When the Mickey mouse first appeared on television, it was black and white. Only after some time did his suspender shorts turn bright red. Since that time, the color scheme, consisting of these three colors, has been associated around the world with the hero of the Disney cartoon. Thanks to this, a children's birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse is simple and very interesting to prepare with your own hands. Introducing some ideas and tips for a thematic birthday.
It is always nice to get a handmade postcard, because when you make it, a person puts his soul in. Mickey Mouse-style birthday invitations for guests can be made with cardboard, fabric, and buttons. From the cardboard we cut out a template in the form of the head of a mouse, apply it to black fabric and cut it out, glue the fabric to the cardboard. Then we make a pocket from the red fabric, it should be up to about half of Mickey’s head, and we sew it on, we sew two white buttons on it. A leaflet with the invitation text is put in this pocket.
You can think of any text. The main thing is not to sound ordinary. For example: "Hello, ...! Congratulations on joining the Mickey Mouse Club, which is located at ...! .... the number at ... time there will be a festive party in honor of the birthday of our mutual friend .... Come, it will be fun! Yours Mickey. "
Room decoration
Decorations for the birthday room can be purchased in specialized stores for the holidays or made independently. How can you decorate a room?
The first is garlands. Multi-colored thematic garland in the form of flags will help to immediately create a festive mood. It is advisable that the dots periodically alternate in the garland. On the walls you can hang a poster with illustrations from the cartoon. On the sheet of whatman paper, write the name of the birthday person in Disney's proprietary font, and how old he is.
It would be a good idea to make a photo collage of 12-24 photos of the child over the past year. Originally they will look in black and white colors. You can place them on a sheet of Whatman paper and place them in a large red photo frame, having previously decorated it with Mickey Mouse ears.
In an age of active life on social networks and the universal love of numerous beautiful photos, the creation of a thematic photo zone will be a must in organizing a children's birthday.
An excellent solution would be to cover the place for the photo with a plain fabric, for example, burgundy. Put a few chairs and seat them on the cartoon characters - Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto and others. These can be ordinary soft toys. In the background you can hang balloons, pompons from corrugated paper, decorative balls. Of course, everything should be designed in three colors (red, white, black). You can also print large images of cartoons and also hang them.
Mickey Mouse-style birthday photos should be bright and positive, so you can add a few more attributes to the exterior. You can make them from cardboard in red and black. Cut shapes in the form of a mustache, glasses, Mickey's ears, hats and a bow. Each of them individually glued with tape on a long stick. You can also use caps, headbands with ears and bows, butterflies and harmonica. Such a photo shoot will turn out to be unforgettable and very beautiful.
Candy bar decoration
Candy bar is today one of the most important attributes of every children's birthday. About designing a birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse, do not forget about this. We use a thematic colored tablecloth, on the sides of the table we hang helium or foil balloons, and in the center of the table we put (or hang over the table) a portrait of a birthday man in an embrace with his beloved mouse.
Candy Bar Treats
You need to choose your favorite and national food of a cartoon character. That is, cheese and American cuisine. What could it be:
- cheese cutting;
- flavored popcorn;
- mini burgers;
- puffed rice;
- hot dogs;
- boiled corn;
- sandwiches with peanut butter;
- crackers and more.
Mickey Mouse and Minnie-style birthday drinks include ginger tea, Mickey's signature lemonade, and fruit smoothie.
Festive table and cake
Table setting for a birthday table in the style of Mickey Mouse should also fully comply with the general theme. In order not to part with the main colors, you can still use the yellow tone in the design of the holiday. Cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth with polka dots, fold napkins in the form of a Minnie bow and put on top of the plate. Hang a balloon on each chair and give the children straws in a strip for drinks.
Decorate the table with cookies or gingerbread cookies in the form of Mickey and Minnie, branded bottles of lemonade. You can also use glass bottles with Coca-Cola, they also fit perfectly into the theme of the holiday. From the main dishes, cook everything that the birthday boy loves. In addition to the drinks used for the candy bar, you can also offer children milkshakes.
