40 weeks of pregnancy, and childbirth does not begin. Is it worth it to carry out labor stimulation

Quite often, 40 weeks of pregnancy occurs , and childbirth does not begin. In this case, the girls begin to panic and sound the alarm. After all, the so-called date of birth is established precisely for the specified period. To him, a woman must be born. If this does not happen, you have to think about stimulation. But is it worth it? Perhaps it is better to abstain, be patient and wait a little longer? And if you do stimulation, then what is the best way to conduct this process? Please note that any such action can adversely affect your health. So think a few times before you get down to business.

40 weeks of pregnancy and childbirth does not begin


So, it has arrived 40 weeks of pregnancy, and childbirth does not begin. This situation is familiar to many women. It causes, as has already been said, many problems and disagreements, spreads panic. Doctors, as a rule, set a date in the form of a DA that indicates exactly 40 weeks of pregnancy. It is generally believed that by this time the birth should occur without any problems.

But this is not always the case. 40 weeks is the so-called norm. In general, the organisms of a woman and a baby are completely ready for childbirth at the 38th week. But there are times when they give birth earlier - on the 36-37th. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, although it may be a complete surprise for the future mother. So you shouldn’t panic at least until the 40th week. But you will have to prepare for childbirth from about the 36th. Especially if you have a heredity in the form of prematurity.

Last weeks

40 weeks of pregnancy, and childbirth does not begin? To be honest, you should not be afraid of this phenomenon. We have already found out generally accepted norms in this area. But it’s not just that it is believed that pregnancy lasts 42 weeks. It is this "bar" is set for all women in childbirth.

What does it mean? If you aren’t born in the 40th week, there is no reason to panic. Especially if the child develops on time. There is no need for stimulation. A normal pregnancy can end at any time before the 42nd week. Until this period, you don’t even need to think about stimulation. It makes no sense.

Why? Pregnancy is an unpredictable period. And you can’t say exactly when exactly the child will be born. Doctors came up with a definition of DA just to be prepared for this event. And so that a woman could cook everything for the future baby. This decision is based on experience and statistics. Already 40 weeks pregnant? The second pregnancy or the first - it does not matter. Then you can calmly wait at least another 14 days. But at the same time be ready for childbirth at any time.

40 weeks pregnant second pregnancy

Whether to be stimulated

To do all this is not so easy. Waiting is sometimes extremely tiring. Yes, and at 40 weeks of pregnancy, the belly of many women turns to stone, there are a variety of discomfort and ailments. That is, a certain overwork of the body takes place. In principle, this need not be feared. After all, you can still walk in an "interesting position" for about 14 days. And such a decision is considered the norm.

Many people think about artificial stimulation of labor. Especially by the 40th week of pregnancy. This decision should not be made spontaneously. It all depends on your situation as a whole, on the recommendations of doctors, as well as on your health and development of the baby in the womb. Doctors often propose to conduct stimulation on their own, or even carry out it without any knowledge under the guise of "inject ascorb for health." Remember, the decision on artificial stimulation of labor is made only by you. But if you have just begun the 40th week of pregnancy, and you feel normal, do not rush into it! Wait, the body will decide when it is ready for childbirth.

Words for

Well, there are some adherents of labor stimulation. As already mentioned, this option should not be taken into account if the DA has just come. Not necessarily on this day you will begin giving birth.

42 weeks pregnant

You will have to think seriously about the “forced” decision when you have already passed the 42nd week and the 43rd has begun. Just after this, the danger to the child and mother becomes maximum. Indeed, by the indicated period, the baby is completely ready for independent life, and the woman’s body begins to literally get tired of the “foreign body” inside.

In addition, as an option - this is the appearance of some serious consequences of the absence of childbirth in 40 weeks. This happens very rarely. Nevertheless, sometimes it also happens that a variety of discharge begins at 40 weeks of gestation. And not generic. And some incomprehensible. If you do not have infections and diseases, it's time to think about the artificial stimulation of labor. You should tell your doctor about all changes in the body. And already he will decide with you on stimulation.


