There are so many devices and screen sizes that determine the size of the browser window that it is problematic to write code that satisfies all applications. Just squeezing the footer to the bottom of the page is acceptable in an ideal use case, but there are at least two situations where this is almost impossible to do.
Firstly, not only the screens of tablets and smartphones allow the movement of a physical screen on a virtual one. Physical window of visibility - smaller than the virtual screen window on which the physical can be moved. Secondly, if, how to press the footer to the bottom of the page (CSS rules) is more or less clear, then what about resizing the window of the browser itself?
Absolute and relative positioning
, . ( , ), , : , «» .
- . , , CSS « ». : - , . .
CSS «bottom» , , .
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- « , » , .
, «», - CMS ( ). , , wordpress, drupal, magenta, 1c-bitrix CMS «» «» .
. - , - , , .
CMS : , , , CMS. , .
-. , , 4 , (!) CSS.
- , - .
HTML5 CSS3 , . . , - HTML5/CSS3 . - (, , ).
. Windows, Apple, .
HTML : , .
, , ( ) :
, , - .
, . - .
JavaScript, . , .
onload GoPage(), scLogo . scfChange.
. , , .
. JavaScript , , : CSS JavaScript.
Google , isV .
. AJAX, , - . , , - .
, , . , , , .
, . , .
It is not so difficult to remember the result of work and the state of the visitor (page) at the time of the end of the session in cookies or in the database on the server. When the same visitor returns, you can return to the saved state, rather than creating the home page of the site.