On a birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse, a boy can make a cake in the shape of the head of a mouse, and a girl - Minnie. Such a cake, covered with mastic, will look very impressive. A special candle-fireworks will perfectly complement the atmosphere of fun.
Decoration for the holiday, of course, is very important, but do not forget about the costumes. Choosing the appropriate outfit is worth not only the culprit or the culprit of the celebration, but his / her parents. You can buy a thematic outfit in the form of a favorite hero, but they very often look too intrusive. Moreover, around the child there will be plenty of volumetric and flat images of the mouse and his friends. It is best to choose clothes in appropriate colors, and complement the image with bright accessories.
On a birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse, it is worth stocking up accessories not only for the birthday man, but also for his guests. Girls should be offered headbands with bows and ears of Mickey, boys - butterflies. You can distribute white gloves to everyone, as well as make holiday caps, on which you can stick the image of the heroes of the Disney movie or write the name of the birthday boy, how old he was. Name caps for guests will look original. Kids will be able to keep them as a keepsake, and it will become easier for children to get to know each other!
Games and contests
It will be a great idea to invite animators to the festival, who will gladly fulfill the role of their favorite characters. Professionals also have a special, prepared script. A birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse will be even more fun if you prepare more different games and competitions.
Sculpt Mickey. Hand out pieces of pastry mastic, puff pastry or plasticine to your guests and give them a workshop on modeling a Disney cartoon. Each child will be able to mold a souvenir and leave it as a keepsake, and if it is mastic, then decorate it with a birthday cake.
Best Pluto. Kids will be happy to compete among themselves on the subject of which of them barks better. A fun and noisy contest will become fun entertainment for everyone. And the winner, of course, will receive a prize!
Sleeping giant. One of the most favorite active games for children. One of the adults lays on the floor and pretends to be a sleeping giant, many soft toys are scattered around him. Children must carefully, without waking the giant, collect all the toys. And naturally, the giant will wake up at the most unexpected moments and grab the laughing guys by the arms and legs.
Bowling. To organize the game you will need the usual set for children's bowling. To preserve the theme of the birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse, stick on the skittles and balloons images of cartoon characters. Break the children into teams and arrange a real bowling competition. Dynamic and groovy music will make the game even more fun and active.
Who is faster? Pretty old game that everyone knows. But this does not stop babies from liking her. Print on large A4 sheets a large image of the mouse. Sheets should be one less than the contest participants. We lay out the leaves in a circle, children become around, turn on a quick fun melody and run! At that second, when the music stops, the children should take their place on the piece of paper. A child who does not have time is eliminated. The game continues further, before its next stage, the presenter takes one leaf from the floor with the image of a cartoon hero.
Bones for Pluto. Somewhere in an inconspicuous place, hide fake dog bones before the holiday. You can buy them at any pet store. Tell the children that the dog Pluto hid his bones, and now he can’t find them himself and asks for help from them. Give your kids a real “treasure hunt" competition! Divide them into two teams. To diversify the quest, use traces, arrows, pre-glued around the room. Prepare riddles and puzzles so that the guys can reflect and, in the end, find the lost bones. Do not forget to thank the winning team with sweet prizes.
For a child’s birthday in the style of Mickey Mouse, it is easy to find many small and inexpensive gifts, souvenirs that kids will definitely like. Adhering to the theme of the holiday, children can be handed:
- coloring books;
- stickers;
- puzzles;
- bubble;
- magnets
- sweets;
- pens or pencils;
- notebooks
- hairpins;
- key rings and much more.
The organization and design of the holiday for the child is a fun and very exciting activity for parents. To recreate and plunge headlong into the atmosphere of a Disney cartoon is so beautiful. The world of childhood, kindness, carelessness and fun will make you forget about problems and for a moment become a child again. And for your beloved child, such a celebration will be one of the most memorable birthdays in life!