Already 40 weeks pregnant, and childbirth does not begin? Artificial stimulation is useful when there is an increased development of the fetus. That is, if the child is ahead of his real life by the state of the body at the moment.

In practice, babies who develop faster are born at the 36-38th week of pregnancy. And up to 40 rarely "sit" inside the mother. However, for various reasons, childbirth may not occur at this point. And then at the 40th week the decision on stimulation is usually made. It is also different. And the consequences are also varied. You will have to know about them before agreeing to the procedure.

40 weeks pregnant belly

Arguments against

Until you have 42 weeks of gestation, you should not panic over childbirth. Yes, I really want to quickly give birth and experience all the joy of motherhood. Only after all, our body itself is adapted for childbearing. And he is “more aware” when it is required to begin labor activity. If you still want to carry out stimulation for no apparent reason, first study all the consequences and negative aspects of this process.

For example, many women claim that such a step is simply negligence. And doctors and women in labor. After all, medications are often used to stimulate. They negatively affect the health of the mother, as well as the unborn baby. Side effects can be disastrous. Lethal outcomes are extremely rare, but their likelihood exists.

In addition, artificially induced childbirth is much more painful than naturally occurring births. Contractions will be several times stronger. Are you 40 weeks pregnant? Pain, discharge and other "charms" do not bother you? Then better wait a bit! After all, not everyone will be able to cope with the contractions that appear after medical stimulation of childbirth. You can get shock, and just die from pain. In the modern world this rarely happens. But completely exclude this kind of event is not worth it.

In addition, pain from stimulation can lead to loss of consciousness. Shock is not the worst thing that awaits a woman in labor. But loss of consciousness will be the cause of Caesarean section. If you plan to give birth on your own, then you will have to think about stimulation only in extreme cases.

40 week pregnancy pain

I myself

Well, if you still want to make birth stimulation, it is advisable to choose among them the so-called folk methods. Medication has a lot of negative consequences. But if you try to independently cause labor activity, then the likelihood of these decreases. In any case, you will not have huge pain during contractions - they will turn out to be exactly the same as during normal births.

What can I advise? There are several options. Are you 40 weeks pregnant (second pregnancy or first - it doesn’t matter)? Has the birth still not begun? Want to run into them faster? Then walk up the stairs. Go up and down for a while, back and forth. This method often helps.

Also, as an alternative, it is recommended to jump on the ball. We are talking about options with ears. This is a good prevention of hemorrhoids, as well as stimulation of labor. That is, any physical activity is suitable. Sometimes even long walks can cause childbirth.

40th week of pregnancy began

Alternatively, some doctors “prescribe” “patient therapy” to their patients. More specifically, sexual intercourse. It almost always causes childbirth at the 40-42th week of pregnancy. All this is due to muscle contraction in the body. We can say that sexual intercourse is a real stimulator of childbirth, which is distinguished by its safety.


True, most often in hospitals and maternity hospitals they use the medication method of stimulating childbirth. With bona fide doctors, a similar option is considered in the case of a baby being born. That is, when the 42nd week of pregnancy comes. But most often this method is used when you just don’t want to “mess around” with the woman in labor for a long time and wait until she is born out on her own.

It is customary to administer oxytocin as a stimulant. This is a special hormone that is responsible for the onset of labor. So that a woman in labor, who is against stimulation, does not learn about the administration of the drug, it is often called a "vitamin" or "ascorbic". After intravenous administration, painful (sometimes even too much) contractions begin, childbirth “starts”.


What can be said at the end of our topic today? You have 40 weeks of pregnancy, and the birth does not begin? There is no reason to panic. This is a normal occurrence. A postponed pregnancy is considered from the 42nd week. More precisely - after its completion. Until this time, think about stimulation is not worth it. Unless your health condition worsens over time.

discharge at 40 weeks of gestation

Try to avoid medication during stimulation. The consequences thereof may be irreversible. True, sometimes you can not do without it. In any case, there is no reason for concern at the 40th week of pregnancy. Be patient for another 14 days. Only after that you can seriously think about stimulation.

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