The cat is one of the first animals trained by man. Many people can no longer imagine their life without them. This article will discuss the proper care of the claws of these pets. After all, it is not enough just to get an animal, it is important to learn how to properly care for it. Not all owners know whether cats can cut their claws.
Unfortunately, not all people who decide to have a pet have a high degree of responsibility and are aware that this is not a toy, but a living creature requiring care. Volunteers from voluntary nurseries provide deplorable statistics.
Many animals found on the street are in the past pets, the owners of which did not calculate their strength. Sometimes the animals themselves bring the animals to the kennels, explaining that the cat or cat has torn up expensive furniture upholstery, wallpaper or spoiled anything else with its claws. Who is to blame? An animal that lives on instincts, or a person who has not taken the proper steps to prevent this situation? It is a pity that not all owners know whether it is possible to cut the claws of a cat in order to protect home furnishings and furniture from damage. If desired, each owner will be able to carry out such a procedure on their own.
How to care for the claws of an animal
Those who decide to have a cat at home, it is important to know how to properly care for its claws. Veterinarians give the following tips:
- It’s easier to teach a small kitten to clipping, and this procedure is unpleasant. You can start it from the second week of life.
- Claws need to be cut to a tired, almost sleepy animal. Some breeders offer to "swaddle" the cat in order to avoid injuries. This advice is not without meaning. With the animal you need to talk, calm, massage his paw pads. Otherwise, it simply will not admit to its claws.
- If the animal is fluffy, then between its claws the hair will grow, which must be trimmed, otherwise it will slide into tangles and seriously complicate the movement of the pet.
Mandatory procedure
Many owners wonder if the cat's nails can be trimmed. Most owners thereby try to protect furniture and walls from damage. It is imperative that the animal cut its claws, as it is rather inconvenient for them to move around with large claws.
There is an erroneous opinion that after cutting the claws of the animal, the habit of sharpening them on furniture disappears. This is not true. Over time, the claws will grow, so the desire to “undermine” them in the kitty will arise automatically, at a reflex level. Nothing can be done with this. However, some veterinarians advise using special silicone caps, and experienced cat breeders agree that they are uncomfortable. Fluffy households are constantly trying to get rid of them. As an alternative, it is proposed to purchase a scratching post. This useful item can become a very attractive interior item. Modern manufacturers of pet products offer customers a huge selection of different options.
Suitable tool for the procedure
Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cut the claws of a cat at home with ordinary scissors. Theoretically, yes, but veterinarians advise using special tools. Today there is a large assortment of such manicure sets for animals. It:
- Files. They must be very stiff, since the claws of the animal are much stronger than human nails.
- Nippers This tool is not recommended for beginners. Keep it at a certain angle. Otherwise, the claw of the animal will begin to exfoliate.
- Trimmer - a stapler. This device is for those who are first performing the procedure with their pet. A simple press on the handle of the tool extends a special blade that instantly removes the claw.
- Special claw scissors.
The basic rule for all tools is that the handle must be made of rubber, otherwise the hand may slip off. Answering the question whether it is possible to cut the claws of a cat with ordinary scissors, it must be said that this is not the best option. As mentioned above, the structure of a cat's claw is somewhat different, so it is better to use special tools to care for them.
Features of the procedure: step-by-step algorithm of actions
Is it possible to trim the cat's claws at home? To make it quite real. Veterinarians recommend following these instructions:
- Prepare hydrogen peroxide and cotton pads. To process tools with an alcohol solution.
- We fix the animal’s paw, hold it tight, but do not cause pain. If the animal is desperately resisting fiercely, in this case, it is better to postpone the clipping of the claws or entrust to professionals. If you try to "twist" a restless pet, then there is a high probability of dislocating his paw.
- Lightly push the fingers on both sides of the soft pad, thereby the claw will appear completely.
- Raise the foot to the light so that the claw is visible. It has a white color, and inside there is a small island of pink. This part of the claw should never be affected, because the animal has nerve endings! Only the white part, i.e. the very tip, needs to be cut.
Thus we process each claw. It should be remembered that cats and cats have five claws on the front legs and four on the hind legs.
During the procedure, we must praise the animal, even if it behaves very badly.
End of procedure
After cutting, each claw is treated with a nail file, and then with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide. At the end of the procedure, you need to give the animal his favorite treat. Over time, thanks to praise and goodies, clipping your claws will become a routine for your pet.
What to do if the animal is injured
If the claw is damaged during the clipping process, the main thing is to remain calm. Uncertainty, stress and fear will intuitively be transmitted to the animal. In this case, we apply hydrogen peroxide to a cotton pad and process the damage site. The physiology of cats is such that their bleeding stops quite quickly.
The frequency of the procedure
We figured out whether it is possible to cut the claws of a cat. How often is this procedure necessary? There is a general rule that a haircut should be done once every two weeks, but this is not a guide to action. The answer to the question is strictly individual for each breeder. The following factors must be considered:
- If the animal has dark claws, then they grow more slowly. You can cut them once every three weeks.
- If a pet likes cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, that is, its food is enriched with calcium, then the claws will grow faster.
- A huge role is played by the lifestyle of the pet. If the animal leads an active lifestyle, then its nails grind themselves. If the cat is bedridden, then he needs a haircut and control procedure.
- It is necessary to periodically inspect the paws of the animal, and from what it has drawn, draw conclusions and make a decision about the timing of the claw.
Is it possible to cut the claws of a cat? Yes you can. The question is how to do it right. If the owner is not sure that he will be able to carry out this procedure correctly without injuring himself or the animal, or the pet has such a temperament that persuasion and swaddling by force do not bring results, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. Now, at veterinary clinics, specialists conduct similar procedures. They will not only correctly, safely and without stress for the animal carry out the procedure, but also give advice on how to properly care for the claws. As for the question, is it possible for a cat to cut its nails with scissors, then the answer is ambiguous. In principle, you can use scissors, but it is better to purchase a special tool for these purposes.