Not sure how to sterilize jars in aerogrill? We will help you

The sterilization process is the processing of cans with a high temperature, which allows you to kill all possible microorganisms and avoid fermentation. There are many ways to implement this process. This steam treatment, and sterilization with dry air in the oven (the so-called "roasting"). But with the advent of electrical engineering, these grandfathering methods are slowly fading into the background, and more and more people are asking the question: "How to sterilize cans in aerogrill?"

how to sterilize jars in aerogrill

This method can relieve the torment experienced by the housewives, standing above the stove on a hot summer day. Important is the fact that now sterilization of cans is also available for those who do not have a gas stove in the country.

As with the classical method, before sterilizing the jars in the aerogrill, it is very necessary to wash them first and prepare the lids for seaming. After this, clean dishes are inspected for damage to the neck. Only then place the containers on the air grill, setting it in the lower position. In one load, you can process either 5 cans of 0.5 l each, or 3 cans with a capacity of 1 l.

After all dishes have been loaded into the aerogrill, it is necessary to select the sterilization mode in the settings. The whole process should last no more than 15 minutes, and the temperature should be 150 degrees. Upon completion, your banks are ready to roll them in any way that you practice.

how many minutes to sterilize cans

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that both dry and with a small amount of clean water can be sterilized. But it is worth considering that in the latter case, the duration of how much you need to sterilize the jars in the air grill increases. In the case of water, the dishes are also further steamed.

There are cases when the hostesses, before sterilizing the jars in the aerogrill, filled them with brine, without separately spending time on its preparation. The result was the same cucumbers, for example, only the time they spent 1.5 times less. The only feature of this sterilization option is that all cans with brine, water or syrup must be closed.

how much to sterilize cans

All glass containers with cooked brine must be placed on the air grill, installed in the lower position. In the case when ordinary covers are used, the design of which provides for the presence of elastic, the temperature cannot be more than 150 degrees. If, according to the recipe, the temperature for cooking canned food should be higher, simply remove the seal from the lids and set the required temperature. This must be done before sterilizing the jars in the air grill. At the end of the process, remove the cans and roll them up in the usual way.

Such a rather low temperature for sterilization of 150 degrees is caused by the fact that the device also creates pressure during processing, which greatly speeds up the process.

After reading this article, you will know how many minutes to sterilize the banks, and most importantly, that you can do this using the modern method, which allows you to save time and save the strength of the hostess.

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