How to check pregnancy at home: features, methods and reviews

For almost every girl, the birth of a new life is the most exciting and wonderful moment! It is advisable to prepare for this in advance and take it seriously. But how to check pregnancy at home? Of course, there are many ways to do this, and in pharmacies there are a considerable number of tests for every taste.

At the same time, there are other methods for determining the fact of motherhood. In addition, some of them have passed the worthy test of time, and their practice spans several centuries. But before we touch them, we recall the main symptoms of pregnancy.

The first signs of successful conception

Some time after the process of conception, any girl can feel some kind of change in general condition. Only often this is associated either with malaise or with malfunctions of the female body. Frequent manifestations are the appearance of pain of a pulling nature in the area of ​​the uterus. But sometimes they can be sharp. Also, in some cases, the girl notices a breakdown and the appearance of thrush.

Ways to check pregnancy at home

How can I check pregnancy at home? First of all, every young girl or woman should carefully listen to herself. In particular, you should pay attention to this:

  • Morning sickness. This is the most common sign by which pregnancy is recognized.
  • Transformation of the female breast. The mammary glands begin to swell, ache, the nipples and their halos darken, their sensitivity increases. And if you press on one of the nipples, colostrum may appear.
  • General weakness. And it comes suddenly. For example, during a normal walk in the fresh air, a woman, for no reason, may feel weakness in her legs and a breakdown.
  • Constant feeling of lack of sleep. There is a desire to take a little nap to sleep well. This is mainly due to the fact that the female body is shocked by the fact that the embryo begins to invade the wall of the uterus. Against this background, general weakness and fatigue appear.
  • Mood swings. This is the surest sign of how to check pregnancy at home. Moreover, this also happens suddenly and without reason. A woman can experience a variety of emotions from hatred of loved ones and a depressed state to uncontrollable joy. This behavior is explained by cardinal hormonal changes in the female body.
  • Frequent urination. If the cause of this is not cystitis, then most likely the conception was successful.
  • Change in body temperature. In the early stages, this should not be surprising, since this phenomenon is very common.
  • Change in appetite. In particular, we are talking about taste preferences - when a woman begins to eat something that she could not bear before the spirit.

But the most important sign that should alert women, especially young girls, is a delay in the menstrual cycle. However, this can be considered as a “diagnosis” of pregnancy only if the cycle is regular and its timing is clearly established. At the same time, overheating in the sun, stressful situations, taking medications also contribute to the appearance of a delay.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Many girls, especially young ones, can be overcome by the question of how to check the gestational age at home without using a variety of tests. For some it is an urgent need, but for others it’s some kind of entertainment in order to satisfy their own interest.

Modern diagnostics

One such tool is online testing. All that is required is to answer simple questions, after which the result will be displayed. In this case, the probability of pregnancy is expressed as a percentage.

But the whole catch is that most of these projects operate on a paid basis. Often, after a woman answers all questions, she will see the result only after she sends an SMS, which, of course, needs a certain amount. In addition, when visiting a antenatal clinic, the gynecologist will ask similar questions, after which the picture can become clear, and the reception will be free of charge.

But not every family has such “wealth”, and then the question of how to check pregnancy at home remains to be solved by acquiring a ready-made pharmacy product. However, there are other popular methods, to the consideration of which we just proceed.

The experience of antiquity

And what did the ancient people do? For example, the Egyptians behaved interestingly, who prepared a special drink from special grass and milk from a nursing mother. And if a woman is pregnant, then this drug caused her vomiting. Jews distinguished themselves no less original in their time - after a woman walked along the grass, her tracks were carefully studied. Pregnant ladies left deep prints.

Ancient egyptian traditions

It is also noteworthy that the diagnosis of pregnancy in ancient times was associated with the study of urine. Moreover, the ways to check pregnancy at home were one more original than the other:

  • Egypt. The resourcefulness of this people is simply amazing. In addition to the drug, there was another technique, which was as follows. The woman’s urine had to be watered with small bags, one of which contained wheat and the other barley. And here it was possible not only to reveal the fact of pregnancy, but also to find out exactly who was born: a boy or a girl. Germination of wheat speaks of the baby, and barley - of the baby.
  • Greece. Before going to bed, the woman drank tincture, where there was honey, wine and anise. The appearance of minor pain in the navel region indicated pregnancy.
  • Italy. Urine was mixed with wine in a ratio of 1 to 1. And if the composition turned out to be transparent, this indicates pregnancy.
  • Germany. In ancient times they did the same as the Egyptians, but instead of wheat and barley there were flower buds. The fact of pregnancy was confirmed by their magnificent blossoming.
  • Slavs. These people were distinguished by no less interesting observation and knew very well how to check pregnancy at home without a test. After the wedding, the young girl was given short beads, which she immediately put on and wore constantly, without taking off. As soon as she feels crowded, then a new life begins under her heart. This is not difficult to explain - in most pregnant women, the thyroid gland slightly enlarges.

Each nationality had its own traditions and methods for determining pregnancy. Some of them may seem strange to us, modern people, others even dangerous, and still others do not cause anything but laughter. Nevertheless, such methods were used by many at that far time, and what is noteworthy, often the reliability of the result was not in doubt.

Basal temperature features

It is time to return to our present and consider one equally effective way, how to check the uterus for pregnancy at home. Moreover, it can be attributed to folk methods, since it has been used for quite some time. Nowadays, it also finds application, because with it you can even plan your pregnancy. It's about basal temperature.

Barley and wheat

All that is needed is a mercury thermometer and a sheet of paper. In this case, the temperature is determined differently (only not under the armpit):

  • in the mouth - you need to keep at least 5 minutes;
  • in the vagina or rectum - keep no more than 3 minutes.

