of the baby will not take long.

The appearance of attempts in the second stage of labor always means the beginning of the final stage. The kid will soon be born. To make this process faster, a woman should actively help her child, observing the instructions of obstetricians.

Actions of the woman at attempts

If the expectant mother suddenly had a strong urge to defecate, this means that labor pains have begun. A woman should not panic. In any condition, the pregnant woman must remain calm. Her mood, emotions and fears are transmitted to the child.

So, the woman is sure that the attempts began. How to push hard :

  1. First of all, you need to contact your doctor. He will conduct an examination of the position of the fetus and give permission for independent attempts.
  2. Pushing can begin only after the infant has completely passed through the birth canal. If the child is in the pelvic area, you can push. If not, it's worth the wait. Determining the location of the fetus is carried out by the doctor.
  3. In order for the attempts at childbirth to be as painless as possible for both the mother and the baby, the basic rules of breathing should also be observed.
  4. Don't be too zealous. Of course, effort contributes to rapid fertility. But with excessive efforts, a woman may experience premature weakness, loss of strength, exhaustion. This threatens with consequences such as circulatory disorders and restriction of oxygen supply to the child.

attempts and contractions

Methods of behavior during labor

At the moment, in the modern world, it is customary to use 2 main types of behavior when attempts occur:

  1. Natural.
  2. Controlled.

The natural type of behavior implies full trust in the natural forces of nature. The course of patrimonial attempts is not controlled by anything from the outside. The woman does not hold back impulsive impulses. It is generally accepted that female nature itself will help a child to be born.

Controlled type implies complete submission to the words of the obstetrician. A woman is pushing only during a period strictly regulated by a doctor. This method allows you to completely control the birth process. The doctor constantly monitors the location and progress of the embryo.

Which of the existing types of laborious actions to choose, the woman in labor must decide for herself, after consulting with her attending obstetrician.


Maternity Tips

Having learned what attempts are, every expectant mother wants to maximize her condition without harm to the baby. To do this, observe the following simple rules:

  • To alleviate your condition, it is better to take a “squatting” position during labor.
  • With a horizontal arrangement, you should pull your legs as close to the chin as possible and spread them apart.
  • When trying, you can not direct the main effort to the head. Pushing should be in the pelvic area. The eyes and neck should be relaxed whenever possible. With eye strain, an intraocular pressure drop will occur, which will badly affect visual acuity. If you strain the back of the head during an attempt, headaches and periodic drops in intracranial pressure may subsequently occur.
  • If possible, try to restrain the scream. When screaming, adrenaline is released, which blocks the access of oxygen to the child's body. This can lead to hypoxia.

attempts how to push hard

Attempts. Breathe right

In order for the process of labor pains to go away not only quickly, but also effectively for both the mother and the baby, the basic rules of behavior should be observed. These include active breathing during attempts:

  1. When the woman in labor felt the start of the attempt, she should take a deep breath and hold her breath.
  2. It is necessary to completely relax the face, hips and buttocks.
  3. The abdominal muscles, on the contrary, should be tensed as much as possible.
  4. Tightening the abdominal muscles, you should gradually reduce the pressure area down towards the perineum.
  5. Don't be too zealous. After 5 seconds, you should completely relax.

Proper breathing when trying to help the baby go through the birth canal. It is worth remembering that his promotion is carried out on the exhale of a woman. It should be smooth and in no case sharp.

After the attempt has passed, you should restore calm breathing and try to relax if possible. So the woman will gain strength for the continuation of labor.

Danger of complications

Clan activity does not always follow the classical scenario. Unfortunately, some women experience weak labor. It may include:

  • weak state of attempts;
  • weakness of labor pains;
  • complete cessation of contractions.

A weak state of attempts is characterized by the participation in the process of only the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Often this occurs in overweight women, in women in childbirth who have been mothers repeatedly, in women in labor with diseases of the abdominal organs.

If in the process of childbirth there is a suspicion of a weak state of attempts, you should immediately contact your treating obstetrician for an examination. According to the state and ability of a woman to try, medication is prescribed.

breathing while trying

Generic attempts are an integral part of the process of the baby being born. If you follow the basic rules of breathing and behavior of a woman, you can significantly accelerate the meeting of the mother and the newborn child.

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