Tuberculosis is a fairly common infectious disease that is absolutely dangerous for any person. If we are talking about small children, then in this case, parents have much more anxiety. Many believe that tuberculosis develops exclusively in the lungs. But, you need to consider that this infection can affect almost any organ of the human body. Sometimes this ailment even develops in a latent form. Therefore, it is very important to note the first signs of tuberculosis in children.
Tuberculosis has a huge number of varieties, and far from all of them are treatable. Today, in many countries, children are given the appropriate vaccination to avoid the onset of the disease. However, such injections do not always work out, and some parents even prefer to abandon such vaccinations because of a possible side effect.
How is the disease in a child
It is worth considering that young children are much more sensitive to microscopic bacteria of tuberculosis. They are also more susceptible to the breakdown products of these substances. Due to this disease, they proceed in a rather severe form. As a rule, it consists of several stages.
The first stage is the so-called pre-allergic period. At this point, the bacterium only enters the baby's body, but no reaction has yet occurred. In order to notice the symptoms and first signs of tuberculosis in children, at least 6 weeks are required. During this period, no serious symptoms will be observed.
After this, the next stage of the development of the disease begins, which in medical practice is called a bend. At this stage, the body reacts and when passing diagnostic measures, the first signs of tuberculosis in children become clearly visible.
Inflammatory processes in the body begin to occur only after 4, and sometimes 12 months from the start of infection. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment in a timely manner. However, children often suffer from various diseases, so it is not always possible to understand in time that the problem is precisely in tuberculosis.
How often do children get infected
Tuberculosis is caused by certain bacteria called Koch sticks. They are very resistant to the environment, so they develop in almost any environment. Bacteria of this type for a long time are able to be in the human body in the so-called sleep mode. During this period, almost no activity of Koch sticks is observed. If at this moment a drug for tuberculosis is even introduced into the human body, then it will not have any effect on dormant bacteria.
Their activation occurs at a time when the most favorable conditions are created around. As a rule, the symptoms and first signs of tuberculosis in children are noted at a time when the body is most weakened, and its immune system works at a reduced level. That is why children quite often become patients in hospitals with a similar diagnosis.
The fact is that the immunity of the human body continues to form until the age of 16. It is up to this age that all children and adolescents are in the so-called risk group for tuberculosis. In addition, it is worth explaining why this infection penetrates the children's body so easily.
This is primarily due to the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the respiratory system of babies. Unlike adults, their ventilation process is much worse. Also, the child does not have the necessary cough reflex. He has underdeveloped glands that are responsible for the production of mucus in the bronchi. Against this background, an optimal environment is created for bacteria.
Infection can also be transmitted by airborne droplets. For example, if a child went for a street walk and inhales dust from the air, then in this case there is a risk that he may get an unpleasant disease. Also, the risk of developing pathology increases if the child is in an unventilated and very dusty room throughout the day. If an infected person sneezes and coughs next to the baby, then in this case he can even be at a distance of 2-9 m. Even at such a distance, the infection can penetrate the lungs and infect a variety of tissues of a small organism. Based on this, it can be concluded that infection can occur even on the way from the store or when riding in public transport.
Another option for obtaining this unpleasant ailment is the use of infected meat of animals that are sick with tuberculosis. In this case, the bacterium begins to spread through the digestive system.
Few people know that you can get infected with this unpleasant ailment even if infected dust got into your eyes. In this case, the lacrimal sacs are affected, from where bacteria are sent to other organs of the body.
Thus, it becomes obvious that the first signs of tuberculosis may occur in children 4-7 years of age and older.
Also, a lack of nutrition can provoke such a disease. This leads to a weakening of physical development, and, accordingly, to a decrease in immunity. However, this does not mean that the child who lives in normal conditions cannot be infected with a dangerous ailment. In medical practice, there are cases when infection occurs even in a baby if it has been in contact with a person who has tuberculosis. If the first signs of tuberculosis in children are 6 years old, then this is less dangerous than in babies who have just been born.
If we are talking about very tiny children, then in this case it must be borne in mind that the pathology begins to develop very quickly and in a short time passes into the active phase. This leads to complex consequences.
