Recently, unusual pets have appeared in apartments . And what kind of animals are they? In apartments you can find not only a ferret, a mini-pig, but even a domestic wolf. Now we will consider the most popular unusual pets.
It may seem strange at first if you get yourself a wolf. But over time, everyone will get used to this beast. I would like to note that the domestic wolf needs good training. After all, this beast is not even a dog. It will take a lot of time and energy to train.
Note that wolves are smart, but cunning animals. Moreover, their affection manifests itself in a completely different way than we used to see it, it can be confused with aggression. In greeting, the wolves bite each other in the face. They can do the same with people. Therefore, be prepared for such a greeting.. . , , . , .
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On average, in one litter of small pigs 12-15 piglets. Puberty occurs at six months. Childbirth usually goes without complications. Mini-pigs are omnivorous, have excellent appetite.
How to raise a pig? You need to act carefully so as not to scare the baby. Do it slowly. Treat yourself to a treat first on an outstretched arm.
In the early days, do not impose on the pig, although in general mini-pigs love affection. They like it when they scratch their ears, neck and barrel.Pigs can be trained only with food, physical effects are unacceptable.
Mini-pigs live for about fifteen years, are hypoallergenic. It is worth keeping it in a separate corner, but rather a room. It should be fed apples, cereals from whole oats, carrots, bananas, etc.
These unusual pets need daily walks, games.
How much does a mini pig cost? The price ranges from two hundred to two thousand dollars.
Tarantula spider
This pet is quite exotic. Large in size, up to 20 cm in leg span. It is found only in countries with a warm climate. At home, it can also be kept.
Spiders - these predators mainly eat insects. In captivity should be fed crickets, cockroaches, flies, etc. A well-fed spider may not show any activity for several months.
When communicating with him, you should be careful. When bitten, a tarantula can leave poison. He will not kill a person, but poisoning with fever, convulsions and pain is not excluded. Do not contact a tarantula with children and cats, as well as other animals.Tarantula spider at home
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How to feed the beast? A small three-month-old skunk should be fed with infant formula. Unusual adult pets of this species feed mainly on meat. Also in his diet there are vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, grass, plant rhizomes.It is necessary to comb out the beast. Frequent bathing is not recommended. Claws should be trimmed periodically. Skunk should be vaccinated on time.
What other unusual pets are there? Crocodile, for example. Yes, he can also become a pet. Before you get a crocodile, you should prepare a habitat. It is necessary to equip a large terrarium. In it, create a water corner with a pool and land, so that the home crocodile can swim and crawl. The water level should be more than 0.5 ml. Partially, water needs to be changed twice a week, and completely - once a month. The presence of a filter in the pool is welcome. Use granite chips or coarse gravel as soil.
It is necessary to create tropical conditions in the terrarium. The temperature should be around 30 degrees. Therefore, you can not do without a heater. You need to install an ultraviolet lamp so that the crocodile can take sun baths.What to feed? Crocodile is a predator. He needs meat, namely: frogs, newborn mice, mollusks. Adult crocodiles even eat live fish, rats, un-plucked hens. Feed twice a week.
Now you know what unusual pets are. These animals require special care. Therefore, before you get such a pet, think carefully about whether you are ready.