Children are 2 years old. Child growth 2-3 years: table

All children grow very quickly by leaps and bounds. It seemed that only yesterday you found out about your pregnancy, and today the baby is already trying its best to outgrow the parents. Probably, all mothers remember how they were tormented by some fears and doubts before the baby was born, but now, looking at their child, all doubts and fears disappear: all sleepless nights and spent nerves were not in vain.

Child height 2 5 years

Each house has a little corner where everything is marked with dashes when you measure your children. A new dash appears every month. All parents, without exception, are interested in how the baby grows, because this process is incredibly fast. Next, you will see a table that tells you the correct growth of your baby.

Height of children in cm to 12 years
AgeBoys (cm)Girls (cm)
1 month54.5353.51
2 months57.7156.95
3 months61.3041.60
4 months63.7962.15
5 months66.9263.98
6 months67.9566.60
Seven months69.5667.44
8 months71.1769.84
9 months72.8470.69
10 months73.9172.11
11 months74.9073.60
12 months75.7874.78
1 year 3 months79.4576.97
1 year 6 months81.7380.80
1 year 9 months84.5183.75
2 years88.2786.13
2 years 6 months91.8591.20
3 years97.7295.27
4 years102,44100.56
5 years110.40109.00
6 years115.98115.70
7 years123.88123.60
8 years129.74129.00
9 years136.64136.90
10 years140.33140.30
11 years143.38144.58
12 years150.05152.81

In this article, we consider in detail children aged 2, 2.5, and 3 years. To begin with, the norm for children in this category: children are 2 years old and about 86 cm tall. This is the average for girls and boys. The growth of a child of 2.5 years should be approximately 91 cm, and in 3 it is approximately 96-97 cm.

How do our kids grow up?

2 years old child

What ensures the growth of the child? These are cartilage zones and growth hormone. It is necessary to carefully monitor the development of a child under 18 years of age. Why exactly before 18? Under the influence of sex hormones during puberty, the cartilaginous zones that are responsible for the development of the child are ossified. If there are any deviations, you must definitely consult a doctor, otherwise it will be difficult to cure later. Probably, all parents noticed that the child does not grow equally at each stage of their development, there are certain leaps, the baby grows especially active and gains weight in the first months of his life, during this period your child can grow by 25 centimeters. After this stage, the children grow more slowly, the growth of children in 2 years will increase by about 8-12 centimeters, and after two years it will slow down even more, in three it grows only by 10. Next, your baby will add 4 centimeters in height a year. At the age of about 4-5 years, there are the most striking leaps, but they are caused by the personality of the body.

Factors affecting the development and growth of the baby

growth of children in 2 years

There are a lot of factors that affect the development of your baby - this is a dream, and nutrition, and emotions. For your child to actively develop, he needs proper nutrition, mandatory physical activity, healthy sleep, positive and good emotions, good health. A significant role in the development of the child is played by heredity.

Regarding proper nutrition, pay more attention to dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, since they contain protein and calcium, which are responsible for the proper development of your child. To avoid problems with the growth of the child, you need to feed the baby in a balanced manner.

Dysplasia in children

Violation of growth in children is directly related to a violation of the hormonal background, genetics, heredity. There are two main problems of impaired growth of children - this is gigantism and dwarfism.


child growth after 2 years

We will analyze such a problem as gigantism. Does the child grow very fast and exceed growth rates very much? Then we are talking about gigantism, which is caused by the active production of growth hormone. Typically, such failures occur in adolescence, but there are cases when this problem is detected at the age of about five years. This disease is detected by analysis of hormones and MRI.


child 2 years of small stature

Now go to the other extreme - dwarfism. No matter how hard it is to guess, this is the opposite of gigantism. It can be revealed when a child is much lower than his peers, his development stands in one place and is not going to move forward. This disease manifests itself early, the growth of children at 2 years old may already be an indicator of its development. Therefore, be very attentive to children at the age of 2-3 years. If the child’s growth after 2 years has slowed down significantly, and instead of the prescribed 10 centimeters, and your baby is gaining only 2, then this is a good reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an MRI and hormone test. Follow the development of your children, provide proper and healthy nutrition, eat more fruits and vegetables, then you will ensure your child’s active development.

Features of the development of the child in 2 years

As mentioned earlier, the growth of children at 2 years of age is slightly slowed down, you should not panic about this. Perhaps these are the individual characteristics of his body. But if the child is 2 years of small stature, namely below 80 centimeters, then you should consult a doctor. It can be dwarfism. The child in this period should be as active as possible, must be able to jump, run, step over obstacles. Children at this age are very capricious and emotional, trying to imitate everyone who is close to them. He begins to show his quick wits, for example, catches a bunch of fish, quickly picks up the initiative of the game. If your favorite doll and dishes are nearby, then the toy will be surely fed. The vocabulary of the child is not yet very large, but he can name and show almost all parts of the body, pronounces simple words and phrases. It can fulfill up to three instructions of the type: bring, lay, give. Children at this age can sincerely worry and sympathize, they can regret, help. At the age of two years, the baby already controls his physiological needs, he can partially get dressed, knows where what lies, he can bring his own clothes and shoes.

Features of the development of the child in 2.5 years

A child at this age can already know exactly 2-3 colors, sort objects by geometric shape. In addition, he shows his imagination, and as for role-playing games, the girl will imitate his mother, and the boy will dad, however, so far in a single player game. This is the age of the why. The child begins to be interested in everything. Asks questions: where, what and why. Composes simple sentences of 3-4 words.

Features of the development of the child in 3 years

A child who is 3 years old will not be interested in the same games that they occupied when the child was 2 years old. How tall should a baby be three years old? Both boys and girls are approximately the same height - 96-97 cm. By the age of three, the baby will be happy to jump in height, in length, walk on an inclined board, throw and catch the ball. Unlike younger children, children of three years old can already play with their peers and share their toys. During this period, children like role-playing games, they consciously take a certain role, for example, “mom”, “dad” and the like. As for speech development, complex sentences are used, with words that express emotions, feelings of children.

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