Buttermilk - what is it? For most of today's youth this is a new product, but in Russia it was widely known. Buttermilk is a low-fat cream that is obtained as a result of the manufacture of butter. Despite the fact that the product is a by-product, it has incorporated many useful substances for which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers so highly valued this translucent liquid.
Modern technology has simplified the process of making buttermilk. If earlier it was a laborious process of whipping milk, now sour-milk bacteria are added to skimmed milk, which give it density. On the palate this curiosity resembles baked milk, and they are about the same color.
In dry and condensed form, buttermilk is used in the bakery industry and confectionery. Also, diet cottage cheese, cheese and sour-milk desserts are made from this healing product.
Some housewives use buttermilk as the basis for cold soups, as well as dressing for vegetable salads and sauce for stews. Sweet pastries will be incredibly soft and tender if buttermilk is added to the main ingredients. This product can be eaten as an independent dish. Nutritionists, for example, recommend using it on fasting days.
So buttermilk - what is it? Firstly, as we already understood, this is a useful and nutritious product, and secondly, it is a storehouse of vitamins. Due to the balanced composition and a certain amount of fat, this fermented milk product helps to normalize metabolism.
Regular buttermilk intake helps the liver fight obesity, stabilizes the nervous system and kidneys. A high lactose content normalizes the digestive tract, thereby preventing the growth of bacteria.
We have already figured out what a delicious and healthy product is buttermilk. How to replace it? And is it possible? This is what many people are interested in. If this fermented milk product was not at hand, then you can replace it with yogurt or sour milk, which is easily and quickly prepared. To do this, you need only 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice, as well as tall dishes. Buttermilk thickens within 5-7 minutes after mixing milk with lemon juice. Alternatively, you can use yogurt or whey instead of buttermilk.
We talked a lot about what buttermilk is, what a great basis for baking, but we didn’t give a single recipe. This needs to be fixed, so below you will find an option for an excellent breakfast - lemon pancakes, for the preparation of which you will need such products:
- eggs - 3 pcs.;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
- butter - 20 grams;
- buttermilk - 1 glass;
- corn flour - 1 cup;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
- 1 bag of baking powder;
- zest of 1 lemon;
- soda and salt on the tip of a knife.
Beat eggs, add vegetable oil and buttermilk. In a separate container we mix corn and wheat flour, sugar and zest of a whole lemon. Then add salt, soda and baking powder. Mix the dry ingredients well and add them to the egg mixture. Mix, make sure that there are no lumps. Bake pancakes in butter until golden brown. That's all!
We hope that you have gathered a lot of important information for yourself, for example, what kind of product it is - buttermilk, that this is not only an independent dish, but also a component of your culinary masterpieces.