Tuberculosis classification
First of all, it is worth saying that it all depends on the stage of development of this pathology in the human body. It cannot develop on nails, teeth and hair. However, any other organ of the human body can well affect the disease. There is also an early and chronic stage of the disease. In young children, it is usually the first variety that is found. If we are talking about more severe forms of pathology, then we must take into account that they develop much faster and are treated more difficult. Moreover, the older the child or adolescent, the greater the chance of a successful cure for tuberculosis.
If we talk about the unpleasant consequences of the development of this ailment, much depends on the age of the child. The younger he is, the greater the risk that his pathology will develop. If we talk about complications, then most often in medical practice there are inflammation of the lining of the brain, blood poisoning, inflammatory processes in the pulmonary membranes. Other stages of tuberculosis may also begin to develop. If timely treatment is not done, then serious consequences cannot be avoided. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the symptoms.
How to independently identify the first signs of tuberculosis in children
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are a number of standard symptoms that parents should definitely pay attention to. If the infection occurred in a baby, then in this case he will cry too much, sleep poorly. Later, the baby may begin to abandon breast milk and will begin to constantly act up. Even if he agrees to feeding, then after that, parents note the appearance of frequent regurgitation.
The first signs of tuberculosis in children 3 years of age and older are slightly different. First of all, the child is too nervous and constantly wants to sleep. During the rest of the child, it is worth checking his palms and back. If a large amount of sweat accumulates on them, then this is the first sign of an unpleasant ailment. Also, children 3-4 years old may have serious problems with eating, loss of appetite.
Very often, parents confuse the symptoms and first signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in children with bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis.
Primary symptoms
1-2 months after infection, the child’s body will actively develop antibodies that will attack microscopic bacteria. In this case, the baby may experience standard signs, as with any seasonal infectious disease. Therefore, it is not surprising that parents do not immediately pay attention to the possible development of pathology.
If we talk about the first signs of tuberculosis in children, it is worth noting that in this situation, the temperature rises slightly, a cough appears. However, the younger the baby, the brighter the manifestations will be. Parents should be confused by the fact that despite the standard, it would seem, signs the child remains quite active. It should be understood that with the onset of seasonal disease, general weakness is most often observed.
If bacteria have already accumulated in the body quite a lot, then they will multiply at a double speed. After a few months, tuberculous tubercles will begin to form. They are large clusters of bacteria that are localized near the foci of tissue necrosis. Gradually, all these tubercles will begin to merge with each other and form large areas of tissue damage.
Most often, lesions begin to overgrow with fibrous tissue. This provokes scarring. Over time, the focus of inflammation can be completely isolated. In this case, the bacteria will die. However, with the greatest likelihood of the disease will go into the so-called latent stage. In this case, primary tuberculosis appears.
Thus, even if you search the Internet for a photo of the symptoms and the first signs of tuberculosis in children, you will not be able to get comprehensive information. In appearance, these are perfectly healthy boys and girls. However, at more serious stages, changes are already visible to the naked eye.
Among the primary symptoms, it is worth highlighting weight loss. Many parents believe that this is an absolutely normal reaction, as the child begins to stretch over the years. But do not exclude that this may be the first sign of tuberculosis.
Clear symptoms of tuberculosis
Among the main manifestations of this ailment, it is worth highlighting, first of all, intoxication of the body, loss of appetite, as well as a sharp weight loss. Often children begin to lag behind in development, they often sweat. In this case, a photo of the symptoms and the first signs of tuberculosis in children shows that something is wrong with the baby.
At the same time, body temperature is constantly between 37.2 and 37.5 degrees. Additionally, there may be an increased heartbeat, pallor, or, conversely, the appearance of an uncharacteristic blush on the baby's cheeks. In difficult situations, the child may even start a fever. It also depends on the location of the microbes. For example, a swelling in the area of the lymph nodes may be observed. If you click on them, the child will experience pain.
If the baby began to cough heavily and even expectorate blood, then this indicates that these are perhaps the first signs of pulmonary tuberculosis. Children also experience shortness of breath and pain in the chest. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the problem is associated with pleura.
Tuberculosis can also develop in the kidneys. In this case, the patient has pain in the lumbar region and problems with urination. The most unpleasant form of the disease is when tuberculosis reaches the spine. With bone tuberculosis in children, the symptoms and first signs are pain. Bone deformation may also occur.
