What is good Japanese washcloth

It is difficult to imagine how in ancient times people could do without a washcloth - a much-needed attribute for hygiene. Thank God that we do not live in the Middle Ages. The market offers a wide selection of various items designed for body care. What do they just not make of - flax, loofah, ramie, polypropylene threads ?! Recently, Japanese body washcloths have become very popular. How they differ from the rest and why many recommend them as the best means for hygiene - this will be discussed in our article.

japanese washcloth

Japanese washcloth: what is it?

The first model of this type was developed back in the 60s. Since then, the Japanese washcloth has become so popular that several hundred of its various modifications are now available. The main difference of this product is that almost always it is made of nylon threads and produced in the form of a fabric that can be folded in any way. This form of manufacture allows you to massage and wash even the most inaccessible areas of the body. The uniqueness of the product lies in the volumetric method of weaving and fiber features. Japanese bast is of varying degrees of rigidity. It is significant that almost every person who has ever tried such a product invariably remains delighted with its performance!

body washcloths japanese

The benefits of Japanese washcloths

Unlike other items for taking a bath or going to the bath, this product does not require drying, since it is easily wrung out almost dry with just a few movements. Due to the fact that the Japanese washcloth does not absorb foreign odors, it always remains fresh and clean. In addition, this product does not accumulate microbes and is therefore justly considered extremely hygienic. The compact size and light weight make this item an excellent choice for travel or business trips. It is also worth noting the practicality of using this type of product. Firstly, without resorting to outside help, thanks to it you can do yourself a massage of the back, foot or other part of the body. Japanese washcloths contain in their composition health-improving additives that help in the fight against cellulite, moisturize the skin and give it a fresh look. The purchase of one such hygiene item allows you to forget about the need to use additional cosmetics designed for body care.

Japanese washcloth where to buy

The second factor that increases the practicality of this type of washcloth is a significant saving in gels and soap, because due to the peculiarities of weaving, voluminous foam is created even if there is very little detergent left. A special place in the assortment of such products is occupied by Japanese bamboo bast. Where to buy it - the question is not so complicated: now there are a lot of stores (including online) that offer the most exotic products. In nature, bamboo practically does not rot, and this does not depend on the presence or absence of pathogenic conditions. This circumstance is explained by the strong antimicrobial properties of this plant - approximately ¾ of all bacteria die on the surface of its fibers.

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