Kitten hernia: causes, methods of disposal and treatment

Little kittens are active and restless. Sometimes owners do not immediately notice a small seal on the baby’s tummy. Many do not see this as a problem and may not even know what it is. A umbilical hernia in a kitten can cause a lot of trouble to both the owners and the animal itself. In some cases, the disease leads to death. Owners need to consult a veterinarian, this will help save the kitten's life.

Types of hernia

The disease can be both congenital and acquired. A hernia is a prolapse of internal organs through a hole formed, which is also called a ring. It may contain the intestines, omentum, stomach. There are several types of hernias:

  • umbilical;
  • perineal;
  • inguinal.

They may not cause the animal any concern. But the owner must remember that a hernia in a kitten is a potential threat to the life of a pet. Harassment can occur at any time, it is very dangerous.

Umbilical hernia is most common in cats. An omentum usually falls out in the ring. The kitten grows, and with it the hernia increases in size. It is located in the navel area and usually does not cause the animal any anxiety. Almost always, these hernias are congenital. Usually they arise due to improper breakage of the umbilical cord by the cat itself or by the person helping it.

Perineal hernia appears due to a weak peritoneum. In cats, it is located between the uterus and the rectum. Outwardly, it is a painless swelling, soft to the touch. In cats, a perineal hernia is located between the rectum and the bladder. The uterus, omentum, intestines can fall into the ring in animals.

Inguinal hernia is usually diagnosed in females, in cats it is rare. Location - from the pubic bone to the first nipples. Inguinal hernia has either an oblong or spherical shape. The bladder, uterus, intestines may fall into the ring.

Kitten hernia on the stomach


They can be adjusted, that is, their contents can be safely removed back. In this case, conservative treatment is sometimes possible. A hernia in a kitten is not always repaired. This can be caused, for example, by commissures or an inflammatory process. A hernia in a kitten on the stomach is dangerous because in some cases infringement occurs. Without treatment, the baby may die after that.

The restrained area of ​​the organ gradually dies. What to do? In this case, the umbilical hernia of a kitten cannot be repaired. The part of the intestine or stomach falling into the ring is already dead. If you do not urgently deliver the kitten to the doctor for surgery, sepsis will begin. Without assistance, the kitten will die. Before death, he may experience an increase in temperature, vomiting, lethargy.

Kitten hernia how to treat

Reasons for the appearance

Hernia is a pathology of the abdominal muscle. Due to its weakness or for other reasons, an opening appears in the tissues. This is called a hernial sac, the internal organs of the animal fall into it. Most often it is an omentum, uterus, bladder or intestines.

Veterinarians know several reasons why a kitten has a hernia. The main factor is a genetic predisposition. The umbilical ring is laid in the kitten during its intrauterine development. Normally, it is delayed over time. But sometimes this does not happen for hereditary reasons. Animals with hernias of any size should not be involved in breeding.

Sometimes the problem appears after an incorrect break in the umbilical cord during childbirth. The occurrence of a hernia is the result of improper actions by either the mother cat itself or its owner. Pathology can be acquired if the disease develops on the background of an injury or after an unsuccessful operation. Another reason is high abdominal pressure. It occurs during severe physical exertion, with attempts at childbirth or with constipation.

Kitten hernia acquired

What is dangerous hernia?

Until the moment of infringement, the disease does not particularly affect the health of the pet. Due to a hernia in a kitten, small disturbances in the work of internal organs occur, which are associated with their displacement. But infringement can occur at any time. Particularly dangerous for cats with hernia delivery. At this time, the infringement occurs with a high probability, the pet often dies.

Particularly important organs drop out into the hernial sac : intestines, bladder, uterus, omentum, etc. If infringement has occurred, then the blood supply is disturbed. Soon, part of the organ located in the hernial sac begins to die. Due to necrosis, the body is poisoned by toxins, the animal begins sepsis. The pet's temperature rises, it makes him sick. Naturally, in this state, the animal refuses food and hides in dark places. Soon the cat dies, experiencing severe pain.

Kitten hernia treatment


There are 2 options for solving the problem: conservative and surgical. The choice of method depends on the size of the hernia on the abdomen of a kitten. Treatment is carried out only by a veterinarian. With a conservative method, the doctor prescribes massage, rubbing ointments and reducing hernia. It should be carried out by a veterinarian, doing it yourself is not recommended. The inserted hernia is fixed and waiting for the moment when the ring in which the organs fall out grows. If this does not happen, then you need to perform an operation.

Surgically excising a hernial sac is called herniotomy. This is the most effective and least dangerous way to solve a problem. These operations are not difficult, even a yesterday’s student can handle them. Complications after surgery are rare, after a couple of weeks the cat will not even remember about the visit to the clinic. After the procedure, the animal should be in blanket for 8-14 days.

Kitten hernia is congenital

Can I help the animal on its own?

Sometimes owners try to treat umbilical hernia in a kitten at home. This is not recommended. Most often, the owners correct the hernia by turning the pet on its back. They cut the hair around the ring into which the organs fell out and massage it. After the hernia is repaired and a coin or button is applied to it, which is fixed with adhesive plaster. The bandage is periodically changed and they wait for the moment when the ring into which the organs fall out grows. But most often this does not happen.

Driving a hernia on their own, the owners put the kitten's life at risk. If you do something wrong, the likelihood of infringement will increase. Sometimes, without seeing any results, the owners begin to warm the area of ​​the hernial sac. These actions will only aggravate the situation of the pet. In some cases, after warming up, the baby dies.

Kitten's hernia is umbilical

Opinion of the veterinarian

Often owners are scared when they find a hernia in a kitten. What to do and can he be helped now? Veterinarians believe that in most cases the prognosis is favorable. Negative events will develop only in some cases. For example, if there is a malignant tumor or ailment in the hernial sac, this is a consequence of a serious genetic pathology.

Veterinarians recommend not delaying going to the clinic until the last. Sometimes the owners wait for the infringement of the hernia and the onset of sepsis, in this situation the treatment will be long. It is not always possible to save an animal with a running illness. Therefore, the owners should not self-medicate, it will harm the pet. If the cat gets to the vet on time, the operation will be successful.

Kitten hernia prevention


For the prevention of a hernia in a kitten, veterinarians recommend massage. The doctor must personally show how to do it. Even if there is a suspicion of the appearance of a hereditary hernia in the animal, massage can help to avoid this. It is not a panacea, but reduces the likelihood of an ailment. But even if it was possible to get rid of a small hernia with the help of massage, the animal cannot be used for breeding.

To prevent the disease, the owner must protect the kitten from getting injured. It is necessary to monitor the work of the intestines, since constipation can lead to the appearance of a hernia. Particular attention should be paid to the genitourinary system, it must be healthy. It is recommended to regularly undergo examinations at the veterinarian so as not to overlook the onset of the disease.

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