Paraspecific reactions
Similar symptoms can also be attributed to the primary signs and symptoms of tuberculosis in a child. In this case, we are talking about the development of conjunctivitis or the inflammatory process on the eyelids. In this case, the child begins to be afraid of the light and tears constantly flow. Also, these reactions include pain in the joints. Often, parents confuse this symptomatology with the first signs of arthritis.
Parents can detect signs of tuberculosis in children in the early stages. For example, it is worth worrying if the child has a temperature of up to 38 ° C for a long time. At the same time, no antipyretic drugs can reduce this indicator. It is also worth starting to worry if the child coughs for more than 2 weeks. Among the primary symptoms, it is also worth highlighting the appearance of blue under the eyes and the shine of proteins. If the body is affected by Koch's bacillus, then in this case it will not react in any way to taking antibiotics.
As already mentioned, previously a lot depends on the localization of microbes.
Symptoms and early signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in children
In this case, the very first signal of the development of the disease will be severe shortness of breath. Over time, it will begin to intensify and be supplemented by pain in the chest. In this case, the temperature in the child can be kept at a rather low level, and then abruptly jumps up to 39 ° C.
Also among the signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in children, it is worth noting the appearance of a dry cough, which will gradually become more and more moist. If it does not go away for 2 weeks, and after this time sputum discharge with an admixture of blood has begun, then in this case it is urgent to seek help. Parents can also listen to the baby’s breathing on their own. If distinct wheezing is heard, this is evidence of the development of pathology.
However, the early signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in children strongly resemble the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and SARS. To make sure that everything is in order, it is better to visit a pediatrician.
Tuberculosis of the bronchial nodes
This kind of pathology is most often found in children under the age of 7 years. She is also sometimes diagnosed in infants. Already at the first stages of the development of the disease, the infection manifests itself in an acute form. But at the same time, as a rule, no changes in the bronchial nodes occur. The situation changes if it reaches the tumor stage. In this case, lymph node necrosis begins to develop. It will take up to several years for a full recovery after treatment.
If we talk about the first signs of tuberculosis in children 5-7 years old, then it should be attributed to them for too long a time, during which the fever keeps.
Lymph node tuberculosis
In this case, in the first place, microorganisms begin to develop axillary and cervical nodes. Such a disease can develop over a period of 2 months to several years. Sometimes lesions are localized in the lower abdomen of the child. This form of the disease is very difficult to treat. It is worth noting that lymph node tuberculosis begins very sharply. A clear sign of the development of the disease is a change in the type of lymph nodes. They become more painful. Also, fistulas may appear in the lymph nodes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to failures in the digestive system.
Miliary tuberculosis
This kind of pathology manifests itself if another type of disease has begun to be treated untimely. The most difficult miliary tuberculosis occurs in children under the age of 3 years. In almost all organs of the child’s body, special nodules appear. In very rare situations, this form of the disease goes away on its own, and the baby is completely cured.
This form of the disease is characterized by 4 forms. However, they are considered the most complex and frequently encountered 2. For the pulmonary form, dyspnea and the appearance of cyanosis are characteristic. Affected foci appear in the choroid. However, with the naked eye, such signs of tuberculosis in a child in the early stages cannot be detected. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct fundus examination.
There is also a meningeal form. It usually occurs in children under 7 years old. At first, the child loses interest in active activities. This is because damage to the cranial nerves begins. For some time, parents noted an increase in body temperature and the appearance of severe headaches. The child is constantly sick, and the pulse becomes slow. , . .
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The second stage of treatment is rehabilitation rehabilitation. During this period, the child should rest as much as possible and take medications that are aimed at supporting the work of the affected organs. You will also need to ensure that the bacteria remaining in the body do not start their reproduction again. In the recovery period, it is also necessary to take preparations with a large number of vitamins. In difficult situations, hormonal agents may be required. The child should eat well-nutritious foods. It is necessary to restore immunity, which has suffered not only from the activity of Koch's bacillus, but also from potent drugs.
If we talk about how to avoid this disease, then first of all, it is necessary that the child is at home in a ventilated, dry, well-lit room. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible with him in the fresh air and go outdoors. During periods when epidemics are observed in the city, it is best to get cotton-gauze dressings. You also need to monitor the maintenance of the baby's immune system. Therefore, you need to feed him fresh vegetables, fruits and make a balanced diet. However, even if all these recommendations are observed, no one is protected from contact with a sick person. The best prevention advice is vaccination.