The World Cat Federation has registered about seventy varieties of these animals. All of them were bred not only due to random genetic mutations, but also as a result of targeted breeding work. Each of the existing varieties is endowed with certain characteristics and differs from the others in body structure, coat length and size. In today's article, we will provide a brief description of the representatives of the breeds of the largest cats.
1st place: savannah
This is one of the largest and most expensive varieties, the author of which is considered to be Judy Frank. She was bred on the basis of an ordinary domestic cat and an African serval. Despite the fact that the history of these animals began in 1986, they received official recognition only in 2001.
Savannah is one of the largest cats in the world. The average weight of representatives of this breed is 12-15 kg, and growth can reach 60 cm. In this case, individuals exist in nature whose mass exceeds 20 kg. The main distinguishing features of these animals are long limbs, large cup-shaped ears and a graceful elongated body, covered with a thick spotty coat of brown, silver, gold or chocolate color.
The savannahs are endowed with a calm independent disposition. They rarely sit on the lap of their owners, love active walks and love water.
2nd place: Maine Coon
The second line of our rating of the largest cats is occupied by immigrants from North America, whose history is estimated at one hundred and fifty years. Their origin is shrouded in myths and legends. According to one version, their ancestors were raccoons, according to the second - North American lynx.
Maine Coon is a large animal, whose weight can reach 15 kg, and the body length is approaching a meter mark. On a not too large head with powerful jaws and a wide nose, there are large ears with tassels at the ends and almond-shaped eyes of a green, yellow or blue hue. Maine Coon's entire body is covered with long heavy skeleton hair with rich undercoat.
Despite the strict appearance and impressive parameters, one of the largest cats is endowed with a balanced friendly disposition. He is independent, restrained and very neat. Plus, Maine Coon is characterized by sensitivity, innate delicacy and patience. All this makes him an ideal pet.
3rd place: regdoll
The history of these animals is shrouded in numerous secrets. According to one version, their native country is the United States, and among the ancestors there are burma and ordinary domestic cats. The breed received official recognition in 1965.
Ragdoll is one of the largest cats. The weight of an adult animal varies between 8-12 kg, and the body length can reach 1 m. On a wedge-shaped head with a rounded muzzle, a developed chin, a short nose and thick cheeks, there are oval slanting eyes and small neat ears. The massive elongated body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with thick silky hair.
Ragdoll is a smart and sociable animal that coexists easily with other pets. He is never capricious and without any problems adapts to new conditions of detention.
4th place: Siberian cat
Despite the fact that the history of this breed began in the XVI century, it received official recognition only in 1989. Initially, these animals lived in Siberia and the Far East. But over time, they spread throughout Europe and aroused serious interest among local breeders.
Siberians are considered one of the largest cats. Photos of these animals weighing between 6-12 kg can be seen a little higher. They are distinguished by a strong, massive skeleton and a fairly large head. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with thick, semi-long hair of tortoiseshell, smoky, apricot, white, blue or black.
5th place: British Shorthair
Closing our rating of the largest cats is the representatives of the English breed, which originated in the 19th century. The average weight of British Shorthair varies from 3 to 8 kg. In general, they give the impression of large strong animals with a squat, stocky body and a large rounded head.
The main distinguishing feature of the British is a short plush fur that perfectly retains heat. As for color, the standard allows the existence of monophonic, two- or three-color individuals. But most often you can meet purple, chocolate, cream, red, blue, black and white cats.