Cat deprivation needs to be treated promptly

Cat deprivation is quite common. It has a fungal nature and affects not only the skin, but also the hairline of the animal, as well as the claws. The fame of this ailment is due to the fact that a person can become infected quite easily. However, infection of a cat from sick people is possible. Infection can occur through the soil, as well as objects with which the affected animal is in contact. It should be remembered that spores of fungi retain their viability for several years.

Lichen in cats can appear anywhere, but still more often affects the ears, tail, paws and muzzle. The incubation period can be from 2 days to several months. Then small spots appear on which the hair is missing or broken off. At the beginning of the disease, they are slightly noticeable, especially difficult to see in animals with long hair. But the disease progresses quickly enough, and soon the spots will begin to increase in size, and their number is growing. In such areas, redness of the skin is observed, and it is covered with scales and crusts. Then itching occurs that bothers the cat, and she tries to lick and comb them. Such behavior of the animal should not be allowed, because in this way the further spread of lichen occurs.

Lichen in cats often occurs with poor nutrition, constant stress, diseases that reduce the efficiency of the immune system, cancer, as well as treatment with immunosuppressants. Some animals are highly resistant to this kind of infection. Others are carriers, but no clinical signs of lichen are observed.

Cat deprivation is superficial, deep and atypical. The clinical manifestations of such a disease are quite diverse, and it is very difficult to make the correct diagnosis on their own. In addition, lichen is similar to some other skin diseases. Therefore, you need to contact a veterinary clinic, where a specialist can perform such diagnostic tests: take a blood and urine test, examine the coat under a microscope and sow. Based on the results obtained, an accurate diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

An attentive owner will immediately notice if his pet is sick. But immediately the question arises: how to treat lichen in a cat? Currently, there are many specially designed antibiotics and ointments that allow you to quickly and effectively cope with lichen. Although more recently, such animals were simply euthanized, because there were no effective drugs, and the cat was a source of infection.

During treatment, the cat must be isolated. To prevent re-infection, disinfect all objects used by the sick animal, and all not particularly necessary things should be destroyed. Processing should be subjected not only to the room in which the cat is located, but also to all other rooms. People who are in contact with her need to strictly follow all the necessary rules of personal hygiene. If a person has weak immunity, then he should avoid communicating with sick animals.

If lichen in cats is found, treatment should not be carried out independently. So you can harm the health of your pet, and significant. Many people think that cats can recover on their own. In some cases, if the disease is mild, this happens. But if the disease progresses rapidly and proceeds in a severe form, then the animal may die. The sooner adequate treatment is started, the faster recovery will come. Preventing the appearance of lichen is much easier than treating it later. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your pet and avoid dubious contacts with other animals, especially stray ones.

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