Our families are real residences of warmth and love, which are regularly replenished with new members. Are there anyone for whom the pet is not a member of the family? Unlikely. And if so, then the owner needs to remember the famous phrase by A. De Saint-Exupery from his work "The Little Prince". And if you do not remember this phrase, re-read the work again. In order to protect our smaller brothers, a holiday such as World Animal Day was introduced.
When and why was this holiday invented?
Almost a hundred years ago, humanity for the first time seriously thought about animals as equal inhabitants of planet Earth. They began to pay more attention to animals, and governments of many countries saw the harm caused to wildlife by human activity.
In this regard, many states have begun to enact legislation banning the hunting of many species of animals. First of all, this was due to the fact that many species simply disappeared from the face of the Earth due to human gluttony.
Therefore, in 1931, in order to draw attention to animal problems, World Animal Protection Day was added to the list of world holidays. Traditionally celebrate it every year - October 3. Quite often this holiday is associated with Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals among Catholics.
The number of countries that host various events on the occasion of Animal Protection Day is growing every year, now there are already about 70 of them. At the same time, each state considers it its duty to combat poachers who want to receive a large income from selling the animal to a zoo or private hands.
What issues are highlighted at events?
World Animal Protection Day is a celebration designed to help our lesser brothers gain and defend their right to protection. The matter concerns, by the way, not only wild animals, but also pets. After all, there are a huge number of cases when cats or dogs have been abused by the owners or simply thrown out into the street.
These issues are dealt with by the local animal welfare society. Of course, these structures work best in the UK and the United States of America. Apparently, this is due to the upbringing and the sense of responsibility developed before childhood for defenseless creatures. As a rule, negligent owners can be fined or even brought to trial for cruelty to animals, and the pet should be removed and placed in another family, where they will take care of it.
What events take place on Animal Protection Day?
On this day, the animal welfare society, arming itself with the support of local authorities, quite often holds various celebrations. Often during them, volunteers collect donations for the needs of animals in shelters or for special programs for wild animals (conservation projects, etc.).
On such a day, you can hold educational conversations with schoolchildren and pupils of preschool institutions. It is better for them to submit information in small fragments, reinforcing the invested knowledge with social advertisements, documentaries. You should also make a short story about why the World Animal Protection Day was invented. Pictures on the subject, slides or presentations will only decorate the report. If there is an animal shelter in the city, you can organize a visit to it by conducting a kind of action on the extension of animals. It was verified that it was after such actions of many animals that new owners take away.
In addition, no less interesting events will be open animal exhibitions in a park or square. Volunteers with animals from the shelter can also come there, thus advertising their pupils.
For a themed evening for this holiday, you need to prepare a script. Animal Protection Day is a holiday when funny animal quizzes, contests, drawing on this topic and much more will be quite appropriate.
How to raise love for animals?
Love for the outside world is what parents should teach from early childhood, and then the school in biology classes. Of course, a significant part of the upbringing falls on mother and father, who are obliged to explain to the child why animals should not be offended. First of all, you need to tell the baby that any aggression from a person to an animal is a manifestation of strength, but you should not offend someone who is weaker than you. Show him an example. Feed a homeless dog or cat on the street, get your own pet at home, perhaps even from a shelter. Go there with your child, and let him also take part in choosing a future favorite.
Small step for the animal
Thus, World Animal Protection Day is a very important holiday that plays a crucial role in the formation of personality. Indeed, kindness is not at all difficult! Helping a homeless creature is a small step for one person, but a huge step for all people.