Having seen the treasured two stripes on the test, girls and women naturally hope that their pregnancy is proceeding correctly. But at the beginning of the term, a lot of factors can interrupt it. The first thing you need to pay attention to is pain in the lower abdomen and discharge from the genitals. However, not all of them indicate a violation during pregnancy. And what discharge during pregnancy is considered the norm, we will tell in this article.
Vaginal secretion: what is it?
Throughout the life of a woman, she has a discharge. This is an absolutely normal physiological process provided for by nature. This is necessary to protect the genitals from infection. On the contrary, it can be said that this is an important diagnostic criterion, because if the vaginal discharge has altered or acquired an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the development of any pathologies and become an occasion to consult a gynecologist.
Therefore, if you are wondering whether the discharge during pregnancy is normal, you can be absolutely calm. They are present throughout the entire period, however, under the influence of various hormones at different periods, they can change. For example, in the first half, the influence of progesterone predominates. Therefore, the norm of discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy may be thicker, transparent or whitish mucus, odorless and other deviations.
What should be white during pregnancy?
Protection of the genital organs is performed by the cervix. It produces mucus from the cells of the epithelium, and the lactic acid bacteria present in the vagina are involved in the cleaning and removal of all kinds of pathogenic bacteria.
As we already said, the rate of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is determined by the increased effect of progesterone. At this time, it accumulates to ensure the normal attachment and development of the embryo. If the hormone is insufficient in the body of a woman, then the risk of abortion increases. In this case, medications are prescribed to replenish progesterone reserves.
So, the rate of discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is creamy and stretching due to progesterone. They should also be colorless and moderately thick. Their more dense structure is allowed, but without clots. The appearance of a whitish hue is associated with the beginning of the formation of a mucous plug in the cervix. This is a natural formation that will accompany you throughout pregnancy and protect the fetus from infections from the outside. By the way, cork waste is considered one of the harbingers of childbirth, but this process is very individual.
What other early discharge may be?
We got acquainted with the norm of discharge during pregnancy. But they are of a different nature, which may indicate violations in the course of pregnancy.
- Discharges in red or burgundy may indicate a miscarriage. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, similar to contractions. This may mean the beginning of detachment of the ovum. If measures are not taken in time, then you can lose the child. Another cause may be minor mechanical damage that a woman could have received during intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. It may also indicate the presence of tumors, fibroids, or problems with the circulatory system. In this case, the discharge will be brown or red with streaks of blood.
- A cream or beige discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In this situation, the embryo does not attach in the uterus, but outside it, for example, in the fallopian tube. Then surgical intervention is necessary, otherwise it can threaten the woman's life.
- Pale yellow or dirty green discharge indicates the presence of infection in the microflora of the vagina. Very often they are accompanied by burning, itching and an unpleasant odor.
- Light, sometimes creamy discharge, with a curdled consistency, means the presence of thrush. This disease in itself is not dangerous and very easily cured. But there is a lot of discomfort, as itching, and burning, and an increase in vaginal secretion are observed.
And yet, you need to keep in mind that the norm of the color of the discharge during pregnancy is transparent or whitish. Everything else may indicate a violation, so you should immediately consult a doctor.
What indicates pathology?
The rate of discharge during pregnancy depends on the woman’s body, but there are certain indicators that you need to immediately report to the doctor. Pathogens can appear in a woman’s body at any time. However, the most dangerous will be their appearance in the initial stages of gestation. A gynecologist can show you a photo of the rate of discharge during pregnancy. But it is better to provide your biological material for a more complete analysis of the situation.
Bloody issues
If you notice blood in yourself, this in no way can be the norm of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. This is a sign of a threat of abortion, pseudo-erosion of the cervix, cystic drift or other factors.
The threat of interruption is very easy to confuse with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Allocations become scarlet and plentiful. They usually accompany the detachment of the ovum. In addition, the presence of pulling pains in the lower abdomen can also be regarded as the beginning of menstruation, but this is not so. A woman experiences these sensations due to contractions of the uterus, which expels the fetal egg. Without timely medical attention, all this can result in bleeding and spontaneous abortion.
Pseudo-erosion of the cervix can occur after douching or other hygienic procedures, after sex or even a gynecological examination. This is not a threat to your pregnancy.
Bubble drift is quite rare. The essence of this disease is that the chorion turns into a cyst and leads to the death of the fetus. In this situation, surgical intervention is necessary (the procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity is performed) to preserve the woman's life and health.
Other factors can also cause bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. For example, attaching a fertilized egg to the surface of the ovum. This is possible with multiple pregnancy. Here you need a consultation with a gynecologist and the selection of an individual action plan for each pregnant woman.
If you injured the abdomen in the early stages of gestation, this can also provoke discharge with an admixture of blood. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful from the first days, especially if the pregnancy occurs in the autumn-winter period. Even if there was no immediate abdominal injury, any strong concussion of the pregnant woman’s body, for example, when falling, even from a height of her own height, can have the same consequences.
