In recent years, Japanese Spitz dogs have become increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, since the nature, appearance and structural features of the coat make it, without exaggeration, the ideal dog for urban residents.
Post-war antistress
The breeding of the breed Japanese Spitz (Nihon Supitsu) was initiated by the imperial government of Japan. After World War I, many families experienced depression due to their financial situation and the loss of their families on the fronts. The Japanese love pets, so the government decided that dogs will help brighten up the everyday life of ordinary residents.
What was needed was a breed that would make contact, get along with other pets, have a cute look. In addition, the dog had to be unpretentious in leaving, while being able to protect the owner. There were not enough local breeds on the islands, so for breeding I had to buy puppies on the continent. The Japanese made the first tests to bring out their Spitz in the 20s of the last century. Soon, in a "raw" form, the dog breed Japanese Spitz was shown at an exhibition in Tokyo. Dogs made their debut successfully, with a reservation for the further development of the breed. The selection work was based on German Spitz and other breeds of this group. Eskimo Spitz was the last "touch" in breeding, which does not speak about its main component, as some representatives of the American Kennel Club claim. By the way, who did not accept the new breed as an independent to this day.
After World War II, where Japan was defeated, the breed did not disappear. The tribal documents and many Japanese Spitz remained intact. And in 1948, national experts approved the breed standard. State propaganda also contributed to its development. It is also one of the few dog species of the Land of the Rising Sun, which has been exported unhindered. When she captured the hearts of people around the world, the British Cynological Club recognized what happened in 1977.
For the first time in Russia
For the first time, Japanese Spitz came to our country in 1993. The trainer Nikolai Pavlenko, returning from Germany, brought the dog with him. In his interviews, he says that he loves all his dogs equally, but, in his words, the Japanese Spitz Rikki is something incredible. From communicating with him, he receives great mental pleasure.
Dear friend
The price of the Japanese Spitz starts from 25 thousand rubles. On average, depending on various factors, breeders ask for 30-40 thousand rubles for a Japanese puppy. And this is not the limit. Many people wonder why such high prices for puppies.
Breeders provide many well-reasoned answers. Partly, the price rises due to exoticism, for the sake of fashion. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you dig a little deeper, the root of the reasons for the high cost of Japanese Spitz puppies is revealed - the breed is infertile. With this feature, the cost of mating increases, which breeders invest in the price of puppies.
Appearance and description
In any collection, the description of the breed Japanese Spitz indicates that it is a harmoniously built dog. Growth at the withers does not exceed forty centimeters, high-set ears are turned forward. A small nose is always black. The eyes are almond-shaped, lively and with a friendly expression. The head has a wide nape and a spacious forehead, with a smooth transition to a neatly pointed and rounded muzzle.
The body is proportional, with a deep chest. A high-set tail, typical for Spitz, is thrown back and pressed, but does not form a ring. Straight and even forelegs with strong and flexible joints. The hind legs are wider than the front legs. There is a "blast" hidden by the hair. Long wool is exclusively white in color, with a characteristic structure for the breed.
A few words about growth should be added. The myth of the existence of a dwarf Japanese Spitz is spreading on the Web. In fact, this breed has not yet been bred. Perhaps the error appeared after meeting with the smallest instance. The breed standard provides sizes from thirty to forty centimeters at the withers.
Incredible wool
Unusual wool of "Japanese" is fanned by glory. A specific feature of the structure of the wool does not allow dirt to linger on it. And this is not an advertising ploy or myth. Therefore, they do not recommend such a dog to bathe often, as these fantastic properties of the coat can deteriorate. And use only dry shampoo. Dog hair is combed at least once a week with a brush.
The positive quality of these dogs is their good health. Hereditary diseases for all years of existence have not been identified. It is only necessary to pay attention to the condition of their sensitive eyes, protecting from the penetration of dust and dirt. Dogs are recommended to wash their eyes with a decoction of chamomile or strong tea with cotton swabs. Digestive problems can occur if you do not follow a balanced diet. But in general, the food is unpretentious, the main thing is that it should not be too oily. On average, Spitz live up to thirteen years.
Many owners of this breed claim that this is an ideal family dog and companion. Which, in principle, is consistent with the goals of its derivation. They are cheerful, easily make contact with both people and animals. They quickly learn, but do not perceive rough treatment. This dog will not stop the robbers who burst into the house (due to its light weight and height), but it will be able to warn - the security instinct is well developed. But at the same time, it doesn’t “trumpet” over trifles. She is also called the most silent dog, which can be written in particular breeds, in addition to the wonderful coat.
Happy owners recommend
As evidenced by numerous reviews of Japanese Spitz, training them is a pleasure. They are as if created for the circus. In addition, these dogs are very clean, which allows them to be kept in the apartment without any problems. Great friends are allowed to squeeze, great friends in their fun and energetic games. It is considered a very loyal dog that perfectly senses the mood of the owner. And you can’t call her intrusive. They are very active up to two years, and with each passing year they become calmer. The hunting instinct is absolutely not shown: they live in families side by side with rabbits, cats and parrots. Bright appearance will not allow you to walk unnoticed on the street. Many stop asking for a pat. For whom the problem is to meet new people, Japanese Spitz will be of help.
It would seem solid pluses, but it doesn’t happen that way. There are minuses, however, they appear only through the fault of negligent owners. If you choose the wrong food for the Spitz and do not comb it properly, the hair will noticeably fade and will be collected in different parts of the home in large quantities. Although “Japanese” is not intrusive, it still requires the attention of the owner. It can not be locked for the whole day in the aviary and forgotten. He needs to be given at least the necessary minimum of communication.