February 12: weekday or holiday?

The twelfth of February can be spent as a weekday or to make it special. It turns out that on February 12 there are real holidays that everyone should know about.

Professional holiday of marriage agencies

In early February, spring already blows, Valentine's Day is approaching , I want warmth and love. For the first time, the Day of marriage agencies appeared in the long-suffering Ukraine now in 2010. The idea was in the air, and the professional holiday began to be celebrated by those people who chose matchmaking as their occupation. With the filing of Ukraine, this holiday moved to the USA, Canada, Sweden, Spain, France, Italy. And all online dating sites celebrate it online.

12th of February

This holiday brings lovers closer to each other, and therefore was so well received. However, on February 12th I celebrate not only that.

Name day or personal saint's day

Name days are called angel's day because at baptism each person is given the name of his heavenly patron - a saint who will support and stand up all his life. The name is chosen according to the church calendar or clergy, and it may not coincide with the secular.

february 12

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to recall the heavenly patron on the day of the angel. This is usually the closest date to a person’s birthday. There are many saints of the same name, and you need to figure out what kind of talk is in question. For the layman, the church calendar is complicated, and it is better to find out everything from a spiritual mentor. On February 12, the name days of such saints fall: Peter, Fedor, Stepan, Ivan, Vasily and Gregory. These were outstanding people, there is a lot of information about them.

American pancakes

So celebrate this day in Kansas: bake pancakes and arrange a race with hot pans. Only women are fleeing, and they should be wearing home clothes and kitchen aprons. During the race, the pancake in the pan should be thrown so that it rolls over. This is done in the cities of Liberal (Kansas) and Albee, South Dakota. Cities are small, and there is not much entertainment there. The pancake festival turns into fun - all the pancakes that survived the race are joyfully eaten by a crowd of spectators. Thanks to this tradition, February 12th is turning into a sweet family and friendly holiday in these places.

It should be noted that American pancakes are very different from ours. On this continent, pancakes are lush and look like 2-3 of our pancakes. The best supplement to them is maple syrup.

Personal holiday of Abraham Lincoln

This is the birthday of the national hero of America, who stopped the shame of this country - slavery. This man is known for never giving up. The number of difficulties and failures that fell to his lot is enormous. It seems that fate itself tested him for strength. His childhood was short - at the age of 9, his mother died, and two years earlier the family lost their homes. He constantly lost business, lost various elections, repaid debts. It took him 17 years to pay off one of the debts. Even his bride died. It is unlikely that during the difficult times the February 12 holiday was truly bright for him.

February 12th birthday

Only at the age of 51, Lincoln became the main person in his country - the president. The persistence of his character allowed him to abolish slavery, changing the system of moral values ​​in a vast country. He is the author of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutional Abolition of Slavery. They are rightfully proud of the Americans.

Colorful carnival day

It can be seen in Mexico, which so marks the entry into Great Lent according to Catholic custom. The festival of February 12 opens a carnival week in this vibrant country. It is believed that loud music, dances until the end and carnival costumes drive away evil spirits. The comic parades on the streets under the night fireworks will clearly appeal to evil spirits . About half a million people can gather at the carnival. As part of the carnival, a competition is held for unpublished literary works by local authors.

february 12 orthodox

The carnival has its own queen and the “Scary King” or the most unattractive man of the festival.

Who, besides Lincoln, was born on February 12?

On this day, many wonderful people were born who left their mark on history. Some significant events are also marked this day. So, this very day is considered the birthday of vodka - a century and a half ago Mendeleev defended his thesis "On the Connection of Alcohol with Water." With a light hand of historians, it is believed that it was he who found the ideal proportion of these components and created a forty-degree drink.

Later that day in 1914, the first flight of the “Ilya Muromets” took place - the Sikorsky aircraft, which took 16 passengers on board for the first time in the world.

In the last century, just 60 years ago, a decision was approved to build Baikonur, the world-famous Soviet spaceport.

February 19, 1900, is the birthday of the Soviet Marshal Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, the hero of Stalingrad, one of the Marshals of Victory.

On the same day, but in 1809, Charles Darwin was born, who created his theory of the evolution of living beings.

Orthodox Three Saints or St. Basil's Day

Orthodox feast on February 12 is a day in memory of Vasily the Great, one of the fathers of Orthodoxy. This day is also remembered by John Chrysostom, who received the national name for the gift of eloquence. Together with them, Gregory the Theologian is mentioned, who studied scripture best of all of the first hierarchs .

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