If you do not know how to make a pumpkin for Halloween, then this article will come in handy for you! Indeed, this evening without the traditional “Jack Lantern” simply cannot be called a real holiday!
It should be noted that any pumpkin is suitable for Halloween. But the best option is the one that is larger, brighter and more even. It is also remarkable that, in producing this attribute, we practically do not throw away anything. And even kids can take part in this interesting lesson.
Choosing a suitable pumpkin, it must be thoroughly washed and dried, because we have to draw on it with a felt-tip pen. On a wet surface, drawing will not work.
First you need to cut the crown, the place where the stalk is located from the branch. Of course, this business cannot be entrusted to kids in any way, so you need to take it on yourself.
You need to cut the “hat” so high that the cut area is slightly larger than the diameter of the hand - this will be the entrance to the pumpkin, through which it will be necessary to clean its internal contents. In no case should you throw away the "hat" cut from a pumpkin! It will come in handy later.
Since you need to make a pumpkin for Halloween from an “empty” fruit, the next stage of production will be the extraction of seeds and pulp.
Sunflower seeds will serve as a wonderful delicacy - they are so nice to chew on long winter evenings. Moreover, they are a good prophylactic against intestinal parasites and various diseases of the male genital organs.
Pumpkin pulp should also not be thrown away. It produces a variety of dishes: pancakes, cereal supplements, soups, caviar and even jam.
It is quite possible to involve children in the process of cleaning the insides from the pumpkin. First we work with a knife, cutting out pieces of pulp, and then we begin to wield with a spoon, raking seeds. Seeds must be washed and dried before use. If desired, they can be calcined in a pan. But here we must not forget that when the seeds are baked, their palatability improves, however, they lose many of their beneficial properties.
Before you cut a pumpkin for Halloween, you need to use a felt-tip pen to draw a “face”: the eyes, nose, and mouth of the future lantern. Then again comes a serious moment - directly the process of artistic clipping.
A very sharp knife is required for this type of work. A medical scalpel or shoe knife is well suited for this purpose.
If the main work of cutting is finished, and on the surface of the pumpkin there are strips and dashes from a felt-tip pen, they can easily be washed off with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
At the bottom of the pumpkin inward we place a burning candle, thoroughly strengthen it. Better to use a candle-pill. Now we’ll take the last step - we’ll cover the pumpkin with a cut “hat”. In the “cap”, by the way, you need to make several round holes in order for heated air to come out through them.
But you can completely abandon the use of open fire for interior lighting. After all, craftsmen will be able to strengthen a flashlight that runs on batteries.
There are many options for making a pumpkin for Halloween. Some prefer not to make a traditional mug, but a variety of ornaments and drawings. It also looks extremely beautiful and original.
And how to make a pumpkin for Halloween such that no one has ever done? Well, this is a matter of your imagination! Some, for example, cook two pumpkins at once: large and small. A large mouth is cut out of a size in which a small pumpkin can fit. After making the little one, they insert the big one into the mouth, as if the evil cannibal wants to gnaw on the "head" of the unfortunate pumpkin baby. It turns out pretty original composition.
Others, instead of a “cap” cut off at the very beginning, jam a black cap glued from thick paper onto a pumpkin.