"Gothic 2" is a classic role-playing game. Huge pumping opportunities, an open vast world, an incredible amount of things, weapons and opponents, an original battle system - all this made this game unforgettable for fans of the genre, raising RPGs to a new level. It was from "Gothic" that many creators of role-playing games repelled when they created their own masterpiece projects. Naturally, it is difficult to imagine that for such a game no one would create a modification. One of the most successful was the Dark Saga mod, which added a huge number of different types of content to the game. But the most important thing is the incredible amount of new quests that you can go through, pumping in parallel with your character, exploring new territories, collecting objects and money. All these gamers really remember the game "Gothic 2: The Dark Saga. "The passage of the most interesting of the added quests will be described in this article.
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Now you can already notice that you are unlikely to get tired of the game "Gothic 2: The Dark Saga" walkthrough. Temple of Skulls and other similar locations with an abundance of quests, riddles and battles will not let you get bored. When you get to the temple and enter it, you will immediately notice the Mirage, which is attacked by a crowd of orcs. You have a difficult battle with superior enemy forces. After winning, you will be able to get another quest, during which you will need to get an artifact helmet, which will be the key to the next task. You will have to walk around the temple and fight against several powerful opponents, but as a result you will still get a helmet. Return to the Mirage, kill the last enemy and follow the comrade to the exit. When you leave the temple, you have yet another battle to prepare for, in advance,namely, stock up on a silver sword, the only weapon with which you can defeat your last ghost enemies. After defeating them, the quest will be counted." 2: " . - , . , . , , , , , -, .
The next fraction, where you will be thrown in the game "Gothic 2: Dark Saga" passage, is the camp of paladins. You can get there only from the camp of the orcs, when Drax will reveal to you the secret that he is one of the paladins, and the bosom is preparing an uprising. You will also have the role of a messenger who will need to deliver a message to that same paladin camp. By doing this, you will help them and become a welcome guest, respectively, will be able to perform their many tasks.Arenas
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