Also provoke spotting can polyps in the cervical canal. These are benign growths of the endometrium, but they are still considered the initial stage of cancer, so they are subjected to surgical removal. During pregnancy, such operations are not performed, and polyps can bleed due to exposure to an expanding fetus or hormones. However, letting it go by itself and in this case is impossible, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Brown color
In addition to bloody, brown whites can be observed, which are also not the norm of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. They will tell us about the possible pathology of the chorion, implantation bleeding, ectopic or missed pregnancy.
Chorion is an organ that will later turn into a placenta. The color of the discharge indicates that there is an accumulation of blood and its stagnation. The release of this blood indicates further exfoliation of the chorion. In this situation, with proper and timely treatment, pregnancy can be saved.
Implantation bleeding is not so dangerous. It occurs while the embryo attaches to the uterine cavity. It partially destroys its walls, so similar secretions arise. Women often simply do not notice them, because they are rather scarce.
Unlike implantation bleeding, an ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening for a woman. In this situation, the fetus attaches outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. Usually, in addition to secretions, severe pain in the lower abdomen is observed.
A frozen pregnancy is placed when the embryo no longer shows signs of life, but spontaneous abortion does not occur, that is, the fetal egg does not come out. Brown discharge indicates that the fetal egg gradually exfoliates from the walls of the uterus, and blood accumulates in its cavity. In this case, only surgical intervention and removal of the frozen embryo is possible.
Yellow discharge occurs when a woman has an inflammatory process or a developing sexual infection. She could not disturb a woman before pregnancy and was asymptomatic, however, with the onset of conception, she became aggravated and now makes herself felt. The most common causative agents of genital infections are chlamydia, ureaplasma, cytomegaloviruses, etc.
Infections pose a huge danger to your child. They can provoke not only pathologies of the development of the fetus, but also a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. Therefore, if the discharge has become yellow in color and has an unpleasant odor, such as rotten fish, you must immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. In this case, you can save the situation and maintain the health of your future baby.
It should also be borne in mind that a small yellow-brown mucus is the norm of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. This may also indicate a slight bleeding during the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall.
Foamy green discharge
Discharge of this kind is by no means the norm during pregnancy. Even if a woman is not in a position, this fact should alert her greatly. This color is a symptom of trichomoniasis, which requires specialized treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
In such a situation, the discharge will have a green or yellow-green color, they will be very plentiful, may foam and have an unpleasant odor. In addition, severe burning and itching of the genitals, as well as painful sensations in the vulva and vagina, can be observed.
Self-medication for trichomoniasis is prohibited not only for pregnant women, but also for women not in position.
When should I see a doctor?
If you still doubt whether everything is normal with you, then consulting a gynecologist will help you determine the rate of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages.
In addition to the changed color, the following factors can be indications for contacting a doctor:
- burning sensation and itching in the genital area;
- discomfort in the abdomen;
- pains began to appear.
Prevention of the occurrence of pathological discharge
What discharge is the norm in the early stages of pregnancy, and which is not, we have figured out. Now, let's get acquainted with some rules that will help to avoid the appearance of unwanted symptoms and maintain the health of a pregnant woman and her baby.
- You need to eat right and balanced. If your body has enough vitamins and nutrients, this will help prevent infection and the multiplication of infectious agents, and will make you stronger and stronger.
- The correct regimen of the day will also help strengthen immunity. Pregnant women, especially in the early stages, need a good rest and an 8-10 hour sleep. If you feel tired and drowsy, it’s better not to fight it, but to lie down and rest. In a weakened body, viruses and infections will feel masters of the situation, and this should not be allowed.
- Do not forget about physical activity. Of course, with the onset of pregnancy, you need to reconsider your loads, but light exercises will only benefit you.
- During pregnancy, the rules of intimate hygiene must be adhered to impeccably. The genitals toilet needs to be carried out in the morning and in the evening, and in the presence of plentiful secretions even more often. However, it should be remembered that during this period it is better to exclude means for intimate hygiene, which contain harmful impurities and can provoke allergies.
- The rules of intimate hygiene also include safe sex. If you still have to treat genital infections during pregnancy, then you need to do this together with your partner. He must also be tested and, if necessary, undergo treatment. At the time of treatment, sexual intercourse should be abandoned in order to avoid reinfection.
- Means for washing clothes, and especially underwear, must also be selected hypoallergenic. It is better to use products designed for washing children's things. The fabric from which linen and clothes are made is also important for the health of a pregnant woman. They should be sewn only from natural fabrics, since synthetics are the best medium for the propagation of pathogenic flora.
So, we figured out what normal discharge during pregnancy should be observed in women. All deviations from the norm or your personal doubts are a reason for going to the gynecologist. During this period, you should think and care not only about yourself, but also about the small life within you. Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease than to treat then its advanced stage.