It is necessary to carry out these measurements two days before the expected monthly. Moreover, it is necessary to do this early in the morning, without getting out of bed and doing without sudden movements. After the egg has left the ovary, the temperature remains no higher than 37 ° C. However, if the temperature is higher, you can judge the successful conception. However, before you take a pregnancy test at home, you should be aware of the influence of certain factors on the test results. In particular, temperature changes can be affected by:

  • taking medications;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • stress;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • diseases.

Therefore, on the eve of the test, it is necessary to exclude such factors. It is best to take basal temperature measurements in advance and make a schedule based on daily measurements for several months. Such preparation contributes to successful pregnancy planning.

Soda to help

To dispel all doubts about whether a woman is pregnant or not, ordinary soda, which is in every family, will help. The principle of operation of such a technique is not difficult to explain. In a woman, the acid-base environment shifts towards alkali with the onset of pregnancy. In this regard, this powder is ideal for dough.

How to check for pregnancy at home with soda? To do this, in some prepared container, you must first collect urine and put a spoon of soda in it, and then observe the reaction. If you see a hiss, accompanied by vesicles, then the result is negative - there is no pregnancy. But the situation is completely different if the soda calmly sank to the bottom. This indicates the presence of alkali in the urine, and the woman will have to prepare for the most responsible period in her life.

Use iodine

At home, you can do with such a well-known remedy as iodine. Like soda, it can also be found in every home, and it is suitable due to its special chemical composition. You can check pregnancy at home with iodine in two known ways:

  • Method No. 1. Urine should also be collected in a container (jar or other), then drop a small amount of iodine there. Pregnancy is determined by the presence of a brown speck, otherwise iodine resolves.
  • Method number 2. You need to take a small piece of white paper and moisten it in the urine, after which also apply a little iodine. The fact of pregnancy is confirmed by changing the shade from brown to purple or blue.

In order for the result to be as reliable as possible, some conditions must be taken into account. First of all, the biomaterial must be collected early in the morning and immediately proceed to the test, in order to avoid stagnation of urine. And before you collect urine, you need to wash yourself without soap.

Verification without test

This technique is not confirmed by medicine, but this does not prevent many women from resorting to it. In addition, many expectant mothers have already managed to make sure of its reliability.

What can dreams tell us ...

The superstition of our distant ancestors has virtually no boundaries, and many attached particular importance to what they saw in their dreams. As for the harbingers of an early pregnancy, fish acted as their precursors. At the same time, it does not matter what the woman does with the fish in her dream: she catches it or just holds it in her hands, buys, she cooks, eats.

fish in a dream

But in addition to fish, it is possible to check pregnancy at home using sleep in a different way. And here we are talking about the native element of fish. That is, if a woman in a dream saw how she swims in a pond with crystal clear water, this may be evidence that she will soon become a mother.

The benefits of onions

Predicting with a bow is a pretty controversial and most unusual way of all. Its essence, in fact, comes down more to divination. To do this, you need to take two onions and make a positive result on one of them, while on the other, the opposite, that is, negative. After this, it remains to plant them in a container of water and observe which one will grow earlier to a height of 4-5 cm.

It is immediately clear that such a technique has no scientific justification, since it would never occur to anyone. For the most part, this is just entertainment, rather than a more realistic method for determining pregnancy. That's interesting, does anyone attach importance to this or not?

Help indoor plants

People believe that if you water flowers (indoor or garden) with your urine collected early in the morning, they will grow more magnificent and give rise to new shoots. The result is one - a woman is expecting a baby.

Here, in fact, there is nothing mystical, and everything is explained by the influence of hormones with which the urine of the future mother is saturated. Only here the reliability of the result can be estimated no earlier than 3 days after conception.


Another popular way to check pregnancy at home is to measure the pulse on the stomach in a place that is 7-8 cm below the navel. And if in this zone you can feel the ripple, then the woman can be congratulated on motherhood. Once upon a time, such sensations were considered to be the heartbeat of a child. In fact, it is too early for this, since the embryo has not yet been formed. Everything is explained simply - the pulsation is felt due to improved blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is often observed during pregnancy.

Only now, unfortunately, this method has no scientific substantiation, and therefore its reliability is called into question.

Something blew with metal ...

Folk methods for determining pregnancy have enough supporters, and as they say, if conception was successful, then a woman can feel a characteristic metallic taste in her mouth. Usually this can happen during the very first weeks, which allows you to identify the fact of pregnancy in the very early stages.

How good are folk remedies?

Most of these popular methods for determining pregnancy are not scientifically substantiated and practically do not withstand all kinds of criticism. At the same time, many women learned about their “interesting situation” thanks to just these techniques.

Typically, each of these methods has one result - either yes or no, that is, a probability of 50%. Therefore, to decide whether or not to trust folk remedies is the prerogative of women exclusively.

As far as security is concerned, any of these methods poses no threat. In addition, they carry only positive things for women, satisfying their curiosity. And an invaluable advantage is the fact that you do not need to buy anything, since many of these funds are at hand.


In the framework of this article, not all folk remedies for determining pregnancy are listed. Reviews how to check pregnancy at home are very contradictory. Someone likes one technique, and someone - quite the opposite. It should be understood that all folk methods are indirect methods and it is not worth completely trusting them, even out of curiosity. In addition, most women are strongly advised to turn to medicine and undergo an appropriate examination in order to accurately determine the fact of conception.

pregnancy test

As for folk methods, they can not be completely ignored, but used as an additional measure. Sometimes every woman should listen carefully to herself. In conclusion, it remains to wish all girls and women to take care of themselves, in spite of everything, to avoid bad habits and to fully trust their intuition. Then happiness will always be in the house, and joy will soon appear, moreover, healthy and full!

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