Now, to hear the expression "computer ports", you do not need to go to specialized stores or own computer equipment. After all, even primary school students are well versed in this matter.
At the words "port", a pier with high cranes is usually presented to a man, where large ships enter, delivering products and loading goods. In computer technology, the input / output port is one of the types of hardware interface designed to connect internal and peripheral devices to the data bus of the motherboard. Since the advent of the first computers, a large number of different ports have been proposed, differing in both physical implementation and the protocol used. Some are preserved and are used even in our time. So, many motherboard manufacturers began to unsolder the serial port again on their products.
? ( COM, . «Communications») IBM- . , , ( - ). , , .
9 25 . , (, ). 16 (2 ). .
, . , 115 200 (), Windows 9600 ( ). (USB, FireWire) , .
USB COM (RS-232C). , 921600 , ( USB 480 /). – «» : Plug & Play, - , COM ( ).
- COM , PS/2 AGP. , , COM LPT (). , «». -. , , .
It is interesting that many modern peripherals emulate their COM port for correct operation in the operating system . These are mobile phones, radio modems, Bluetooth adapters , etc. Of course, the characteristics of such a virtual port significantly exceed the standard implementation.